Biden, Burisma, Hunter, payoffs and tape recordings. Oh my!

What’s your point? That they evaded paying taxes? We already know that.
We know about Hunter. The 20 companies haven't filed any returns. They are supposedly some form of a business. Businesses file returns.
What tape?

Have y'all ever managed to demonstrate that the 'tapes' ever existed?
Do you think you can listen to these tapes from a Dan Bongino podcast?

FBI was asked, under oath, if they had the tapes......they refused to answer.
We know about Hunter. The 20 companies haven't filed any returns. They are supposedly some form of a business. Businesses file returns.

LLCs are passthrough entities. They don't pay taxes. Taxes are paid in personal income tax.

Do you think you can listen to these tapes from a Dan Bongino podcast?

FBI was asked, under oath, if they had the tapes......they refused to answer.

So your 'evidence' that they exist is the FBI refusing to talk about the unsubstantiated 1023?

Laughing......I don't think evidence means what you think it means.

Your first challenge is to establish that the 'tapes' ever existed.
The fatwa has fizzled.
When will Comer allow Parnas to testify?

There are two big problems with the narrative presented by Trump and Giuliani, according to activists in Ukraine and others.
... Ukrainian prosecutors and anti-corruption advocates who were pushing for an investigation into the dealings of Burisma and its owner, Mykola Zlochevskiy, said the probe had been dormant long before Biden leveled his demand.
"There was no pressure from anyone from the United States" to close the case against Zlochevskiy, Vitaliy Kasko, who was a deputy prosecutor-general under Shokin and is now first deputy prosecutor-general, told Bloomberg News in May. "It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015," he added.
Activists say the case had been sabotaged by Shokin himself. As an example, they say two months before Hunter Biden joined Burisma's board, British authorities had requested information from Shokin's office as part of an investigation into alleged money laundering by Zlochevskiy. Shokin ignored them.
Kaleniuk and AntAC published a detailed timeline of events surrounding the Burisma case, an outline of evidence suggesting that three consecutive chief prosecutors of Ukraine -- first Shokin’s predecessor, then Shokin, and then his successor -- worked to bury it.
"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.
Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.
But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.
They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

No, simp. Your efforts at deflecting from the facts are what have fizzled.
I think your "liberals" can let the facts speak for themselves.

This one has fizzled.

James Comer: “We have a witness, an informant, and a tape of Biden taking a bribe!"

- although we've not been able to find or talk to the "informant."

- Also, the tape may not actually exist.

- Also, Rudy Giuliani says the witness has died.

Guiliani Associate Lev Parnas debunks GOP ‘misinformation’
about the Bidens and Ukraine
View attachment 807795
'Wee Hand' & 'Big Hand'

View attachment 807797

If all our 'evidence' is this laughable,
we might have to admit that he's the President!"
The Biden Family set up 20 shell companies to disguise payments from foreign adversaries before the funds were distributed to nine family members.

1) Why the need for secrecy via shell companies?

2) What VALID service or product were The Biden’s selling while Joe was VP that garnered them $10 million or more?

3) Why won’t they come out and tell us, and put this matter to rest?
Horse feathers.

Biden haters will cling to the lies that fit their agenda, of course.

When will Comer allow Lev Parnas who aided Giuliani in the Burisma smear campaign to testify under oath?
Then there's that pesky little tape I mentioned.
James Comer: “We have a witness, an informant, and a tape of Biden taking a bribe!"

- although we've not been able to find or talk to the "informant."

- Also, the tape may not actually exist.

- Also, Rudy Giuliani says the witness has died.
Laughing.....your 'star witness' was indicted for being an agent of China.

The 'secret tapes' never existed.

And 'judgment day' couldn't show a single crime. Let alone by Joe Biden.

So what. Corrupt DOJ does everything possible to protect the Biden crime family.

What you blissfully ignore is ALL of the people involved were doing the SAME deals.

But only the whistleblower is indicted.

So simple a moron could understand.

So why can't you?

What is below moron?

So what. Corrupt DOJ does everything possible to protect the Biden crime family.

What you blissfully ignore is ALL of the people involved were doing the SAME deals.

But only the whistleblower is indicted.

So simple a moron could understand.

So why can't you?

What is below moron?


So you've got jackshit of any crime by Joe Biden. And your ilk's promises of evidence against Joe have fallen flat again and again and again.

Your 'judgment day' has gone so badly in fact that you're now inventing conspiracies to explain your pathetic failures.

Good luck with that.
No, it proves that y'all don't know shit about LLCs or how they work. LLCs are passthrough entities. They don't pay taxes. Any taxes owed are paid as personal income tax.

There are no degrees for Youtube University.
LLC’s also have a business purpose. What was the purpose of these 20 shell companies, other than to disguise extortion payments from our foes?
So you've got jackshit of any crime by Joe Biden. And your ilk's promises of evidence against Joe have fallen flat again and again and again.

Your 'judgment day' has gone so badly in fact that you're now inventing conspiracies to explain your pathetic failures.

Good luck with that.
The 20 shell companies, with funds received from America’s foes, and distrusted to nine Biden family members, and which have no identified business purpose, ARE evidence.
LLC’s also have a business purpose. What was the purpose of these 20 shell companies, other than to disguise extortion payments from our foes?

What was the purpose of Trump's 500 LLCs?

You tell me.

I'm still cracking up about your ilk's insistence that an LLC - a passthrough entity that doesn't pay taxes - must be shady because it didn't file tax returns.
The 20 shell companies, with funds received from America’s foes, and distrusted to nine Biden family members, and which have no identified business purpose, ARE evidence.

And by 'America's foes', you mean businesses in China and Ukraine? How is Burisma 'America's foe' exactly?
What was the purpose of Trump's 500 LLCs?

You tell me.

I'm still cracking up about your ilk's insistence that an LLC - a passthrough entity that doesn't pay taxes - must be shady because it didn't file tax returns.
He had all sorts of businesses - from real estate to products to services - and were on record.

What businesses were the Bidens’ 20 LLCs in, and why were they secret?
He had all sorts of businesses - from real estate to products to services - and were on record.

What businesses were the Bidens’ 20 LLCs in, and why were they secret?
Trump has 500 different businesses? Care to back that up with evidence?

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