Biden, Burisma, Hunter, payoffs and tape recordings. Oh my!

Idiot, those are some of the reported findings by the House Oversight Committee investigating the Bidens. Don't you even follow the biggest news stories? Do you need led by the nose to find the biggest story to ever hit the news, that Joe Biden and his family are yet another group of traitors following in the Clinton footsteps SPLASHED all over the headlines of every paper for weeks? You need a link to that? Where do you live, with your head in the toilet?
The reason that leftist seems oblivious to what’s going on is because he just watches lib media - and they’re suppressing it. The leftists actually think the criminal is Trump, because that’s the way our weaponized government and complicit media Is positioning it.

The truth is that the Biden bribes, distributed to family members, with money coming from China, via fake companies, is the biggest scandal in presidential history during my lifetime.
Buried in all this is the MAJOR news about the FBI document outlining how to set up shell companies to hide millions in bribes, then….the money is distributed to nine Biden family members - and the only thing people see is the activity in front of the courthouse in Miami about Trump.

Worry not. That the MSM are complicit in the Biden crime coverup is nothing new--- those that only know what they print in the MSM are hopeless fools anyway who would never know or believe anything else regardless Meanwhile, anyone with half a brain in this world already knows that while there is no precedent nor basis for the insane charges being brought against Trump, there is a bounty of increasing, thickening evidence that Joe Biden is a traitor working for foreign governments! And the facts are all that matter, not what can be proven to the local idiots on the streets, meanwhile, in all of this, the one sure thing the Left have accomplished here is that Trump is POLLING 7 POINTS HIGHER IN ALL THE POLLS!

The reason that leftist seems oblivious to what’s going on is because he just watches lib media - and they’re suppressing it. The leftists actually think the criminal is Trump, because that’s the way our weaponized government and complicit media Is positioning it.

The truth is that the Biden bribes, distributed to family members, with money coming from China, via fake companies, is the biggest scandal in presidential history during my lifetime.
It's cute how both you and toobfreak make the same accusation but fail to provide a link for proof...and then you give each other reassurances by parroting the same talking points you refuse to link proof of.

It's sad, really; like a train wreck in slow motion.

Oh well, enjoy coddling each other while I wait for the links.
That you're hilariously stupid for believing Grassley.
That’s what the partisan hack libtards like you would say. My question is what will liberals (overall) say about the subject? I didn’t ever expect a moron like you to be able to do that.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a thousand times, I must be a Trump cultist.
No. Just a hack libtard. Which you are. So, it works out.
(I do hope the Trump cultists all walk around with bike helmets on, because they clearly need to.)
I don't know. Is that your thing? Ask stupid question that people couldn't possibly know and claim that is proof of something nefarious?

Are you saying that anyone who didn't release LLC info on taxes, in accordance with current laws, is probably guilty of something and should be investigated?

Should we compile a list of those people?

No I’m saying you wet your panties for 6 years over Trumps tax returns and your a typical leftist hypocrite.
Thread summary:

Conservatives make an unsupported accusation.

Liberals ask for actual evidence.

Conservatives piss themselves and run.

You know, the usual.
Your post recap:

Lie after lie.

Speaking of which, what would an accurate transcript of the audio recording of Trump speaking — the one alluded to in the Smith indictment — actually reflect?

You libtards won’t have any ability to answer because — as you mental midgets say — you have no tape.

But that’s different somehow.
That’s what the partisan hack libtards like you would say. My question is what will liberals (overall) say about the subject? I didn’t ever expect a moron like you to be able to do that.
The purpose of that weepy rant was to deflect from the fact that you _still_ don't have any actual evidence.

You fall for the same scam every time. But then, if you could learn from your mistakes, you wouldn't be part of the Trump cult.
The purpose of that weepy rant was to deflect from the fact that you _still_ don't have any actual evidence.
The purpose of your rant was to claim that “we” don’t have evidence? How do you know that? How do you know that the alleged tapes haven’t been recovered?
You fall for the same scam every time.
You are projecting. Again.
But then, if you could learn from your mistakes, you wouldn't be part of the Trump cult.
Im not. You’re the fools in the cult. Or as Brandon would say, “threpaergnenragnor.”
Please provide the link of proof I am not interested in your rambling incoherent accusations. I'm waiting.

"Rambling incoherent accusations," good one! :21:
I guess 2+2=4 could be considered rambling and incoherent to a broken calculator! :lmao:

No I’m saying you wet your panties for 6 years over Trumps tax returns and your a typical leftist hypocrite.
Now you are making more things up to cover for the things you made up.

While your linking proof of your accusations for Biden feel free to link me where I ever bitched about Trump's taxes.
The purpose of your rant was to claim that “we” don’t have evidence? How do you know that?
Because you refuse to provide it.


This isn't complicated. If you had evidence, you could provide it. And you would provide it, because it would prove your case.

You won't provide it. That means you don't have it.
"Rambling incoherent accusations," good one!
Still no actual eveidence from you, cult boi. All you gave us was links to various kook liars _saying_ that someone had evidence. While that's good enough for Trump cult pissdrinkers, normal people just laugh at how lame and dishonest it is.

