Biden corruption scandal

None. Once all that evidence has been seen in a court of law under oath and cross examination that should be more than sufficient

US Attorney Delaware, David Weiss, assigned to Special Counsel investigating Hunter Biden, over three years now, has yet to do anything, just some whispers about a tax indictment. However, Hunter claims he's current. Still, nothing. Oh, lying on a gun permit form, but I doubt the DOJ will indict on a scant charge. Maybe FARA violation? But they would want more than just that. Frankly, I don't see any evidence there is anything there to indict. Just a citizen of the United States doing business abroad, and that's not illegal. Oh, trading off pop's name, you say? Well, it's his name too, and it's not illegal, it's common for a sibling to cash in on the family name. I bet you would too, if it meant some big bucks for you, legally. Might give your dad a headache, which it no doubt does, but legal, nevertheless.

so, all this crap about Joe Biden, all it is is black sheep heachaches.

That's it. That's all you got.

And that ain't shit.
America is a broken banana Republic
Broken by banana Republicans
Joe has made hundreds of millions from China, Ukraine and now we know Romania

There is no evidence of that claim.

But you are entitled to your opinion.

but, you are not entitled to your own facts.

Fact is, you have no facts.

You say you do, but talk is cheap.

And cheap ain't shit.
And what does that have to do with Joe Biden? What crime are you guys actually accusing him of again?
Are you insane? They have document admission and witness testimony that it was for influence peddling.
You mean you never wondered why Biden without telling congress, suddenly sold China (foreign adversary)our Oil or Gas reserves when they were dangerously depleted and put us at greater risk?
You never wondered what the end game was of letting China bring their fentanyl through our Biden open border and to allow China working with cartels have Carte Blanche?
What was Biden's purpose of requesting or demanding the container walls be removed? You never second guessed who would make such an opposite normality request?
You never wondered why China would be donating millions to Biden's library and seek access to the info there like "accidental" top secret docs?
You never wondered that if this was not illegal activity then why they didn't report it on their taxes while claiming you should pay your fair share?
You are what we call a Schmuck!
"Well, unfortunately, we can't track down the informant," Comer replied. "We're hopeful that the informant is still there. The whistleblower knows the informant. The whistleblower is very credible."

"Hold on a second, Congressman," Bartiromo said. "Did you just say that the whistleblower or the informant is now missing?"

"Well, we we're hopeful that we can find the informant," Comer said, explaining the informant was in the "spy business" and "they don't make a habit of being seen a lot."

Oh the poor little rich kid
what’s that suppose to mean? it’s ok to harass people simply because they are rich?

it’s clear that Hunter isn’t being targeted simply because he’s rich. He’s exposed himself to potential criminal liability, but frankly the real question is, in terms of the US Congress, is it the president has, or if through it a Senator has or VP.
what’s that suppose to mean? it’s ok to harass people simply because they are rich?

it’s clear that Hunter isn’t being targeted simply because he’s rich. He’s exposed himself to potential criminal liability, but frankly the real question is, in terms of the US Congress, is it the president has, or if through it a Senator has or VP.
Harass? Being investigated because of a mountain of evidence? That's the excuse MAFIA bosses would make -- "I'm being harassed!" :auiqs.jpg:
Harass? Being investigated because of a mountain of evidence? That's the excuse MAFIA bosses would make -- "I'm being harassed!" :auiqs.jpg:
agreed, and seems to be the common theme we are seeing come from the Biden camp

but being rich is not evidence of any criminal conduct, unlike Mafia bosses and et the Xiden family…they have much in common
Are you insane? They have document admission and witness testimony that it was for influence peddling.
You mean you never wondered why Biden without telling congress, suddenly sold China (foreign adversary)our Oil or Gas reserves when they were dangerously depleted and put us at greater risk?
You never wondered what the end game was of letting China bring their fentanyl through our Biden open border and to allow China working with cartels have Carte Blanche?
What was Biden's purpose of requesting or demanding the container walls be removed? You never second guessed who would make such an opposite normality request?
You never wondered why China would be donating millions to Biden's library and seek access to the info there like "accidental" top secret docs?
You never wondered that if this was not illegal activity then why they didn't report it on their taxes while claiming you should pay your fair share?
You are what we call a Schmuck!
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Nope. Even Comer admits they don't have the evidence.

So with even Comer admitting they don't have the evidence you claim they do.....the real question is;

How were you fooled into apeing lies?
What about your process is so broken that you believed something so fundamentally deluded?
Do you think your far left Politico opinion piece changes anything, Simp? :itsok:

politico is slightly to the left, but highly factual.
In this case, Comer's report has no Biden crimes.
Nope. Even Comer admits they don't have the evidence.

So with even Comer admitting they don't have the evidence you claim they do.....the real question is;

How were you fooled into apeing lies? What about your process is so broken that you believed something so fundamentally deluded?

1)That's not what he said, he said some of the evidence is being witheld by the FBI which is comitting Obstruction because they (certain factions within) are going down with the ship.
2)Fox news requires careful wording after the Dominion law suit and even before the suit they were never like CNN and MSNBC loosely speaking.
3)it's an on going investigation, he can't say everything that I can and have pointed out, it's also a problem with witnesses feel there's plenty there not to risk coming forward, because everyone left and right is being intimidated by the The Handlers-cleaners on the left, once again that's obstruction. In this case Biden's handlers are acting like mobsters.
4)you could not answer or refute my points, you could only lie and smokescreen the premise with selective recognition and subjective opinion. Aka poorly devised spin.
But your poor choices are still poor choices, a presidrntcwho talks about "YOU" paying fair share of taxes while avoiding his own fair share should make you fume, not protect his taking from your pocket to seed his own pocket. That makes you an idiot protecting the men stealing from you while also being a risk to your security.
Thus you are not just disingenuous, but also admitting defeat in your argument.
To respond, your side did the same 51 testimony misdirection missinformation scam, this time a smirking spokesperson who looked like the rubber fist from the Borat Hotel scene came out doing what Brenner did with the lap top. I don't know what it is with the bald guys in the administration, but it's starting to look like an Applegate cult.
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