Biden, Burisma, Hunter, payoffs and tape recordings. Oh my!

100%. If you fliter out the RedState and GatewayPundit hysterics and look at what Grassley has said, he's critiquing the FBI for not looking into the issue,

Grassley never claims to have heard the recordings, nor that the FBI has them, nor that they've been verified to exist. He's using the FD-1023 form allegations as a foil to criticize the FBI for not digging deeper.

"The 1023 also indicates that then-Vice President Joe Biden may have been involved in Burisma employing Hunter Biden," Grassley said.

Grassley demanded answers on "what, if anything has the Justice Department and FBI done to investigate?"

"The Justice Department and FBI must show their work," Grassley said. "They no longer deserve the benefit of the doubt."

Grassley's comments are actually very slow pitch. He's criticizing the FBI for not dedicating more resources to the FD-1023 form, especially after all the focus and time on Trump.

Its pretty generic. Its timing is likely motivated by Trump's arraignment tomorrow.
Thank you Mr Stzrok . Lol

What will our liberals say now?
The best ever explanation for Jack the Smith in cahoots with
the now " Corrupted " FBI and certain Dirty U.S. Attorneys
along with the Most dispicably One-sided carnival of
Donald Trump Hating Legacy Media is NOW exposed and
simple.It has to do with Headlines.
The Left is so Funky fudgy that they crave a headline.
That Trump gets ... ArrEsTeD
The best ever explanation for Jack the Smith in cahoots with
the now " Corrupted " FBI and certain Dirty U.S. Attorneys
along with the Most dispicably One-sided carnival of
Donald Trump Hating Legacy Media is NOW exposed and
simple.It has to do with Headlines.
The Left is so Funky fudgy that they crave a headline.
That Trump gets ... ArrEsTeD
Even if TDS was accidentally spawned, its' manifestation turned out to be the perfect intelligence psyop.
Even if TDS was accidentally spawned, its' manifestation turned out to be the perfect intelligence psyop.
This is manifestly so simple.All the Left { Biden } and his loyalists
have is Headlines and Faux News.Like Russian Collusion and
Quid Pro Quo.Cheap { like early versions of supermarket
Inquirer tabloids }.
This is manifestly so simple.All the Left { Biden } and his loyalists
have is Headlines and Faux News.Like Russian Collusion and
Quid Pro Quo.Cheap { like early versions of supermarket
Inquirer tabloids }.
I thought Biden looked familiar! He is batboy from weekly world news all grown up!

What proof can you offer Bluto.

You’re too stupid to blink.

You were carping about the tenor of my reply, but you ignore that you got back what you yourself served.

You’re worthless.
Because, if they exist, they are very likely to corroborate the alleged bribery.
If " WHO " exists.That is the Question.
Used to be much simpler.Like in Dante's times.Or Martin
Luther.Or take yer pick.
Ever since Mankind learned to communicate and
express their wants,desires and needs ... Things got sticky.
Like a visit to a Bordello or house of ill repute
Mankind may have been born to seek out such
but then :
" Every man has hated mankind when he was
less than a man. "
-- Chesterton
Last edited:
I thought Biden looked familiar! He is batboy from weekly world news all grown up!
My bad.Poor grammar.I should have writ ...
All the Left { Biden } and his Loyalist have { ARE }
Not " is " Headlines .. Blah-blah blahbity blah-blah.!
So, Trump cultists, any progress with this conspiracy theory?


Well, keep trying. I'm sure it's totally unlike the previous hundred times you all said the DemocratsWereDoomedToAllGoToPrison, ThisTimeForSure.
You’re definitely an imbecile. But you aren’t even slightly entertaining.
Lol I can always count on you to be a giant retard. Good stuff. Let me know when those tapes get played for everyone to hear. Till then your words are empty as usual.
Lol I can always count on you to be a giant retard. Good stuff. Let me know when those tapes get played for everyone to hear. Till then your words are empty as usual.
You bring a rich new level of bland to your ever present volume of dull.

As I have noted several times, I don’t know whether the alleged tapes exist and even if they do whether they are in the hands of anybody but the old Burisma boy who made the recordings.

Similarly, you’ve never heard the recording referenced in the Trump federal indictment in Florida. So, you’re a hypocrite and a gasbag, but you remain perpetually unpersuasive. 👍

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