Biden claims the $3.5 TRILLION spending bill costs "zero dollars'.

Have you brainiacs figured out yet that corporate tax hikes are passed along to you either via lower wages or layoffs and/or higher prices? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Raising taxes who are working and incentivizing people who are not working to continue to do so is not a recipe for long-term economic success as tax revenues in the long term will actually decrease, but then again, this administration isn't looking for success. They are purposely destroying our country and are merely proxies for our enemies. Either that are they are the dumbest administration we have ever had running the country. They rely on the economically illiterate electorate to believe the tripe they spew. Most Democrats fit that description.
The statement, that corporate taxes are passed on via lower wagers, higher prices, and layoffs reveals a stunning lack of simple Economic knowledge. Right off the bat you left out the shareholders, who could finance the increased taxes by lower dividends and decreased stock buybacks. Actually, most economists believe that a corporate tax hike would almost certainly be financed by the stockholders. I would be more than happy to document that but you assholes would just ignore it, mostly because you couldn't possibly understand it.

If your ignorant statement was correct then why is the reverse not true? Did prices decline after Trump's corporate tax cut? Did wages go up? Hell, did business investment even increase? I mean talk about economically illiterate. In a demonstration of the complete ignorance of most of the American public corporations, from Walmart to Sprint, gave out cash bonuses claiming it was because of the corporate tax cut, but they sent out those bonuses, and wrote off those bonuses, BEFORE THE CORPORATE TAX CUT WENT INTO EFFECT. It was cynically sinister.

Perhaps it is not Microeconomics 101, but cost has no impact on the market clearing price. Just because it costs more to produce something does not mean demand will accept that higher cost.
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The fucking government cannot SAVE money.

It can print money and it can make you give it YOUR money.

Spending $3.5 trillion WILL NOT SAVE $3.5 trillion.

Are you left wing communist cuckold asshole faggots going to say that buying food for your family PAYS FOR ITSELF because then you do not have to finance a funeral for your child that died of starvation?
But if you purchased solar cells to go on your roof, that could pay for itself. Replacing poor windows, that could pay for itself. Planting a garden and raising fresh vegetables, that could pay for itself.
Lefties....I will make it easy.

Name one government spending bill in the history of mankind and from ANY NATION that has ever existed that PAID FOR ITSELF.


Explain the math to us.
I have already presented you with two. The ACA, and the math is demonstrated in the chart I provided that shows the effect on health care inflation. The GI Bill after WWII is the most common example. Just the increase in federal tax revenue alone more than doubled the investment.
And a report says Biden owes $500k in taxes he’s not paid.
You morons are so gullible. He routed his speaking fees through an S corporation. That is perfectly legal. I bet a dollar to a doughnut Trump does the same. Hell, I bet they all do it.
and just like that, a liberal free thread!!!!
This infrastructure bill is so much better for the economy than Trump's tax cuts. First of all, every damn dime of that money will be spent, none of it will be saved, none of it will be used for rent seeking. But you dumbshits don't know what rent seeking is and have never heard of the Paradox of Thrift. The bill is an investment, not unlike the GI bill for WWII. Not unlike the ACA that you dolts continue to wail about more than a decade later. Instead of resulting in a misallocation of resources, like the corporate tax cut, it will result in increased economic efficiencies, from the daycare subsidies to the improvements of roads and airports.

And here is the kicker. Borrowing costs for the US government are historically cheap, but we default on US Treasuries all that will change almost overnight. But as it stands today, the government can borrow a dollar and the dollars they pay that debt back with, including interest, is significantly worth less than the dollar today. On a thirty year bond it is almost comically cheap. Borrowing money to improve our infrastructure, expand access to high speed internet, decrease the cost of out of pocket daycare, and a whole host of other proposals that will IMPROVE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY, is a damn nobrainer.
This infrastructure bill is so much better for the economy than Trump's tax cuts. First of all, every damn dime of that money will be spent, none of it will be saved, none of it will be used for rent seeking. But you dumbshits don't know what rent seeking is and have never heard of the Paradox of Thrift. The bill is an investment, not unlike the GI bill for WWII. Not unlike the ACA that you dolts continue to wail about more than a decade later. Instead of resulting in a misallocation of resources, like the corporate tax cut, it will result in increased economic efficiencies, from the daycare subsidies to the improvements of roads and airports.

And here is the kicker. Borrowing costs for the US government are historically cheap, but we default on US Treasuries all that will change almost overnight. But as it stands today, the government can borrow a dollar and the dollars they pay that debt back with, including interest, is significantly worth less than the dollar today. On a thirty year bond it is almost comically cheap. Borrowing money to improve our infrastructure, expand access to high speed internet, decrease the cost of out of pocket daycare, and a whole host of other proposals that will IMPROVE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY, is a damn nobrainer.
With a fiat currency each round of massive deficit spending by printing the money up for massive projects and to give away cause it to not work as well as the previous time once it hits the point of not helping the economy as it used to. If we did not have deficit spending during the good times the currency would be stronger. And we would have a bit leaner and meaner nation with a more vibrant economy.
This infrastructure bill is so much better for the economy than Trump's tax cuts. First of all, every damn dime of that money will be spent, none of it will be saved, none of it will be used for rent seeking. But you dumbshits don't know what rent seeking is and have never heard of the Paradox of Thrift. The bill is an investment, not unlike the GI bill for WWII. Not unlike the ACA that you dolts continue to wail about more than a decade later. Instead of resulting in a misallocation of resources, like the corporate tax cut, it will result in increased economic efficiencies, from the daycare subsidies to the improvements of roads and airports.

And here is the kicker. Borrowing costs for the US government are historically cheap, but we default on US Treasuries all that will change almost overnight. But as it stands today, the government can borrow a dollar and the dollars they pay that debt back with, including interest, is significantly worth less than the dollar today. On a thirty year bond it is almost comically cheap. Borrowing money to improve our infrastructure, expand access to high speed internet, decrease the cost of out of pocket daycare, and a whole host of other proposals that will IMPROVE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY, is a damn nobrainer.
So what about post #78?
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I have already presented you with two. The ACA, and the math is demonstrated in the chart I provided that shows the effect on health care inflation. The GI Bill after WWII is the most common example. Just the increase in federal tax revenue alone more than doubled the investment.
You posted predictions and estimates of what might happen in the future,, not actual numbers after the fact.
Mine went up by 60% and I called HR to find out why. She said it was all because of Obamacare. The ONLY people who liked Obamacare are the people we were paying for. It cost the rest of us up the ass.
Sure. It’s not like you’ve posted total bullshit numerous times before

Oh wait
You posted predictions and estimates of what might happen in the future,, not actual numbers after the fact.
Seriously, the GI Bill was passed in 1944. The ACA was passed in 2010. My chart clearly demonstrated a significant decline in health care inflation AFTER the fact.

Over 10 years… that’s not so much and all of it will help the nation
Seriously, the GI Bill was passed in 1944. The ACA was passed in 2010. My chart clearly demonstrated a significant decline in health care inflation AFTER the fact.
Yes, seriously. Your ACA link was from 2012.

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