Biden Calls For A Gun Ban After Colorado Shooting

Guns enable people suffering from Severe Depression to commit suicide. Their lives also have paramount value.
Rest in Peace -- 572,000 people in USA killed by guns in 1999-2016:

What’s the number one cause of death?

Preventable deaths are caused by

1) smoking
2) drugs
3) guns
All suicides are preventable
Guns enable people suffering from Severe Depression to commit suicide. Their lives also have paramount value.

We need to make suicide illegal.

Sadly too many people are Atheists.

I am Jewish. Most Jews, Christians and Muslims agree that suicide is a sin.
It’s also against the law

Suicide is a sin -- it will be punished in the afterlife. Sadly too many people are Atheists.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
you're afraid of something. Tell us what scares you then if not the gun, the gun is inanimate object.
Idiots scare me, as they are unpredictable. Same thing that keeps the pucker factor up on anybody that has been in charge of as many ranges and live qualifications as I. They can ruin your whole damn day, I swear.
At the prison the range the "instructor" said he would shoot anyone that pointed a gun at him. He also said hollow points were banned because they over penetrate.
You worked at a prison? He was not much of an instructor if he said hollow point were noted for over penetration. The whole point of using hollow points is so the projectile will mushroom on impact, slowing down, staying in the target, imparting all it's energy inside it without going all the way through endangering whoever or whatever is on the other side. For a carry round, I am pretty well set on Federal HST or LE for personal defense carry round in 124 grain and only use ball type ammo for range practice in 124 grain as ball type ammo is a lot less expensive compared to personal defense round, yet with same grain load have the same ballistics and kick to practice realigning on target for subsequent shots.
I carry a 357 sig, but I do have a 9mm spare, and I use Georgia Arms 124 gr JHPs for carry ammo in the 9. Basically just Gold Dots.

The older I get, the less I worry about this stuff, though..... I have run into some old South African and Central and South American cops who have been in more shootouts than most entire big city police departments here in the states, and very few of those gunfighters ever used anything but ball ammo, because that's all they had.
Sensible choice, sensible load. You should carry what you are comfortable with and train with as you already know. I don't think I've seen Georgia Arms ammo here in Jackson, but heck, there's a lot of ammo I used to see here that I don't see anymore.
I would definitely use available rather than throw rocks. I bought a pack of 115 grain Blazer fmj last week because he had it on the shelf but no 124 grain in anything but one single 20 rnd pack of some off brand hollow points at godawful price on a little cart back behind counter and absolutely nothing on the shelves on my side of the counter. Last fall I figure this would be over soon. Guess I was wrong.
So some liberal extremist, Trump-Hating Whack-a-doodle with a Muslim-sounding name goes on a shooting spree, and Biden and the Democrats rush to use this as an excuse to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights.

During the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic-terrorist violence of Antifa looting, pillaging, destroying, arsonist, raping, assaulting, and murdering Antifa terrorist acts in Democrat-run communities all over the country - that caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage and destroyed many Americans businesses / dreams...

Democrats arrested a couple for holding their legally-owned, Constitutionally protected personal weapons on their own property in front of their own house - in a 'Stand-Your Ground' state, to protect themselves and ther home from violent protestors who threatened their lives and threatened to burn down their House.

The trespassing terrorists were arrested for trespassing....and have already been released. The case by a liberal extremist AG against the couple is still on-going, has not been dropped, despite the fact that they did not do anything illegal and a bipartisan effort to get the charges dropped is on-going.

Biden and the Democrats, who are just screwing the majority of Americans as hard as they can as fast as they can have turned DC into the Iraqi 'Green Zone' defended by National Guard Troops because they are so deathly afraid that the Americans they are screwing and whose country they are turning into a 3rd-world socialist tyrannical country are going to rise up against them for what they are doing.

To ensure a successful revolt against their tyrannical transformation f this nation into a single-party Socialist state they HAVE to take the guns out of the hands of the people.

'Hell yes, we are coming after your AR-15s!'
- A bill has already been submitted by proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Diane Feinstein

Hell YES, we are coming for your guns. There was never any doubt.

Stop with the hyperbole. He said he would like to see the reinstatement of the 1994 assault rifle ban. For ten years you could not buy anything like an AR-15 and the country did not suffer for it.
So some liberal extremist, Trump-Hating Whack-a-doodle with a Muslim-sounding name goes on a shooting spree, and Biden and the Democrats rush to use this as an excuse to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights.

During the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic-terrorist violence of Antifa looting, pillaging, destroying, arsonist, raping, assaulting, and murdering Antifa terrorist acts in Democrat-run communities all over the country - that caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage and destroyed many Americans businesses / dreams...

Democrats arrested a couple for holding their legally-owned, Constitutionally protected personal weapons on their own property in front of their own house - in a 'Stand-Your Ground' state, to protect themselves and ther home from violent protestors who threatened their lives and threatened to burn down their House.

