Biden delivers! You got to give him credit…

Just the opposite actually. Big companies should not be able to avoid their taxes. They benefit from a safely defended nation. That costs money. Show me the money!

So you're all for confiscating money they wouldn't otherwise owe? I guess you and xiden are oblivious to the fact the taxes will be passed through to their customers, increasing inflationary pressures. But hey, you commies always accomplish the exact opposite of what you claim.

Trump never gave us the promised “better” version of Obamacare. IMO, a much more serious failing than ephemeral lack of unity charges, a feeling fanned by constant rightwing attempts at creating wedge issues.
Mc Cain sabotaged that plan. The man was an asshole and a globalist.
Covid bill Created high inflation and high gas prices. So he is now responsible for inflation? His releasing of gas reserves did nothing to lower prices, so Biden did nothing to lower fuel prices. He did nothing to lower unemployment. The latest bill will in fact increase inflation not relieve it, that is spin that you have fallen for.
The zero wars are great, I have no issue with that, other than giving trillions to Ukraine, not sure why we are supporting a war.

He is bumbling and you give him credit for crap he has nothing to do with, typical. Didn’t you have a thread about Biden’s great economy in January when inflation was rising rapidly and fuel prices were going off the grid?

Biden will get credit for the economy come election time, whether he does anything or not.

As I demonstrated and the OP ignored, the zero wars thing is another commie lie. We still have people in Syria.

Trump never gave us the promised “better” version of Obamacare. IMO, a much more serious failing than ephemeral lack of unity charges, a feeling fanned by constant rightwing attempts at creating wedge issues.
who the fuck cares about fucking trump?....get the fucker out of your head....
The best thing that could have happened in 2020 is the Democrats stealing of the election could have been thwarted.

The second best thing was Joe Biden usurping the Presidency.

I'm not sure the Democrats will recover from this debacle for a well over a decade.

Four years of Trump...then eight more of Desantis? ...or someone like him may well put us in the kind of permanent majority the Democrats enjoyed from the Great Depression to the late 80's.
he has…but i am not sure why yoj are happy about how he has transformed yes to 9.1 percent inflation and a recession
Follow me here. Constrained supply chain leads to price increases and for a short time people pay more and don’t cut back their spending. Then after a few months people start cutting back their spending and prices begin to fall.

That’s economics. Nothing to be surprised about. We have a really robust economy and it’ll likely be a soft landing. Stock market may contract more as falling prices are bad for profits. Just wait til people complain about deflation.
Follow me here. Constrained supply chain leads to price increases and for a short time people pay more and don’t cut back their spending. Then after a few months people start cutting back their spending and prices begin to fall.

That’s economics. Nothing to be surprised about. We have a really robust economy and it’ll likely be a soft landing. Stock market may contract more as falling prices are bad for profits. Just wait til people complain about deflation.
Some areas have 0 supply chain issues and the prices have risen.
Follow me here. Constrained supply chain leads to price increases and for a short time people pay more and don’t cut back their spending. Then after a few months people start cutting back their spending and prices begin to fall.

That’s economics. Nothing to be surprised about. We have a really robust economy and it’ll likely be a soft landing. Stock market may contract more as falling prices are bad for profits. Just wait til people complain about deflation.
haha we have a robust economy? 9.1 inflation, stock market in free fall, interest rates skyrocketing, and a recession…

you dembots truly are a cult
Love him or hate him you gotta give Biden credit. This has been an Epic spring session for congress. Joseph Biden has steered, not one, but two transformative pieces of legislation through the House and Senate.

While the Republicans build memes and gaslight their party with tweets the Democrats were hard at work behind the scenes aligning their party members around the things that mattered: Infrastructure, Prescription Costs, Tax Fairness, Environment, Energy Policy.

View attachment 676476

What were the Republicans doing? Well, important stuff like defending insurrection, passing unconstitutional state laws against free speech, and celebrating a very undemocratic movement in red states to ban abortion against the majority wishes.

Biden so far:
Keep calling him sleepy or Brandon, or a vegetable… keep underestimating Biden.

(Supporting links embedded)
thanks Joe for the high inflation...millions of unvaccinated illegals and shipping our wealth to Ukraine
haha we have a robust economy? 9.1 inflation, stock market in free fall, interest rates skyrocketing, and a recession…

you dembots truly are a cult
Where’d I say it was robust? After the Trump led pandemic closed everything and supplies were cut off from people getting sick with the virus that Trump said would be gone by this weekend back on March 1st 2020 the economy has been ebbing and flowing.

We have the most flexible economy in the world. It is what it is… an economy coming back from a once in a lifetime event. Get out and move to Russia if you don’t like how capitalism works.
thanks Joe for the high inflation...millions of unvaccinated illegals and shipping our wealth to Ukraine
Thanks Trump for record unemployment, negotiating a huge reduction in OPEC oil production, and passing off an economy with insufficient infrastructure to handle opening back up. Thank God Trump had 4 years to build a wall that was so effective at keeping out these illegals that you’re on here bitching about it. Where did the $13B stolen from the defense fund go? Fucking useless Trump.
Where’d I say it was robust? After the Trump led pandemic closed everything and supplies were cut off from people getting sick with the virus that Trump said would be gone by this weekend back on March 1st 2020 the economy has been ebbing and flowing.

We have the most flexible economy in the world. It is what it is… an economy coming back from a once in a lifetime event. Get out and move to Russia if you don’t like how capitalism works.
in your second paragraph from what i quoted

haha yeah trump lead the pandemic! hahahaba

with that said, dem lead states should have opened up sooner like he suggested…but we aren’t in a pandemic now…2020 was two years ago

we are seeing the dems ans xiden policies take hold now…they lead us to inflation, and recession

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