Biden corruption scandal

link to report …also the gop doesn’t run the senate
that's the point. Who appoints a Special Counsel? Is a SC a prosecutor?

I expect no rational reply

yes a special prosecorr is a prosecutor. They are appointed by the DOJ and yes by stature once appointed have some protection but can still be fired…as they are still part of rhe executive

the dems changed rhe law after ken star giving them less independence from the DOJ

[ The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is a statutorily created independent entity whose mission is to promote integrity, efficiency, and accountability within the Department of Justice. The OIG investigates alleged violations of criminal and civil laws by DOJ employees and also audits and inspects DOJ programs. The Inspector General, who is appointed by the President subject to Senate confirmation, reports to the Attorney General and Congress.

The OIG consists of the Immediate Office, Office of General Counsel, and six divisions. Each division is headed by an Assistant Inspector General. ] --

yes a special prosecorr is a prosecutor. They are appointed by the DOJ and yes by stature once appointed have some protection but can still be fired…as they are still part of rhe executive

the dems changed rhe law after ken star giving them less independence from the DOJ

Special prosecutor​

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[ A special prosecutor is a prosecutor who is independent of an office that would normally exercise jurisdiction in a criminal investigation—to avoid potential conflicts of interest or to facilitate subject matter area expertise. At the federal level, under 28 CFR § 600.1, a special prosecutor is referred to as a “special counsel,” and may be appointed by the attorney general to criminally investigate an individual or matter in cases where a Justice Department investigation would present a conflict of interest, or in other “extraordinary circumstances.” Under Supreme Court precedent in Morrison v. Olson, Congress may also appoint a special counsel through the passage of legislation. Notable special counsels in U.S. history include Ken Starr of the Clinton Whitewater investigation and Lawrence Walsh of the Iran-Contra Affair. ]

Special prosecutor​

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[ A special prosecutor is a prosecutor who is independent of an office that would normally exercise jurisdiction in a criminal investigation—to avoid potential conflicts of interest or to facilitate subject matter area expertise. At the federal level, under 28 CFR § 600.1, a special prosecutor is referred to as a “special counsel,” and may be appointed by the attorney general to criminally investigate an individual or matter in cases where a Justice Department investigation would present a conflict of interest, or in other “extraordinary circumstances.” Under Supreme Court precedent in Morrison v. Olson, Congress may also appoint a special counsel through the passage of legislation. Notable special counsels in U.S. history include Ken Starr of the Clinton Whitewater investigation and Lawrence Walsh of the Iran-Contra Affair. ]
yeah and? what part of that don’t you understand?
Actually, they do not work for the President, in the senes that they are not his personal legal firm. That is where Trump erred.

try educating yourself, with info beyond a Junior High School Civics Class homework assignment

Eric Holder announced to the world he was Barry Hussein’s “Wingman” simp.
yeah and? what part of that don’t you understand?
“I know the Republicans said that the smoking gun were these financial records that you were able to subpoena and got your hands on,” Doocy said. “They show that some of the president’s relatives were paid more than $10 million from foreign sources between 2015 and 2017. And your party, the Republican investigators, say that that’s proof of influence peddling by Hunter and James. But that’s just your suggestion. You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You have got some circumstantial evidence. And the other thing is of all those names, the one person who didn’t profit is… there’s no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally.”
“I know the Republicans said that the smoking gun were these financial records that you were able to subpoena and got your hands on,” Doocy said. “They show that some of the president’s relatives were paid more than $10 million from foreign sources between 2015 and 2017. And your party, the Republican investigators, say that that’s proof of influence peddling by Hunter and James. But that’s just your suggestion. You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You have got some circumstantial evidence. And the other thing is of all those names, the one person who didn’t profit is… there’s no evidence that Joe Biden did anything illegally.”
yes it’s just circumstisnal evidence at this point. people can be convicted on that alone but don’t worry the probe goes on
yes it’s just circumstisnal evidence at this point. people can be convicted on that alone but don’t worry the probe goes on
There is no circumstantial evidence of a particular crime.

That's just it. “Your party, the Republican investigators, say that that’s proof of influence peddling by Hunter and James [Biden], but that’s just your suggestion. You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You’ve got some circumstantial evidence,” said Fox host Steve Doocey in an interview with Comer on Thursday.
There is no circumstantial evidence of a particular crime.

That's just it. “Your party, the Republican investigators, say that that’s proof of influence peddling by Hunter and James [Biden], but that’s just your suggestion. You don’t actually have any facts to that point. You’ve got some circumstantial evidence,” said Fox host Steve Doocey in an interview with Comer on Thursday.
of course there is, even your own quite stated that

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