Biden Cabinet Member openly calls for censorship by big tech companies.

They are being lied to and being tricked into boarding the buses. State governments do not enforce immigration laws, the federal government does.
Then why did all those left at Martha’s Vinyard thank the Governor for sending them there……… hour before the Sanctuary City called in the National Guard to have them immediately deported from Martha’s Vineyard?
Nope. Government has powers, granted to it by the people and constrained by the Constitution.
Ok. Who cares. The federal government has the power to request Twitter not post something.

Like I have told other armchair lawyers in this thread. File a suit.
The government has rights as well. Like making a request.

False, and stupidly so.

The government has powers.

Despite your speculation, I'm not talking about COVID data. This is about the fed making requests of Twitter to not post something. Most of the Twitter dumps I have seen have taken place during Trump's administration.

It doesn't look like you have "seen" any of them and are relying on democrat hate sites to tell you what you think.
Not a lie. Which Democrat appointed Mueller?

The democrat house DEMANDED it.

They did not demand. You are makeing stuff up now.

I am?


Oh wait, you're just lying.

Students can pray to themselves in class whenever they want too.

Not really, but irrelevant. YOU claim it's fine for government authority figures to make unconstitutional requests, then tie yourself in absurd knots trying to say as long as it's not religious.

I understand, you've never read the 1st amendment you're trying to crush and don't grasp that freedom OF religion is the first item.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

You have advocated violating every tenet of this Constitutional edict in this thread.

No. That would likely violate civil rights.

You mean, like the STASI crushing the right to speak?

YOU keep saying it's fine as long as they are only asking to crush free speech, so why is this different? Because you like the victims better? Oh, because crushing free speech helped your party - and THAT is what you care about.

Ok. Sorry to cause your meltdown. I won't use the term fed again in this thread as a way to shorten the federal government.

STASI, Gestapo, KGB - all parts of the Biden regime.

Whatever. I am not getting into a semantics arguement about rights and powers when it really isn't relevant.

It's central to the question.

Governments neither have nor need a right to free speech.
The federal government has the power to request Twitter to not post something.

No, they don't - they are expressly forbidden from doing so by the Constitution.

Ok. You can quit beating this dead horse.

It's legal, regardless of whether Twitter bans you.

Once the STASI got involved, legality became a concern.

Do you agree that the FBI should regulate speech on Twitter? You know, to ensure disinformation against the party is stopped?

Of course you do...
Not usually but sometimes it's necessary.

Making requests is not controlling though.
lol. You’re uninformed. You need to research the Twitter Files. Essentially big tech and big government are one. They actively worked to protect Biden and harm Trump.

Of course had they colluded to harm Biden, you’d be screaming your head off.
lol. You’re uninformed. You need to research the Twitter Files. Essentially big tech and big government are one. They actively worked to protect Biden and harm Trump.

Of course had they colluded to harm Biden, you’d be screaming your head off.
The FBI under Trump made several requests of Twitter so your example is real life and it certainly doesn't bother me.

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