The trespassing terrorists were arrested for trespassing....and have already been released. The case by a liberal extremist AG against the couple is still on-going, has not been dropped, despite the fact that they did not do anything illegal and a bipartisan effort to get the charges dropped is on-going.

Biden and the Democrats, who are just screwing the majority of Americans as hard as they can as fast as they can have turned DC into the Iraqi 'Green Zone' defended by National Guard Troops because they are so deathly afraid that the Americans they are screwing and whose country they are turning into a 3rd-world socialist tyrannical country are going to rise up against them for what they are doing.

To ensure a successful revolt against their tyrannical transformation f this nation into a single-party Socialist state they HAVE to take the guns out of the hands of the people.

'Hell yes, we are coming after your AR-15s!'
- A bill has already been submitted by proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Diane Feinstein

Hell YES, we are coming for your guns. There was never any doubt.

Just assault weapons.
Weapons designed to do nothing but kill lots of people in 5 minutes.
You're part of the problem, spreading misinformation.
Lol, all weapons can be used as an assault weapon, and it's you who is the liar.
Banning ownership would be wrong. Banning from places other than your own property or weapons ranges or hunting areas if they are allowed is another matter. We really do need to get AR-15 type weapons off the streets and out of the parking lots, but I enjoy shooting them on the range and believe you should be able to have anything you choose in your own home and on your property to defend your home and family all the way to the property line.

So do you think a sign saying “NO AR-15s or other assault weapons allowed“ would deter a mass shooter?

I live in Florida where you can’t carry a rifle or open carry a handgun in public. I have no problem abiding by those rules. I legally carry a handgun concealed in public.
Smart move on your part. Same here on the personal carry. There is nothing saying it is legal to open carry rifles. Somebody walking the parking lot with an AR-15, especially magazine in, attracts a lot of attention and should.
Open carry of a rifle is legal in Texas and in most states.
Does not change my mind. If everybody jumped off a 200 ft cliff, would you jump off, just because it was your right. I doubt it.
Depends on why I am jumping.

You can be afraid of guns all you want. That does not change what I do and how I behave.

you can try to shame me and others for their exercise of their natural and constitutional right. It does not and should not change how we behave.

Now, off is the general direction in which I wish you to fuck.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
I don't disagree that ALL PEOPLE should have MANDATORY gun training. I believe that is part of the DUTY of every citizen.

It still does not change the FACT that gun regulation is unconstitutional and a violation of the unalienable right to self defense of any kind.

YOU OF ALL PEOPLE should understand that.

The solution is not more regulation of the tools. That will NEVER work to do anything but FURTHER erode the unalienable right.
Bootney, you know darn well many of our fellow citizens are not willing to do what you and I regard as part of the DUTY of every citizen. You and I differ on the importance of the words "well regulated" in the second amendment. You probably had some time in service and seen it done correctly. Most have not and are really clueless, especially if not raised with weapons for hunting and sport from an early age by a father that had been properly trained. I think your a Texan and probably had that benefit, also. I understand your interpretation of the amendment, having heard it and discussed it before. We just disagree because times have changed since the 1790s, population density has changed, weaponry has changed also. I don't fear the red hoard taking over the country as people did in the 50s or that some idiot president will listen to his disgraced General and declare martial law. Uncle Sugar is not coming for my weapons or yours either. Responsible ownership and use requires some amount of regulation and training.
Uncle Sugar is coming for our guns, our money, our property, our children, and everything else we have because it is the nature of all governments to do so........ government is corruption. It is power, and force, and it is always in the hands of men who should not have it, because men of character and integrity avoid government office like most people avoid the plague (a real plague, not this covid bullshit.)

For example;

Stuff like this goes on in every government agency, at every level, and people need to stop pretending otherwise.
How many times do they need to lie to you, and steal from you, before your realize they are liars and thieves?
I just had four years of DJT who lied like a rug and wanted to the right to vote and the representative vote be counted, so I already know they bear watching no matter who or what party is in there. Glance at your PJ Needsya story, not my most trusted media and it went off into the weeds on family court in Missouri, not weapons regulation. You using it is just double talk, dude. Maybe I'll go down that rabbit hole with you some other time.
Post a lie! Still haven’t seen a lie you claim he made.

