Biden finally condemns rioting


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
"Needless violence won’t heal us," Biden tweeted on Wednesday in response to the riots that erupted over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man. "We need to end the violence -- and peacefully come together to demand justice."

This week, when riots erupted after the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., Biden’s initial response was to call for an investigation and for the police officers to be held “accountable.” He also talked about the need to “dismantle systemic racism."

However, it was not until Wednesday that Biden himself condemned the violence that followed -- a day after his campaign had released a similar statement. A video statement begins with outrage about Blake's shooting. He then says that “protesting brutality is a right and absolutely necessary but burning down buildings is not protest -- it’s needless violence.”

“Violence that endangers lives. Violence that guts businesses and shutters businesses that serve the community,” he said. “That’s wrong.”

Not enough, Joe. You've got to call for every democrat mayor, governor, and city council of every city that has these riots going on every freakin' night to get a superior force out there and put an end to the violence and destruction. It's not enough to say all this crap is wrong, you've got to demand that the appropriate actions be taken to restore law and order. C'mon man, you're looking like a guy that is owned by the Far Left of your Party; are you too afraid to speak out? Or are you okay with all the lawlessness that is going on?
From 7/28 you dumb ass. Mods, lock thread please. :). Yea right. That’ll happen.

"Needless violence won’t heal us," Biden tweeted on Wednesday in response to the riots that erupted over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man. "We need to end the violence -- and peacefully come together to demand justice."

This week, when riots erupted after the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., Biden’s initial response was to call for an investigation and for the police officers to be held “accountable.” He also talked about the need to “dismantle systemic racism."

However, it was not until Wednesday that Biden himself condemned the violence that followed -- a day after his campaign had released a similar statement. A video statement begins with outrage about Blake's shooting. He then says that “protesting brutality is a right and absolutely necessary but burning down buildings is not protest -- it’s needless violence.”

“Violence that endangers lives. Violence that guts businesses and shutters businesses that serve the community,” he said. “That’s wrong.”

Not enough, Joe. You've got to call for every democrat mayor, governor, and city council of every city that has these riots going on every freakin' night to get a superior force out there and put an end to the violence and destruction. It's not enough to say all this crap is wrong, you've got to demand that the appropriate actions be taken to restore law and order. C'mon man, you're looking like a guy that is owned by the Far Left of your Party; are you too afraid to speak out? Or are you okay with all the lawlessness that is going on?

Creepy Joe's condemnation is not only too late coming it is NOT enough, he NEEDS to do more such as announcing he is calling for the DEMOLISHING of the Democrat Party because it NOW has been hijacked by filthy Marxists and Black Supremacists.
Joe is not president last I checked. How about you turn your mind on the guy in charge, is he helping or is he doing as you are, blaming others. Is that a trait with Trump followers? Weak people refuse to accept responsibility. The irony here is this turmoil and violence is going on now under Trump and the republicans. Does anyone not see that? I guess not. Violence hate crimes and apologetic nonsense such as Trump's there are good white supremacists is OK I guess. The last administration had issues as all do, but the level of violence and hate has grown under Trump and the republicans. To deny that is to deny reality and it seems followers do that as many on this board attest. Hate crimes have grown under Trump and when you read the hate directed at democrats you must realize how easily some are made evil. The killer with the rifle is a clear example. The driver who killed is another example. This is Trump's world and denying it is a lie told to the self.

''Trump effect' led to hate crime surge, report finds'

'The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes'

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil

For the interested reader: Becoming Evil
Joe is not president last I checked. How about you turn you mind on the guy in charge, is he helping or is he doing as you are, blaming others. Is that a trait with Trump followers? Weak people refuse to accept responsibility. The irony here is this turmoil and violence is going on now under Trump and the republicans. Does anyone not see that? I guess not. Violence hate crimes and apologetic nonsense such as Trump's there are good white supremacists is OK I guess. The last administration had issues as all do, but the level of violence and hate has grown under Trump and the republicans. To deny that is to deny reality and it seems followers do that as many on this board attest. Hate crimes have grown under Trump and when you read the hate directed at democrats you must realize how easily some are made evil. The killer with the rifle is a clear example. The driver who killed is another example. This is Trump's world and denying it is a lie told to the self.

''Trump effect' led to hate crime surge, report finds'

'The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes'

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil

For the interested reader: Becoming Evil

The OP thread is about JOE BIDEN. GTFO with your Extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome, either post about JOE BIDEN or GTFO Troll Boi.
He’s consistently called for prosecution of criminals and for peaceful protests along with measured police response to protests. For months. Don’t be stupid boys.
Finally condemning leftist extremist crimes and domestic terrorism so late in the game because you finally realize it is hurting your political chances of winning the election isn't worth a damn.

Joe and the leaders of the Democratic Party should publicly apologize for 10p years of racism, racial injustice, policies of 'economic slavery', for taking minorities for granted, and for giving their issues LIP SERVICE for decades.

