Biden declared Jackson non qualified

And once again Biden and the democrats find themselves on the right side of history,and once again your nauseating cult falls on the wrong side.
Once again a Democrat plays the race card but Biden could not comprehend that it is indeed HIM that is declaring racism and pushing to follow through with it.
More decisions overturned than most judges.

I have heard this a lot, yet only ever seen one example.

So, list all the decisions overturned, or at least tell us how many vs how many decisions she has made

Then do the same for Kav so we can compare.

Thanks, we will all be waiting
This ain't a book club. I find it funny you want to promote these ideas but don't have the confidence in arguing them.
Then please enlighten me. What ideas do I wish "to promote" here? Tell you one thing. I never kid myself that any useful "debate" is apt to occur here. I share Biff's satirical attitude completely and regard myself a rank amateur by comparison. Especially toward topics like this one where all one can really hope for is some laughter to stave off the alternative.

I recalled you discussing some of the more interesting aspects of racism here. That's why I thought of you when listening to that podcast. Again, I apologize.
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Then please enlighten me. What ideas do I wish "to promote" here?
The podcast you linked to. You suggesting I listen to it is a promotion. Do you think it has good points or not? I'm not going to listen to some audio and try and intuit what you think is interesting about it. You want to share them, go ahead, if you're no longer confident about them then by all means keep it to yourself.
Once again a Democrat plays the race card but Biden could not comprehend that it is indeed HIM that is declaring racism and pushing to follow through with it.
And once again a racist moron thinks calling everyone else in the world racist provides cover for himself.
The podcast you linked to. You suggesting I listen to it is a promotion. Do you think it has good points or not? I'm not going to listen to some audio and try and intuit what you think is interesting about it. You want to share them, go ahead, if you're no longer confident about them then by all means keep it to yourself.
Pardon me. Once again, I apologize. Everyone, please ignore the fact that I mentioned Curried Goats earlier while recommending and linking to a very topical and interesting podcast. That is all.. hopefully..
I have heard this a lot, yet only ever seen one example.

So, list all the decisions overturned, or at least tell us how many vs how many decisions she has made

Then do the same for Kav so we can compare.

Thanks, we will all be waiting
Go fuck yourself. Now running away from you race card bullshit. Kavanaugh has nothing to do with this. Your pathetic "argument" got shredded. I'm not a secretary and you can't afford to hire me to do your work for you. Racist.
She has an affection for sex offenders.
She's covering for Biden and many other DC predators and pedophiles
Kavanaugh has nothing to do with this.

He does though. You all did not ask for his LSAT scores because he was a white dude.

You all never talked about his overturned rulings because he was a white dude

I'm not a secretary

Nope, you are just a parrot spewing the party talking points. You have no idea how many times she has been overturned as a ratio of her rulings and no idea how that compares to other justices.
He does though. You all did not ask for his LSAT scores because he was a white dude.

You all never talked about his overturned rulings because he was a white dude

Nope, you are just a parrot spewing the party talking points. You have no idea how many times she has been overturned as a ratio of her rulings and no idea how that compares to other justices.
Go ahead cite for us with links to when he was overturned.
Go ahead cite for us with links to when he was overturned.

I am not the one making the claim that Jackson is somehow an outlier when it comes to being overturned. Those that are making that claim are not capable of telling us how many times she has been overturned and what ratio to her rulings that is. Nor can they tell us those same things for any of the 3 justices that Trump choose.

In other words, they are just parroting their party talking points and have no clue at all if they are true, nor do they care.
I am not the one making the claim that Jackson is somehow an outlier when it comes to being overturned. Those that are making that claim are not capable of telling us how many times she has been overturned and what ratio to her rulings that is. Nor can they tell us those same things for any of the 3 justices that Trump choose.

In other words, they are just parroting their party talking points and have no clue at all if they are true, nor do they care.
You can set the record straight list for us Gorsuch's.
I am not the one making the claim that Jackson is somehow an outlier when it comes to being overturned. Those that are making that claim are not capable of telling us how many times she has been overturned and what ratio to her rulings that is. Nor can they tell us those same things for any of the 3 justices that Trump choose.

In other words, they are just parroting their party talking points and have no clue at all if they are true, nor do they care.
Here ya go 11 times I assume is the number since it says less then 12. Circuit Pick Jackson’s Reversals a Likely Target for GOP (1)

[ “During her eight years on the District Court for the District of Columbia, Judge Jackson has written nearly 600 opinions and been reversed less than twelve times,” Nan Aron, president of the liberal Alliance for Justice wrote in a letter to Judiciary Chair Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) on Monday. ]
Here ya go 11 times I assume is the number since it says less then 12. Circuit Pick Jackson’s Reversals a Likely Target for GOP (1)

[ “During her eight years on the District Court for the District of Columbia, Judge Jackson has written nearly 600 opinions and been reversed less than twelve times,” Nan Aron, president of the liberal Alliance for Justice wrote in a letter to Judiciary Chair Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) on Monday. ]

So, a reversal rate of less than 2%. Is that a lot compared to other justices on the court? Well other than ACB who was not on a court long enough to make many rulings

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