Biden Can't Take the Heat Against Trump

Now this thread gets the irony award of the day. No one, I mean literally NO ONE, is more thin skinned than Trump. The man takes offense at everything. Trump’s ego floats on gossamer wings.

Trump Campaign Responds to Deranged Biden’s Coronavirus Remarks with Fire

The former Vice President slurred his way through his speech.

Trump’s campaign responded to Biden’s attacks with fire.

“In the past, Joe Biden has shown terrible judgment and incompetence in the face of public health issues. The Obama White House had to publicly apologize for and clean up after Biden when his irresponsible remarks caused panic during the swine flu outbreak in 2009. Just weeks ago, he was openly critical of President Trump’s early move to restrict travel from China to the United States in response to the Coronavirus – a decision which medical experts agree helped impede the spread of the the virus to this country,” Trump’s campaign said.

“Yesterday his campaign actually raised the vile conspiracy theory that the President purposely allowed the Coronavirus to spread. In times like this, America needs leadership and Biden has shown none. President Trump acted early and decisively and has put the United States on stronger footing than other nations. His every move has been aimed at keeping Americans safe, while Joe Biden has sought to capitalize politically and stoke citizens’ fears,” Tim Murtaugh, Trump’s 2020 Comms Director said.

Deranged Biden opposed Trump’s travel restrictions that health experts now credit for slowing the spread of Coronavirus.

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