Biden deserves the "Let's Go Brandon" chants and such

biden got 80 million & your assertion about that 20% ... gotta link? other than the daily mail or NYpost?

yep - it's not lookin' too good for the chosen one. he's got the walls closing in...

naw- he didn't lie. he was naive thinking that the (R)s today are like the reasonable (R)s when he was in the senate.

with matt gaetz bloviating that he, Qanon betty & veronica & the nutter gosar 'are the GOP' now - that is noy gonna happen.

He lied. What has he done to garner my respect? NOTHING.
It's just Trumpers acting like the shitheads they are...
I am a Nazi? You leftists are so deranged it’s laughable. You do realize that Nazis hate Jews, right? You uneducated baboon.
What I realize is that some Jews ACT like Nazis...and you're one of em fat boy
What I realize is that some Jews ACT like Nazis...and you're one of em fat boy
Some Jews put people in concentration camps to torture and murder people based on their religion? Interesting. Herr Lesh. Your buffoonery is hilarious.

Azog would have been among them
Started with the lying media that got Biden elected as they refused to honestly cover the Hunter Biden to Joe Biden money siphon.

Then they falsely report crowd cheers:

The reporter suggested they were chanting “Let’s go, Brandon” to cheer a NASCAR driver. But it became increasingly clear they were saying: “F—- Joe Biden.”

Now it has taken on a life of its own. It is a mockery of Biden who for all intents and purposes called Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist to garner votes and dog whistle. And the media for falsely reporting stories to sell a racist narrative. Now karma comes for you.

View attachment 564870

Merch is there too:

View attachment 564872

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Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse
Embarrassment in Chief

Don't look up!
A. Some Jews fought in the SS stupid.

B. You ever hear of the "open air prison" that is the West Bank?
A) No

B) Population of “Palestine” is growing annually you idiot. How is that genocide? Keep listening to Rashida Tlaib you zombie.

He lied. What has he done to garner my respect? NOTHING.

there's much wrong here, zoggy.

FIRST - i distinctly remember you saying polls don't mean a thing when i posted some poll re: donny. - can't remember what it was, it was some time ago - BUT i know you said that.

so that's the first thing.

& yer source is the washington examiner ( not msn ) - an obvious rw biased rag mag with a 'mixed' truth in reporting rating.

& the poll is from september... polls are only a snapshot in time.

& zogby analytics - has a B- reliability/accuracy/unbiased rating.


there ya go. :)
there's much wrong here, zoggy.

FIRST - i distinctly remember you saying polls don't mean a thing when i posted some poll re: donny. - can't remember what it was, it was some time ago - BUT i know you said that.

so that's the first thing.

& yer source is the washington examiner ( not msn ) - an obvious rw biased rag mag with a 'mixed' truth in reporting rating.

& the poll is from september... polls are only a snapshot in time.

& zogby analytics - has a B- reliability/accuracy/unbiased rating.


there ya go. :)
You asked for a link and I gave it. You may Google it to see more. Polls are what they are a snapshot and that snapshot states that Biden sucks.
You asked for a link and I gave it. You may Google it to see more. Polls are what they are a snapshot and that snapshot states that Biden sucks.

i asked for a credible (updated) link specifying about that 20% regret but .... whatever.

i seriously doubt anything he does would win yer support, since your opinion of the jan 6 riot/bloody attempted coup/insurrection/seditious act at the urging of a US prez & the CONtinuation of that big lie - CONtinuing to distort the truth & fan the flames was not as bad & dangerous to our democracy as it really is.
i asked for a credible (updated) link specifying about that 20% regret but .... whatever.

i seriously doubt anything he does would win yer support, since your opinion of the jan 6 riot/bloody attempted coup/insurrection/seditious act at the urging of a US prez & the CONtinuation of that big lie - CONtinuing to distort the truth & fan the flames was not as bad & dangerous to our democracy as it really is.
Not one person charged with insurrection. They weren’t trying to overthrow anything. It’s not like they formed an autonomous zone. We have discussed this in detail. In my view the left has gone too far with their defund the police, America is racist and gender is a social construct narrative. You disagree and that is your right. Doesn’t make either of us wrong. We just have differing opinions.
I am a Nazi? You leftists are so deranged it’s laughable. You do realize that Nazis hate Jews, right? You uneducated baboon.

You're just another right wing idiot who votes against his own best interests. It takes a special brand of stupid to do that but you've demonstrated your complete lack of critical thinking abilities on multiple occasions.

When you base your vote for a politician depends on their foreign policy stance regarding another country completely, it makes no sense. The other thing you can't seem to separate is your religion and the Israeli government. Being opposed to the government's treatment of the Muslims living in Israel is not the same thing as being "anti-semitic".

You come across more like a Russian Jew, than an American. And your slavish devotion to Israel, while cheering on the destruction of the USA, doesn't improve your standing or give us reason to believe you are who you pretend to be.

And you continue to post 1500 times a month. I'm retired with a part time business and I don't have that kind of time to give away for free. Why aren't you working? Why are you here night and day, calling working people names and heaping insults on them?

You have no credibility, because you're simply not credible. None of your "stories" add up, Mr. Business Consultant.

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