Biden Cabinet Member openly calls for censorship by big tech companies.


Oh, so PARTS of the 1st Amendment matter - just not the free speech parts...

Yes, free speech matters. That is why you should support the fed excercising their free speech rights by making a request.

Not true - most of it happened under and at the behest of Xi's Biden regime. The election tampering during the Trump presidency was done by the STASI on behalf of, and at the behest of, the fascist DNC.

Biden wasn't president when most of this happened.

Your conspiracies make you seem desperate.

Once Quid Pro became Resident this expanded - less chance of getting caught.

The STASI and the fascist party never considered that Elon Musk would buy Twitter and expose this treason..

Their was no treason, only requests to not post things.

What they did was shit all over the 1st Amendment in order to corrupt our election process and promote the authoritarian lockdowns.
They didn't. The fed exercised their first amendment rights and made a request to twitter.
Oh? Because religion is bad and must be suppressed?

No. Because of the constitution.

But wait, you're defending censoring speech not approved of by your Reich, so you must view free speech as bad too?

No. I support free speech in accordance with the law.

Do you support outlawing Fox News?


You know, go for a trifecta of shitting on civil rights? Demand freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press all be revoked?
You are talking nonsense.
Yes, free speech matters. That is why you should support the fed excercising their free speech rights by making a request.

Right, so we need to protect "free speech" by government. It's just words from the peasants that need to be outlawed...


Biden wasn't president when most of this happened.

It started when Trump was still president, but once Quid Pro became Resident, the flood gates were opened.

Your conspiracies make you seem desperate.

What conspiracies?

You mean "Rushing coalushun?" :lmao:

The Twitter files are established fact.
Their was no treason, only requests to not post things.

The FBI deliberately thwarting the 1st Amendment to corrupt our elections is treason in my book.

They didn't. The fed exercised their first amendment rights and made a request to twitter.

The fed? You mean the federal reserve bank?

The STASI has no civil rights - they are a police agency - civil rights laws are established to protect the people FROM them - you moron.
No. Because of the constitution.

You mean the one you support violating?

No. I support free speech in accordance with the law.

Oh, so Congress must make law defining acceptable speech and enforce speech necessary to power by the state?

Well Seig Heil to you too..


You are talking nonsense.

Hey, you demand freedom of speech and freedom of religion be crushed - might as well go all in.

I mean, I'm sure you celebrate the imprisonment of those who dared protest against Biden at the Reichstag Fire...
Right, so we need to protect "free speech" by government. It's just words from the peasants that need to be outlawed...


Yes. The governments right to make requests should be protected.

It started when Trump was still president, but once Quid Pro became Resident, the flood gates were opened.

Nearly all the info in the releases has been under Trump's watch. That said I still support Trump's right to have the FBI make requests.

What conspiracies?

You mean "Rushing coalushun?" :lmao:

Russian collision. Lol, another Republican fail but hardly relevant to this topic.

The Twitter files are established fact.

Yeah, the fact that the fed simply made a request.

The FBI deliberately thwarting the 1st Amendment to corrupt our elections is treason in my book.

If they didn't compel Twitter to not post stuff then you need not worry. The first amendment was not thwarted.

The fed? You mean the federal reserve bank?

No. Short for federal government.

The STASI has no civil rights - they are a police agency - civil rights laws are established to protect the people FROM them - you moron.
People in the federal government have constitutional rights. I can't believe you don't know this.

And to think I used to think you knew about the constitution. Lol. You won't be fooling me again.
You mean the one you support violating?

I don't support violating it because the fed making a request doesn't violate it.

Oh, so Congress must make law defining acceptable speech and enforce speech necessary to power by the state?

I doubt that would fly by SCOTUS.

Well Seig Heil to you too..

Hey, you demand freedom of speech and freedom of religion be crushed - might as well go all in.

No I don't.

I mean, I'm sure you celebrate the imprisonment of those who dared protest against Biden at the Reichstag Fire...
I do. They broke the law.
Yeah, doesn't at all support your claim.

Which hate site are you pulling this idiocy from? Legal Insurrection? Young Turks?
It's from Twitter. Lol.

How does Twitter posting the legal processes involved not address my claim? Certainly you didn't expect me to have access to real time itemized transaction data from their accounting office did you?

Of course Elon can release this if he wants and the government can even request he do so. Either would be perfectly legal.

You are embarrassing yourself.
The regime is out of control and needs to be hauled into court for their blatant disregard of the First Amendment.

The Govt is prohibited from conspiring with private entities to censor speech. Just because they don't like said speech doesn't mean the Constitution is null and void.

Bring on the spin, Democrats.

There is no allowance for lying to the people. That's NOT free speech, that's disinformation meant to misinform and inflame hatred. Hate speech against minorities should never be allowed - like Holocaust Denial.
There is no allowance for lying to the people. That's NOT free speech, that's disinformation meant to misinform and inflame hatred. Hate speech against minorities should never be allowed - like Holocaust Denial.
Yes, lying is free speech, you witless baboon. Putting the government in charge of policing "misinformation" is the police state. You made it plain that you're a tool of totalitarianism.

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