Biden Family Overwhelming Evidence of Corruption

Nobody needs a reason for taking in a lot of money. That in itself is not a crime. You can catch somebody with a bag full of cash, but that doesn't prove he stole it.
Yeah, this ^ isnt going to be a good strategy for Joe if he ever ends up in front of a jury. :laugh:
Good theory, except the law says that an indicted person has to be brought to trial within 70 days, or the indictment become null and void.

Once an indictment is filed with the court, the criminal case can proceed. By Federal law, once an indictment is filed and the defendant is aware of it, the case must proceed to trial within 70 days.

A violation of the speedy trial rule means that any conviction and sentence must be wiped out, and the charges must be dismissed if the case has not reached trial. The federal Speedy Trial Act provides some instruction for federal cases.

There are buckets of exceptions to the speedy trial act. Including the trial judge just saying that a continuance serves the ends of justice.
Im saying that they hold it over his head to keep his mouth shut. If its sealed and they never move on the indictment because he is keeping silent, no one will ever know that it happened.

He very well might be guilty of crimes. I have no idea because the DOJ is just making accusations. I have no clue what their evidence is, but i will tell you this much, they have LESS evidence against Luft than we currently have on the Bidens, thats for fuck sure.
Cmon man. Your stories don’t make any sense with reality.

The DoJ already had him arrested in Cyprus and were trying to extradite him to the US for trial last February. How is that possibly consistent with your story about never moving on the indictment?

If you read the indictment (which you obviously haven’t because your media is doing you a disservice) you’d start to see the evidence which includes his own emails and messages talking about being a broker for arms and getting a commission.

Your story is just incredibly far fetched. The career attorneys at DoJ aren’t there to serve the political interests of the president.
He didn’t want it turned over to any other media organizations who actually have legitimate journalists who would have examined it for authenticity.

Sorry, but there aren't many legitimate jounalists out there and certainly not in the MSM. If he turned it over to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC do you really think he would have gotten a fair shake? On the other hand, had he turned it over to Fox, the left would have screamed that it was all fake no matter way. No win situation.

There’s no evidence he was having sex with underage girls on the laptop.

Regardless, my point stands with regards to the pictures and materials that have surfaced. He isn't exactly on a moral high ground and it isn't far fetched to believe he would be involved in the shady dealing of which he is being accused.
Sorry, but there aren't many legitimate jounalists out there and certainly not in the MSM. If he turned it over to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN or MSNBC do you really think he would have gotten a fair shake? On the other hand, had he turned it over to Fox, the left would have screamed that it was all fake no matter way. No win situation.
There are many legitimate journalists out there. Just look at what the Washington Post did with the drive when they did get ahold of it, they sent it to two independent experts who could validate the data. That's what legitimate journalists do. That's not what the NY Post did. Giuliani didn't have to turn it over to one agency. He could have (and should have) sent it to numerous. He didn't because he knew the NY Post, which is a very conservative paper with low journalistic standards, would publish the story he wanted to be published. He didn't want that story to be lost amid legitimate stories from legitimate agencies.

You're just making excuses. You don't get to complain that people doubted the veracity of the data while defending the decision that deprived them of the ability to verify it.
Regardless, my point stands with regards to the pictures and materials that have surfaced. He isn't exactly on a moral high ground and it isn't far fetched to believe he would be involved in the shady dealing of which he is being accused.
No one thought Hunter Biden was on high moral ground.
He was charged in November 2022.

The DoJ doesn’t prosecute people for fun. They convict over 90% of everyone they charge. So just playing the odds, he’s probably guilty.
This DOJ charges people to pursue their political agenda. When looking at the record of the justice dept vs Trump, their record is 0%

But moreover, people who flee justice seem like they’re guilty to me. Call me crazy.
Who's fleeing justice?
It’s not the FBI’s job to correct people.

There are tons of forensic specialists who could have confirmed the laptop. Legitimate media organizations wanted to use them to investigate but Rudy wouldn’t let anyone see the data. He gave it to the NY Post who were either too stupid or lazy to get that done.

So everyone had to wonder if it was real or not because no one was allowed to investigate further.

Blame Rudy.
I think Rudy sent a copy of the laptop to a number of media outlets.
Cmon man. Your stories don’t make any sense with reality.

The DoJ already had him arrested in Cyprus and were trying to extradite him to the US for trial last February. How is that possibly consistent with your story about never moving on the indictment?

If you read the indictment (which you obviously haven’t because your media is doing you a disservice) you’d start to see the evidence which includes his own emails and messages talking about being a broker for arms and getting a commission.

Your story is just incredibly far fetched. The career attorneys at DoJ aren’t there to serve the political interests of the president.
They arrested him in Cypress 6 months AFTER he reported bribery.
Bank records prove it. Come here... :itsok: There's a saying among accountants, no trail no jail but Joe and his band of corrupt idiots who sold out to foreign countries were not smart enough to cover their tracks.
Looks like Joe's family is as stupid as he is
There would have to be 500 such transfers.
Do you suggest Joe Biden has 500 different bank accounts to hide the money in. Because the IRS has his SSN on every account. and a 1099 if the account collected any interest.

A 1099-INT tax form is a record that someone — a bank or other entity — paid you interest. If you earned more than $10 in interest from a bank, brokerage or other financial institution, you'll receive a 1099-INT.
Only law abiding people do that. It does not apply to foreigners who don't pay us taxes. You are assuming
crooked foreigners obey our tax laws. Biden is a lying criminal. I doubt he obeys the tax laws.
There's a claim that Joe Biden received $5 million. That would be 500 transfers of under $10,000, in order to avoid BSA records.

Under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) of 1970, financial institutions are required to report certain transactions to the IRS. This includes wire transfers over $10,000, which are subject to reporting under the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act (31 U.S.C. 5311 et seq.).
You are assuming foreign criminals and the Bidens obey our tax laws?

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