So, you have no actual evidence.

You suck hard at lying. Why do you keep trying? It's not like you're fooling anyone.
Because you refuse to provide it.

Wrong, manboob, you imbecile. All Grassley noted was that the one bribed in Burisma claimed to have kept recordings. He didn’t say that the alleged recordings have been shared yet.

You have a lot of difficulty following simple statements.
This isn't complicated. If you had evidence, you could provide it.
I don’t recall anybody saying that we had the alleged recordings. Maybe you can quote that post with a link?
And you would provide it, because it would prove your case.
If we had it in our possession, I’d say that’s probably true. But, then again, I don’t know anybody who said we have any such alleged tapes.
You won't provide it. That means you don't have it.

Never said we did.

You’re really amazingly stupid.
Conservatives make an unsupported accusation.
MAMOOTH SUMMARY: Progs deny all sopurces, all evidence.

Liberals ask for actual evidence.
Liberals ask for evidence already headlined in news for weeks with 30 threads devoted to it here all that time which they claim to have never seen nor read.

Conservatives piss themselves and run.
Progs stick their heads deeper up their asses that the only real news here is the banking and financial records uncovered by the House that Biden is a traitor and has been running numerous shell corporations with his family for years taking in million in bribes from foreigners for favors exchanged because they know that Biden has no where to go but down even as Trump polls higher and higher with little chance anything substantive will ever be proven against him much less keep him out of the election! Meanwhile, without Biden, THEY ARE SUNK--- not only don't democrats even want Biden to run again, they want Harris EVEN LESS! :auiqs.jpg:
Wrong, manboob, you imbecile. All Grassley noted was that the one bribed in Burisma claimed to have kept recordings. He didn’t say that the alleged recordings have been shared yet.
What part about "someone saying they have evidence is not the same as actually having evidence" is confoozing you so much here?

The problem here is that you fail at the most basic logic. That's why the Trump cult was able to suck you in so easily. Debating you is like trying to debate a chimp. You don't have the mental capability for intelligent discussion.

I don’t recall anybody saying that we had the alleged recordings.
But if your masters had them, they'd release them. They won't, so they don't.

"You" covers you and your masters. In grade school, you should have learned that "you" can represent the second-person plural.

Why not just admit you have no evidence, and that you're believing entirely based on faith in your fascist masters? I mean, sure, they've hoodwinked you a thousand times before with similar claims, but this time has to be different, right?
All you gave us was links to various kook liars
Just as I said: Now the New York Post, CBS, Newsweek, Fox News, CNN and Law Enforcement Daily are all "kook liars!" That is how an ostrich shoves his head in the sand then declares: "I SEE NOTHING! I SEE NOTHING!"

So, you have no actual evidence.
You mean YOU have no evidence. You don't have one shred of evidence that Trump has so much as a parking ticket in his life. Meanwhile, the House has all of the Biden evidence and is gathering more every day as they release a little here and there leading up to the impeachment of Joe Biden.

You suck hard at lying.
I heard the same thing about you. You suck hard. Very hard. I hear that gets you a lot of dates.
Just as I said: Now the New York Post, CBS, Newsweek, Fox News, CNN and Law Enforcement Daily are all "kook liars!"
Why do you say they're all liars?

I have no idea exactly what triggered you there, or what you're crying about.

You mean YOU have no evidence. You don't have one shred of evidence that Trump has so much as a parking ticket in his life.
Sure I do. I've seen the indictment.

Our side has presented the evidence to a court, and shown everyone the evidence. Your side ... won't. Because they have no evidence.

What evidence do you have? As I keep saying, "Well, someone said they had evidence!" is not actual evidence.
What part about "someone saying they have evidence is not the same as actually having evidence" is confoozing you so much
I’m not the confused one. Clearly, that’s you. I’m busy trying to educate your stupid ass.
The problem here is that you fail at the most basic logic.
You’d never know. You can’t find it.
That's why the Trump cult was able to suck you in so easily.
I have never been sucked in. You are by the Brandon cult of libtarded Democraps.

You tool.
Debating you is like trying to debate a chimp.
No. Debating me simply frustrates brain dead pussies like you. You can’t get a handle on facts or logic.
You don't have the mental capability for intelligent discussion.
Your confusion and projection is showing again.
But if your masters had them, they'd release them. They won't, so they don't.
Again, you make shit up. I don’t recall seeing anybody claim yet that those alleged tapes have been recovered. You retard. And you don’t recall that either. You’re just lying again.
"You" covers you and your masters.

I’m not one with a master. Im not a libtarded Democrap.
In grade school, you should have learned that "you" can represent the second-person plural.
If you’d have asked, I could have told you that.
Why not just admit you have no evidence

Again. I never said we had the evidence. Nobody I know of has made that claim except you. And you’re a liar.
and that you're believing entirely based on faith in your fascist masters?
I don’t have masters much less fascist masters. I’m still not a libtarded Democrap.
I mean, sure, they've hoodwinked you a thousand times before with similar claims, but this time has to be different, right?
I mean, sure. Another false claim from a libtarded hack.

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