Biden froze again last night and had to get escorted out by Obama

Obviously. In an arena of text, you wield a dull blade.
I guess that depends on how you look at it. I see this forum as a place for debate and the sharing of ideas. I see those who avoid engaging in debate about the topics to harp on grammar and spelling as the ones with dull blades.
Wasn't that his bond money that he had to pay?
No the bond was different. The payment to stormy was 130k. Instead of Trump paying it directly to her they tried to hide it by having his lawyer Mike cohen pay it which he did. Then Trump paid back Cohen $320k as they included extra to cover the taxes cohen would be paying on the income and added a $60k bonus.
Give it a year. Joe will be eating a dirt sandwich. He is too old and the Dem's are going to push him to his early death. They know he is going fall apart at the Debate. They are going to have to drug him up with speed. :O
I heard the same thing last election… and the election before about Hillary…. Yawn… boring. Find something more original please
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No the bond was different. The payment to stormy was 130k. Instead of Trump paying it directly to her they tried to hide it by having his lawyer Mike cohen pay it which he did. Then Trump paid back Cohen $320k as they included extra to cover the taxes cohen would be paying on the income and added a $60k bonus.
So what? That’s not a felony,
Yeah, I didn't think so either. Btw, I must have missed something, what are Orangecat, RhodyPatriot, and Slade3200 fighting about now? Can't we all just get along for once guys?
Orange cat caught a grammar error of mine and would apparently like to talk about how that makes me stupid instead of taking about the subject. Im just playing along and seeing how far he wants to take the distraction train.
Orange cat caught a grammar error of mine and would apparently like to talk about how that makes me stupid instead of taking about the subject. Im just playing along and seeing how far he wants to take the distraction train.

Well actually as much as I like Orangecat, derailing a thread is against the rules. I'm not going to report him for that, but he could be reported for it. So in other words I would just ignore it as I don't want you to get in trouble either.
Well actually as much as I like Orangecat, derailing a thread is against the rules. I'm not going to report him for that, but he could be reported for it. So in other words I would just ignore it as I don't want you to get in trouble either.

OK, you're becoming an annoying square.

I say that with LOVE.
See, now all along you people who lied about his condition have only confirmed you are liars and nothing you say can be trusted as the truth.

If you lie about something so obvious, you will lie about anything.

It also speaks to your character. Just amazing how disingenuous you are….and for what?
I triple dog dare ya to just let biden go after he waunders 2 steps from a group. No interference, no help, no assistance. Just let him be his own man for 10 minutes
herding biden is like herding cats
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This is not normal. This is not a man who has the mental or physical capacity to survive (quite literally) another term in the White House. Renominating him is irresponsible and a disservice to the American people.

We are in a race to the bottom.

It's absolutely ridiculous that this man is one of our two terrible options for president. Trump has good policies, but is also old and is terrible at public relations. He's incredibly narcissistic. He may be the lesser of two evils. Why don't we have a better Republican option? Craziness!!

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