Biden Official Ripped

We don't know what the number has been historically, because people chose to go along to get along.....but whatever the number is, their rights should not be subordinate to your sense of decency...

We know the number is very small, and their "Rights" don't negate the real Rights of those they interfere with.
Deflect much?

I have always been consistent in my support for good cops, and my condemnation of bad cops.

You, on the other hand have been consistent in your support for child grooming.


Guess that makes you......
Given your standard of evidence, you must be a transsexual...
We don't know what the number has been historically, because people chose to go along to get along.....but whatever the number is, their rights should not be subordinate to your sense of decency...

Otherwise known as being "normal" or the default human condition, of being either male or female, and being heterosexual.
Biology only recognizes male, female and sub 1% genetic abnormalities. everything else is either a mental condition, a delusion, or a fetish.
Trans people don't claim to actually have the biological make up of the opposite sex. They experience dysphoria because the sexual identity they have of themselves in their brains does not match their sexual physiology. It is an abnormality and it does only occur in a small percentage of human beings. That doesn't mean it's not real or that the best way to treat it is to yell at trans people to believe something their brains a literally incapable of.
Trans people don't claim to actually have the biological make up of the opposite sex. They experience dysphoria because the sexual identity they have of themselves in their brains does not match their sexual physiology. It is an abnormality and it does only occur in a small percentage of human beings. That doesn't mean it's not real or that the best way to treat it is to yell at trans people to believe something their brains a literally incapable of.

Some may experience clinical dysphoria, the rest are fetishists or have been brought along by the current group hysteria over being "different yet the same" by being part of the LGBT+IAzenwhatreverletterweareupto trend.

Most classic cases of dysphoria emerge early in childhood, not the puberty level onset we are seeing, mainly in young girls.

And even in classic dysphoria cases convincing the person to accept biology is the best treatment, because anything else is just a poor copy or replication of the thing they desire.
Trans care is only about feelings, not reality, and the idiotic concept that what you think becomes reality. Not just your reality, but everyone else's.
In terms of identity feelings do matter and the way people feel about themselves is tied directly to the chemical processes in their brains. That is real. That is biology. That is science. Your thoughts and feelings don't come from fairies or sky daddy, they come from your brain.
It sells false promises, bullies anyone who disagrees, and supports the mutilation of children.
Bigots who pick on people with medical conditions should be bullied as ferociously as if we caught some asshat picking on a blind person.
I'd be more concerned about the upcoming backlash, not only from traditional types, but non-crazy LGB people who are realizing they let the wrong people into their little club.
I'm not concerned at all. The LGB community understands and remembers the demands from bigots to prove that their feelings of love towards the same sex were genuine and not a made up abomination.
Some may experience clinical dysphoria, the rest are fetishists or have been brought along by the current group hysteria over being "different yet the same" by being part of the LGBT+IAzenwhatreverletterweareupto trend.
That is your claim, now see if you can provide any bit of credible evidence to support it.
Most classic cases of dysphoria emerge early in childhood, not the puberty level onset we are seeing, mainly in young girls.
Again, is there any evidence what you claim is true?
And even in classic dysphoria cases convincing the person to accept biology is the best treatment, because anything else is just a poor copy or replication of the thing they desire.
Where's the proof of the success in this sort of treatment?
In terms of identity feelings do matter and the way people feel about themselves is tied directly to the chemical processes in their brains. That is real. That is biology. That is science. Your thoughts and feelings don't come from fairies or sky daddy, they come from your brain.

Bigots who pick on people with medical conditions should be bullied as ferociously as if we caught some asshat picking on a blind person.

I'm not concerned at all. The LGB community understands and remembers the demands from bigots to prove that their feelings of love towards the same sex were genuine and not a made up abomination.
Bigots who pick on people with medical conditions should be bullied as ferociously as if we caught some asshat picking on a blind person.
Including being kicked to the ground and micturated upon?

Just askin'

For friends...
In terms of identity feelings do matter and the way people feel about themselves is tied directly to the chemical processes in their brains. That is real. That is biology. That is science. Your thoughts and feelings don't come from fairies or sky daddy, they come from your brain.

Bigots who pick on people with medical conditions should be bullied as ferociously as if we caught some asshat picking on a blind person.

I'm not concerned at all. The LGB community understands and remembers the demands from bigots to prove that their feelings of love towards the same sex were genuine and not a made up abomination.

It's abnormal biology. Also abnormal is telling people you can fix the problem by mutilating them.

Blind people don't willfully go blind. nice try.

Ever hear of the term "A Bridge too Far"?
That is your claim, now see if you can provide any bit of credible evidence to support it.

Again, is there any evidence what you claim is true?

Where's the proof of the success in this sort of treatment?

The evidence is the news we see and hear every day.

Common sense dictates that making a person accept who they are is far better than mutilating them to give a sad approximation of what they think they want.
It's abnormal biology.

No. You just sound scared.
Also abnormal is telling people you can fix the problem by mutilating them.
We fix people by cutting them open and rearranging parts all the time. Sometimes we even poison them to make them better. If you're a squeamish little bitch then medicine might not be for you.
Blind people don't willfully go blind. nice try.
And trans people aren't willfully trans, they are biologically trans.
Ever hear of the term "A Bridge too Far"?
Ever heard the phrase, "Suck it"? 😆
The evidence is the news we see and hear every day.
What news? Stories your share around the trailer park camp fire might be lacking in credibility.
Common sense dictates that making a person accept who they are is far better than mutilating them to give a sad approximation of what they think they want.
People don't go to medical school for "common" sense you simple idiot. 😆

No. You just sound scared.

We fix people by cutting them open and rearranging parts all the time. Sometimes we even poison them to make them better. If you're a squeamish little bitch then medicine might not be for you.

And trans people aren't willfully trans, they are biologically trans.

Ever heard the phrase, "Suck it"? 😆

We don't re-arrange working parts, and if you are talking about Chemo for cancer treatment, that is a stretch.

Ones with gender dysphoria, actual gender dysphoria, maybe. The rest are fetishists and fellow travellers.

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