Biden Cabinet Member openly calls for censorship by big tech companies.

Really? Your VP says that the border is secure, yet a bunch of illegal immigrants were dumped at her house a few days ago. Why is that?

The fact is that they are requesting asylum and the law says they have to request it within the US. The Republican Party is the party of King Herod. Evil. Biden needs to quit being Mr Nice Guy and start arresting Abbott and De Santis.
You have not read about the Twitter files dump that shows the collusion between twitter and the federal government? Are you living in a cave. All of it has been posted here.

A fake file dump. Notice they are releasing select records.
The fact is that they are requesting asylum and the law says they have to request it within the US. The Republican Party is the party of King Herod. Evil. Biden needs to quit being Mr Nice Guy and start arresting Abbott and De Santis.
So you believe we should take them in, but you want to arrest Abbott and DeSantis for transporting them to your cities. You're a little confused today, huh.
Of course they did, they had weekly meetings with Twitter to censor Covid speech they didn't like, the Hunter Biden laptop story etc. It was widespread. You pretend it didn't happen because you approved this illegal behavior. You are a fascist commie scumbag.

You are the Nazi commie. They did not have weekly meetings. Social media companies were made aware of Russian attempts to interfere in our elections. They also were urging social media companies of false information about covid such as digesting bleach as Trump suggested.
So you believe we should take them in, but you want to arrest Abbott and DeSantis for transporting them to your cities. You're a little confused today, huh.

It is something concerning kidnapping and conspiring to do so. You are the one who is an out and out idiot.

That was easy.
Not sure WTF you think that link does beyond making you look like an idiot.

Now, show us what legal expenses Twitter incurred by censoring organizations and individuals at the FBI’s behest, Simp.
There is no allowance for lying to the people. That's NOT free speech, that's disinformation meant to misinform and inflame hatred. Hate speech against minorities should never be allowed - like Holocaust Denial.
Yes Stupid, the first amendment covers lies. People are free to deny the holocaust too, Stupid.

You are a KKKanadian Halfwit who constantly exposes your complete and total ignorance of the US Constitution. You just did it again.

Why don’t you STFU about America and fix your own shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for simply disagreeing with your cuck PM Dragonlady
You fools just go batshit crazy on zero evidence every single time, while completely denying real evidence that you're being lied to and manipulated. There really is no cure for stupid.
Well, we all know your stupidity is terminal.
The government is the central power.

RIGHTS are to the people, not to the central power.

Although your views align perfectly with those of Benito Mussolini- which makes sense since your party effectively follows him.

The government has rights as well. Like making a request.

Not true, most of the suppression of Covid data was under Xi's Biden regime.

Despite your speculation, I'm not talking about COVID data. This is about the fed making requests of Twitter to not post something. Most of the Twitter dumps I have seen have taken place during Trump's administration.

Oh, so you've lied it into "Republicans" created the Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory now? I guess you can lie anything to serve your Reich.

Not a lie. Which Democrat appointed Mueller?

The STASI actually demanded, and became enraged when Twitter didn't move fast enough to crush free speech.

They did not demand. You are makeing stuff up now.

So, if a teacher doesn't compel students to pray to Jesus, it's fine to pray in the classroom...

Students can pray to themselves in class whenever they want too.

If the FCC doesn't compel NBCCP to fire all black people - it's fine to ask them to.

No. That would likely violate civil rights.

No, it isn't. The fed is the federal reserve. Other agencies are listed by their name, STASI, Gestapo, Department of Injustice, et al.

Ok. Sorry to cause your meltdown. I won't use the term fed again in this thread as a way to shorten the federal government.

You need an introduction to civics class. The federal (feral) government has POWERS, it does not have "rights."

Whatever. I am not getting into a semantics arguement about rights and powers when it really isn't relevant.

The federal government has the power to request Twitter to not post something.

BECAUSE government has power, the people have declared rights to protect them from abuses of government power.



Governments neither have nor need "rights." What they have is enumerated and implied powers.
Ok. You can quit beating this dead horse.
Misinformation should not be allowed on social media sites. There is no censorship rights as social media is not a part of the government. There is no conspiracy for a government official to ask social media sites to conduct their business in a responsible manner. The Constitution does not apply here.
Yes, the Constitution applies. It is illegal for the Government to conspire with anyone to censor speech. They clearly did with Twitter.
The fact is that they are requesting asylum and the law says they have to request it within the US. The Republican Party is the party of King Herod. Evil. Biden needs to quit being Mr Nice Guy and start arresting Abbott and De Santis.
The law doesn't say that, dumbass.

How is enforcing your borders "evil?"

Arresting them for what, doing what's best for America?
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