They should apologize to America, especially to the communities 'on fire' right now, for incompetence, failed policies, and for betraying / abandoning citizens / businesses to instead stand with violent criminals, domestic terrorists, and foreign enemies funding them.
Finally condemning leftist extremist crimes and domestic terrorism so late in the game because you finally realize it is hurting your political chances of winning the election isn't worth a damn.

Joe and the leaders of the Democratic Party should publicly apologize for 10p years of racism, racial injustice, policies of 'economic slavery', for taking minorities for granted, and for giving their issues LIP SERVICE for decades.

They should apologize to America, especially to the communities 'on fire' right now, for incompetence, failed policies, and for betraying / abandoning citizens / businesses to instead stand with violent criminals, domestic terrorists, and foreign enemies funding them.
Or he’s been condemning for months and you are unable to read.
Joe is not president last I checked. How about you turn your mind on the guy in charge, is he helping or is he doing as you are, blaming others. Is that a trait with Trump followers? Weak people refuse to accept responsibility. The irony here is this turmoil and violence is going on now under Trump and the republicans. Does anyone not see that? I guess not. Violence hate crimes and apologetic nonsense such as Trump's there are good white supremacists is OK I guess. The last administration had issues as all do, but the level of violence and hate has grown under Trump and the republicans. To deny that is to deny reality and it seems followers do that as many on this board attest. Hate crimes have grown under Trump and when you read the hate directed at democrats you must realize how easily some are made evil. The killer with the rifle is a clear example. The driver who killed is another example. This is Trump's world and denying it is a lie told to the self.

''Trump effect' led to hate crime surge, report finds'

'The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes'

"Evil when we are in its power is not felt as evil, but as necessity." Simone Weil

For the interested reader: Becoming Evil
So, you want to completely blow by the fact that this is happening in the Democrat States, run By Democrat Governors and Mayors.

Your entire response is juvenile.

“The act of protesting should never be allowed to overshadow the reason we protest,” Biden said in a statement Saturday night. “It should not drive people away from the just cause that protest is meant to advance.”

That doesn't sound like much of a condemnation to me.
He’s consistently called for prosecution of criminals and for peaceful protests along with measured police response to protests. For months. Don’t be stupid boys.

Creepy Joe NOT on the same page as Kamala Harris, not that surprising considering he's Senile and is a Basement Dweller and does NOT even know what day it is most of the time.

The below is from LESS than 24 hours ago, Kamala Harris says the riots SHOULD continue and SHOULD continue AFTER the Election and she smiles her way through saying all of that. So she's FOR the rioting and FOR the rioting to CONTINUE for MANY MONTHS = NO Condemning them, Creepy Joe of course is NOT the Candidate, Harris IS the Candidate and so peoples should ignore EVERYTHING the Senile old man in the basements babbles and instead LISTEN to what Harris says.

Kamala Harris in the below clip says that the rioting SHOULD continue, it SHOULD continue and there is NO WAY Leftists can spin THAT into that she is condemning anything, when she is ENCOURAGING it to CONTINUE:



He’s consistently called for prosecution of criminals and for peaceful protests along with measured police response to protests. For months. Don’t be stupid boys.

Creepy Joe NOT on the same page as Kamala Harris, not that surprising considering he's Senile and is a Basement Dweller and does NOT even know what day it is most of the time.

The below is from LESS than 24 hours ago, Kamala Harris says the riots SHOULD continue and SHOULD continue AFTER the Election and she smiles her way through saying all of that. So she's FOR the rioting and FOR the rioting to CONTINUE for MANY MONTHS = NO Condemning them, Creepy Joe of course is NOT the Candidate, Harris IS the Candidate and so peoples should ignore EVERYTHING the Senile old man in the basements babbles and instead LISTEN to what Harris says.

Kamala Harris in the below clip says that the rioting SHOULD continue, it SHOULD continue and there is NO WAY Leftists can spin THAT into that she is condemning anything, when she is ENCOURAGING it to CONTINUE:

View attachment 381398
View attachment 381400

^^^^ Here's more:

In the below extended video at 5 minutes and 23 seconds we have this below exchange:

  • Colbert: And I want to make clear that I know there are protests still happening across the United States. I'm just not seeing the reporting on it that I saw in the first few weeks..."

    Harris: And they're not going to stop. Not going to stop. This is a movement. I'm telling you. They are not going to stop.

    And everyone beware. . . because they are not going to stop and they are not going to stop before Election Day in November and they are not going to stop after Election Day.

    And everyone should take note of that -- on both levels.

    They are not going to let up -- and they should not. And we should not."

    Colbert: Senator we're going to take a quick break...

^^^^ 5 minutes and 23 seconds in to the video and the ABOVE Kamala Harris said less than 24 HOURS AGO:


“The act of protesting should never be allowed to overshadow the reason we protest,” Biden said in a statement Saturday night. “It should not drive people away from the just cause that protest is meant to advance.”

That doesn't sound like much of a condemnation to me.

See the two videos I just posted of Kamala Harris less than 24 hours ago saying that the rioting SHOULD continue and for MANY MONTHS it SHOULD continue, she refers to the rioting as a "Movement"

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