Biden built the Taliban back better! Record Time

1. Withdraw all the American citizens
2. Withdraw the friendlies
3. Withdraw the equipment
4. Bomb the bases back to the Stone Age
5. Withdraw the American troops

Was it really that difficult? Even the stuttering shit clown could have gotten this right... with flash cards and crayons.

"Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up" - anonymous kenyan muzzie dog eater, circa 2020
The left was more worried about making the US military and the AFG’s woke than defending anything. Priorities and all that…
Biden should have thought of that before he took away the AFG’s surveillance support and the contractors teaching them to repair their aircraft/ Helicopters etc..
Now you say that Biden should have left MORE Americans in Afghanistan?
Maybe he was too busy with his defense attorneys and intelligence directors keeping him from being removed from office, at the hands of Stzrok, Comey, Brennan , Schiff and Nadler ,and all the other deep state scumbags.
Actually the Trump legal fight timeline.
In 2017 Trump was busy trying to keep him income taxes from being released.

In 2018 Trump was busy defending against Stormy Daniels.

What you mention didn't come until years later.
And released 5000 Taliban prisoners. Which have now been discovered to be flush with cash, paying former Afghan army soldiers to join them. So where did they get all of that cash? Would have been last year before the election.

Weird that the Trumpies can't face that Trump released 5,000 prisoners to please the Taliban.. Trump sure did flatter them as brave men and fighters. Trump gushed at them.
Maybe he was too busy with his defense attorneys and intelligence directors keeping him from being removed from office, at the hands of Stzrok, Comey, Brennan , Schiff and Nadler ,and all the other deep state scumbags.

Deep State is Trump's paranoid delusion. It gives him someone to blame.
Weird that the Trumpies can't face that Trump released 5,000 prisoners to please the Taliban.. Trump sure did flatter them as brave men and fighters. Trump gushed at them.
Trump also drew down American forces from 12,000 down to 2,500 before Biden even took office.

Maybe he was too busy with his defense attorneys and intelligence directors keeping him from being removed from office, at the hands of Stzrok, Comey, Brennan , Schiff and Nadler ,and all the other deep state scumbags.
Deep State is Trump's paranoid delusion. It gives him someone to blame.
Long before Trump hired lawyers to fight against congress in the Russia investigation. Trump hired lawyers to fight against releasing his taxes, and against Stormy Daniels releasing non-disclosure information.
Now you say that Biden should have left MORE Americans in Afghanistan?
Weren’t you just whining that drawing down the troops hurt Biden in relation to the AFG withdrawal? But apparently cutting and running leaving people behind was AOK. You can’t have it both ways.
They did not tie Biden’s hands. This was fact checked by the AP.

Based on?

“If he thought the deal was bad, he could have renegotiated,” Miller said. “He had plenty of opportunity to do that if he so desired.”

Apparently Trump thinks that Biden is better at the "Art of the deal" than he is.
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Weren’t you just whining that drawing down the troops hurt Biden in relation to the AFG withdrawal? But apparently cutting and running leaving people behind was AOK. You can’t have it both ways.
Trump drew down from 12,000 to 2,500 before Biden took office.
Based on?

“If he thought the deal was bad, he could have renegotiated,” Miller said. “He had plenty of opportunity to do that if he so desired.”

Apparently Trump thinks that Biden is better at the "Art of the deal" than he is.
Actually Biden is incompetent and surrounded himself with woke diversity hires that are also incompetent.
In a few short months the Taliban went from contained, controlled in a constant battle with the Afghan Army and US forces to now having State Sponsorship AND a lucrative deal with Biden's owners at the CCP

Biden: Building back the Taliban bigger better and far more dangerous that in 2000

Quite a deal really. You have an overwhelming power in your country which voluntarily leaves not only giving you the whole country, but leaves you with a billion dollars worth of state of the art arms and military hardware for free you couldn't have hoped to dream for!

Joe Biddum just shot down every anti-gunner argument.

I'm thinking of starting my own rogue nation now to see if I can get in on this and get a cut of the deal.

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