Biden Claims, For Some Bizarre Reason, That He Communicates With Generals Via Written Letters
If you were indeed in the military you would just know that orders of consequence are delivered on a piece of paper. They are usually from your commanding officer. The reason for this is simple. Verbal orders have no documentation and could easily be misunderstood. If the president has to communicate with someone in the military he goes through the chain of command. Pretty sure the Sec. of defense can be put on the phone with the president at any time.
Holy fuck man. You’re actually going to defend this stupidity. You’re all in here. Seriously.
If you were indeed in the military you would just know that orders of consequence are delivered on a piece of paper. They are usually from your commanding officer. The reason for this is simple. Verbal orders have no documentation and could easily be misunderstood. If the president has to communicate with someone in the military he goes through the chain of command. Pretty sure the Sec. of defense can be put on the phone with the president at any time.
You keep mocking yourself over and over trying to defend the indefensible.
We may have found the weak link here. This moron president and his cabinet are sending STRONGLY worded letters to the taliban telling them how to act. Maybe they just haven’t got them yet. Once they do though… they will be changing their ways post haste.
Shit, his Generals will probably kill his stupid ass for the lack of leadership he's shown. What a fucking maroon that man is.
A hand written letter is original and bug-proof. And your army will not lose a letter from your president.

Oh by the way. Everyone should know that not anyone from Afghanistan who got from us an Aufenthaltsrecht (right of residence) in Germany is losing this right only because we stopped the evacuation per aeroplane from the airport of Kabul - what had been a decision which had been made one or some days before the treacherous terror attacks from Arabs of the IS had happened there.
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Army not losing something ? Never served did you ?

We never made any bad experience - except some normal chaos, which is happening from time to time on no special reason - with your army here in Germany. I trust in your army. In case to bring a written letter from your president to our chancellor or anyone else I would even trust in our own army.
Oh by the way: For our secret service - ¿do we have one? - we developed paper made of sugar, if they have to eat their secret messages. The problem: You need pencils made with chocolate to write on it. And don't transport it while it is raining. But then it's nearly perfect.
Not just orders. All communications must be in writing. There is only one possible reason for that, chaos Biden is neither the one getting the information from the commanders nor is he the one responding to such communications. Biden is merely the drop box. Who instructs him? Who is actually making these disastrous decisions?
Of course main orders are in writing... They could be emailed...

But lets get one fucking thing clear, it is not by twitter...

Sorry but trying to give out about Biden using a letter to make his orders clear (by the way it is common to say letter even if it delivered in electronic form)...

This is from guys who expected the country to be run by Tweets...
Of course main orders are in writing... They could be emailed...

But lets get one fucking thing clear, it is not by twitter...

Sorry but trying to give out about Biden using a letter to make his orders clear (by the way it is common to say letter even if it delivered in electronic form)...

This is from guys who expected the country to be run by Tweets...
When you have to explain Joe Biden's daily gaffes, Ted...does it start to wear you out? You know he's clueless at this point and yet you soldier on! Gotta be exhausting! :)

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