Biden had to STEAL those classified documents. Should Joe Biden be Impeached for stealing classified documents? (Poll)

Should Joe Biden be Impeached for stealing classified documents?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 25.0%

  • Total voters
He declassified them for his personal use, like Clinton did with his tapes, but not officially, there was no paperwork to declassify them so officially they are still classified.

This simply has to be the silliest stuff I have seen for a while.
I saw MTP this morning and Senator Joe Manchin explained how when you read classified documents they are read in a SCIF, "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility". After you read them you are supposed to leave them in the SCIF.

Biden had to steal them. There is no other way to keep classified documents. Biden is a criminal.

Trump said he "declassified" the documents. Trump had "legal" authority over document classifications, Biden did not.

Democrats are saying that after Biden got caught he cooperated, whereas Trump did not cooperate.

"Cooperation" after you're caught is NOT the issue. Stealing classified documents, and for what purpose, is the issue.
It's hard to imagine being dumber than retarded. That's all you can really say about this thread.
ooohhh, so now there is a new classification of classified material. Declassified for the Donalds personal use. Not official but good enough for the Trump faithful. But really they are still classified, unless the FBI come looking for them, then are are declassified. Are you serious?
They had a special master look thru the trump docs for "atty-client" privileged items.
Then there are "personal" docs, like Clinton's tapes.
Trump told the FBI to take any classified docs, and the FBI said just put a lock on them.

All presidents take documents. I gave you an example where the court sided with the president.

Biden stole classified docs, he has no declassifying ability. Biden was selling secrets for cash. Trump was not selling secrets.
It's hard to imagine being dumber than retarded. That's all you can really say about this thread.
Duh, you must be a low-IQ dem, Biden stole classified docs. That is a fact. There is no other way to get them.
They had a special master look thru the trump docs for "atty-client" privileged items.
Then there are "personal" docs, like Clinton's tapes.
Trump told the FBI to take any classified docs, and the FBI said just put a lock on them.

All presidents take documents. I gave you an example where the court sided with the president.

Biden stole classified docs, he has no declassifying ability. Biden was selling secrets for cash. Trump was not selling secrets.
Cool story.
This simply has to be the silliest stuff I have seen for a while.
The president has say over classified docs. That is the rub. I'm no Trump fan.
But I can't stand the double-standard, trying to paint Trump as a criminal, when Biden is a proven criminal.
The president has say over classified docs. That is the rub. I'm no Trump fan.
But I can't stand the double-standard, trying to paint Trump as a criminal, when Biden is a proven criminal.
So they are both criminals. I agree. Not everyone is a mindless partisan hack.
The president has say over classified docs. That is the rub. I'm no Trump fan.
But I can't stand the double-standard, trying to paint Trump as a criminal, when Biden is a proven criminal.
Where is the double standard DA?
You are a retarded nincompoop;
1. Joe Biden stole classified documents, period. Full stop. He needs to be Impeached and prosecuted.

2. Donald Trump removed documents that he said he declassified.
If Trump violated any Law indict him, prosecute him, and let the courts decide.

That Biden is trying to pooh-pooh the classified docs and is "cooperating" means nothing.
He stole them, he needs to go to prison.
There's a chance that he knowingly took, But it's just as likely that he already had them while he was vice president which is not uncommon for people in that position, And simply neglected to return them. Still not a good look either way. With the number of documents that were found, it's gross negligence we gligence at best, but negligence is slmost never prosecuted in cases like this, unless there is some factor that clearly placed the docments in danger of falling into the wrong hands.

For example trump face scrutiny on the fact that he had the documents on his property in an unlocked broom closet, Wish was fully accessible by his entire staff at mar a Lago. The documents that were in Biden's garage which fall under the same category since the garage Wouldn't fall under a secure place.

But the documents found in his office and in other areas that were locked and secured probably won't face any issues.
There's a chance that he knowingly took, But it's just as likely that he already had them while he was vice president which is not uncommon for people in that position, And simply neglected to return them. Still not a good look either way. With the number of documents that were found, it's gross negligence at best, but negligence is almost never prosecuted in cases like this, unless there is some factor that clearly placed the documents in danger of falling into the wrong hands.

For example trump face scrutiny on the fact that he had the documents on his property in an unlocked broom closet, Wish was fully accessible by his entire staff at Mar a Lago. The documents that were in Biden's garage which fall under the same category since the garage Wouldn't fall under a secure place. But the documents found in his office and in other areas that were locked and secured probably won't face any issues.
1. Joe Biden stole classified documents. There is no spinning that. Its not negligence, its theft of classified documents.
If any regular citizen did that they would be in prison a very long time.

2. Trump's documents are NOT the issue.
Trump is claiming that he declassified them before removing them, and he had that authority.

Biden needs to be Impeached, removed, and prosecuted.
President Trump never stole anything. :itsok:

He certainly stole the artwork from the US embassy in Paris. He also committed bank and tax fraud... and charity fraud.. that's theft.

News without motive.

As one CNN analyst stated - "Biden appears to be a classified documents hoarder"
Dating all the way back to when he was only a Senator.

This is a HUGE scandal. It makes Trumps possession look like a kid who got caught with a pack of gum in his pocket.
The fact is, it is readily apparent that Joe Biden has unlawfully somehow obtained secret documents from the federal government for decades. Why?? And what exactly were those documents?
Then his press secretary outright lied to the press pool last week saying the search was over. When clearly it was not.
The left media compared Trump's possession to Watergate. Well based on that - what would you compare Biden with?? The Confederacy?
IT seems to me the Trump faithful were simply not raised right. I remember my Mom explaining to me, after I did something, just because everyone else does it does not make it right. What Biden does in no way makes Trumps stealing of documents any less illegal. Trump and Biden should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Didn't the Republicans used to be all in on self responsibility, morals and ethics and stuff. Biden does not have a cult following but those trying to justify his possession of documents might need to go back to kindergarten, too.
No. I don't want Harris sworn-in as POTUS.
But is that a reason to allow a corrupt (and now demented) man to continue to serve as president when he is a national security risk and has used government funds to personally enrich himself and his family? And after he’s caught with all sorts of classified documents in various locations, some of which he’s had for a decade or more, and accessible to his drug addict son?

I say let us have the Affirmative Action Idiot be installed, and her complete incompetence will give Republicans, along with normal Democrats, cause to have her dismissed via the 25th. And if that does NOT happen, there will be a display of such stupidity in the Democrat president, the Republican candidate wins 2024 in a landslide.

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