we had 47 years of pedo joe, so
Not fighting the battle of DJT with you today, try a fact check site and bitch at them Popeye.
Who is afraid of guns, Booty? I was a trained weapons instructor on leterally every small arm the military had through the 90s, including grenade launchers and shoulder fired rockets, and of course crew served weapons systems, including 4 deuce mortar and M-60A3 main battle tank and rated expert in all the above. To this day, I keep enough weapons in various part of our home loaded and extra ammo with the goal of being able stand off a platoon size element for hours if it ever became necessary. Ordered a PSA 16" CHF standard 1:7 twist mid-length 5.56 NATO Premium AR-15 Upper from Palmetto State Armory, just yesterday morning to complete a build. You got the wrong guy. I do not fear weapons or explosives (yes, trained and qualified in that also back in the day), and it is with that training and experience, I can say without a doubt, training, qualification, and self discipline are or key to weapons safety and many in the civilian population particulary shouldn't even be trusted with potato gun, much less a fire arm on the streets. Don't expect people like me to get all tore up about your right to cowboy around town with weapons hanging all over your body, like an SF wannabe to show off you toys. Owning cool firepower, also does not change the way many behave. It takes more than plunking down the price of admission to own and that firepower should fall under sensible regulation.
you're afraid of something. Tell us what scares you then if not the gun, the gun is inanimate object.
Idiots scare me, as they are unpredictable. Same thing that keeps the pucker factor up on anybody that has been in charge of as many ranges and live qualifications as I. They can ruin your whole damn day, I swear.
At the prison the range the "instructor" said he would shoot anyone that pointed a gun at him. He also said hollow points were banned because they over penetrate.
You worked at a prison? He was not much of an instructor if he said hollow point were noted for over penetration. The whole point of using hollow points is so the projectile will mushroom on impact, slowing down, staying in the target, imparting all it's energy inside it without going all the way through endangering whoever or whatever is on the other side. For a carry round, I am pretty well set on Federal HST or LE for personal defense carry round in 124 grain and only use ball type ammo for range practice in 124 grain as ball type ammo is a lot less expensive compared to personal defense round, yet with same grain load have the same ballistics and kick to practice realigning on target for subsequent shots.
I carry a 357 sig, but I do have a 9mm spare, and I use Georgia Arms 124 gr JHPs for carry ammo in the 9. Basically just Gold Dots.

The older I get, the less I worry about this stuff, though..... I have run into some old South African and Central and South American cops who have been in more shootouts than most entire big city police departments here in the states, and very few of those gunfighters ever used anything but ball ammo, because that's all they had.
Sensible choice, sensible load. You should carry what you are comfortable with and train with as you already know. I don't think I've seen Georgia Arms ammo here in Jackson, but heck, there's a lot of ammo I used to see here that I don't see anymore.
I would definitely use available rather than throw rocks. I bought a pack of 115 grain Blazer fmj last week because he had it on the shelf but no 124 grain in anything but one single 20 rnd pack of some off brand hollow points at godawful price on a little cart back behind counter and absolutely nothing on the shelves on my side of the counter. Last fall I figure this would be over soon. Guess I was wrong.
I keep the 9mm as a spare in case I have a problem with the primary carry gun, and as a lower cost alternative ammo for doing courses. The only difference between the 2 is the caliber.

A 500 round training course is a lot cheaper with a 9mm than with a 357 sig, or at least it used to be.
So some liberal extremist, Trump-Hating Whack-a-doodle with a Muslim-sounding name goes on a shooting spree, and Biden and the Democrats rush to use this as an excuse to strip LAW-ABIDING citizens of their 2nd Amendment Rights.

During the foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic-terrorist violence of Antifa looting, pillaging, destroying, arsonist, raping, assaulting, and murdering Antifa terrorist acts in Democrat-run communities all over the country - that caused BILLIONS of dollars in damage and destroyed many Americans businesses / dreams...

Democrats arrested a couple for holding their legally-owned, Constitutionally protected personal weapons on their own property in front of their own house - in a 'Stand-Your Ground' state, to protect themselves and ther home from violent protestors who threatened their lives and threatened to burn down their House.

The trespassing terrorists were arrested for trespassing....and have already been released. The case by a liberal extremist AG against the couple is still on-going, has not been dropped, despite the fact that they did not do anything illegal and a bipartisan effort to get the charges dropped is on-going.

Biden and the Democrats, who are just screwing the majority of Americans as hard as they can as fast as they can have turned DC into the Iraqi 'Green Zone' defended by National Guard Troops because they are so deathly afraid that the Americans they are screwing and whose country they are turning into a 3rd-world socialist tyrannical country are going to rise up against them for what they are doing.

To ensure a successful revolt against their tyrannical transformation f this nation into a single-party Socialist state they HAVE to take the guns out of the hands of the people.

'Hell yes, we are coming after your AR-15s!'
- A bill has already been submitted by proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Diane Feinstein

Hell YES, we are coming for your guns. There was never any doubt.

Stop with the hyperbole. He said he would like to see the reinstatement of the 1994 assault rifle ban. For ten years you could not buy anything like an AR-15 and the country did not suffer for it.
Of course the country did. We suffer whenever our freedoms are oppressed.

And there was zero effect on crime during that entire time period..... because this stuff doesn't do shit about crime, it just curtails our freedoms. That's all.

Fuck gun control.


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