Biden Handed Over South America to China


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Biden Handed Over South America to China

One of the greatest betrayals in our history happened while America slept.

4 May 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield

When Biden met with Lula da Silva, the founder of the Marxist Brazil’s Workers’ Party and a convicted criminal, it was a victory lap for both socialists.
Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former leader, had survived his bribery conviction and rigged an election that overthrew Jair Bolsonaro: his conservative patriotic predecessor. Biden had survived his own trial by fire during the midterms which locked down the 2024 Democrat nomination.
Lula also met with fellow Marxists: Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Biden and Lula talked of “democracy” and “fighting extremism”. They badmouthed their predecessors, Bolsonaro and Trump, and Biden offered the Marxist some big checks.
“Both our nations’ strong democracies have been tested,” Biden falsely claimed, and “both in the United States and Brazil, democracy prevailed.”
Media accounts compared Biden and Lula who had both faced mass public protests over their stolen elections. Biden had been one of the first to congratulate Lula on his stolen election and invited him to the White House despite the Brazilian Marxist’s longtime enmity to America.
“The United States and the rest of the world can count on Brazil in the fight for democracy,” Lula assured Biden.
The Biden administration and the media had worked hard to bring Lula to power despite the fact that he was an ally of geopolitical enemies like Xi in China and Putin in Russia.
Biden’s China treason poses an existential threat to America.
China’s growing holdings in South America will give it access to vast mining, agricultural, energy and navigational resources while putting it within striking distance of the United States.
Democrats and the media cheered each “victory for democracy” in South America. What they did not say was that these victories really marked the expansion of China south of our border.
One of the greatest betrayals in our history, on par with Truman handing over China to the Communists, has happened quietly while hardly anyone noticed and while America slept.

It's become quite evident that the fraudulent election Of Joe Biden as now revealed that Biden and is merry Maoist Democrat handlers are an existential Clear and Present Danger to America and its citizens.
Every setback, disaster and debacle has been caused by leftist democrats.
Every one. Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq to Brazil to Iran.
Maoist/DSA Democrats create lasting damage. In Vietnam they killed millions. Iran will soon have nukes, created a debacle in the out from Afghanistan, the Russo-Ukraine war and finally the lost of Saudi Arabia.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are a disaster.
While America has slept, it was hogtied, gagged, kidnapped and gang raped.

Biden Handed Over South America to China

One of the greatest betrayals in our history happened while America slept.

4 May 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield

When Biden met with Lula da Silva, the founder of the Marxist Brazil’s Workers’ Party and a convicted criminal, it was a victory lap for both socialists.
Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former leader, had survived his bribery conviction and rigged an election that overthrew Jair Bolsonaro: his conservative patriotic predecessor. Biden had survived his own trial by fire during the midterms which locked down the 2024 Democrat nomination.
Lula also met with fellow Marxists: Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Biden and Lula talked of “democracy” and “fighting extremism”. They badmouthed their predecessors, Bolsonaro and Trump, and Biden offered the Marxist some big checks.
“Both our nations’ strong democracies have been tested,” Biden falsely claimed, and “both in the United States and Brazil, democracy prevailed.”
Media accounts compared Biden and Lula who had both faced mass public protests over their stolen elections. Biden had been one of the first to congratulate Lula on his stolen election and invited him to the White House despite the Brazilian Marxist’s longtime enmity to America.
“The United States and the rest of the world can count on Brazil in the fight for democracy,” Lula assured Biden.
The Biden administration and the media had worked hard to bring Lula to power despite the fact that he was an ally of geopolitical enemies like Xi in China and Putin in Russia.
Biden’s China treason poses an existential threat to America.
China’s growing holdings in South America will give it access to vast mining, agricultural, energy and navigational resources while putting it within striking distance of the United States.
Democrats and the media cheered each “victory for democracy” in South America. What they did not say was that these victories really marked the expansion of China south of our border.
One of the greatest betrayals in our history, on par with Truman handing over China to the Communists, has happened quietly while hardly anyone noticed and while America slept.

It's become quite evident that the fraudulent election Of Joe Biden as now revealed that Biden and is merry Maoist Democrat handlers are an existential Clear and Present Danger to America and its citizens.
Every setback, disaster and debacle has been caused by leftist democrats.
Every one. Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq to Brazil to Iran.
Maoist/DSA Democrats create lasting damage. In Vietnam they killed millions. Iran will soon have nukes, created a debacle in the out from Afghanistan, the Russo-Ukraine war and finally the lost of Saudi Arabia.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are a disaster.
While America has slept, it was hogtied, gagged, kidnapped and gang raped.
I'm amazed it didn't wake up during all of that activity.


Biden Handed Over South America to China

One of the greatest betrayals in our history happened while America slept.

4 May 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield

When Biden met with Lula da Silva, the founder of the Marxist Brazil’s Workers’ Party and a convicted criminal, it was a victory lap for both socialists.
Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former leader, had survived his bribery conviction and rigged an election that overthrew Jair Bolsonaro: his conservative patriotic predecessor. Biden had survived his own trial by fire during the midterms which locked down the 2024 Democrat nomination.
Lula also met with fellow Marxists: Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Biden and Lula talked of “democracy” and “fighting extremism”. They badmouthed their predecessors, Bolsonaro and Trump, and Biden offered the Marxist some big checks.
“Both our nations’ strong democracies have been tested,” Biden falsely claimed, and “both in the United States and Brazil, democracy prevailed.”
Media accounts compared Biden and Lula who had both faced mass public protests over their stolen elections. Biden had been one of the first to congratulate Lula on his stolen election and invited him to the White House despite the Brazilian Marxist’s longtime enmity to America.
“The United States and the rest of the world can count on Brazil in the fight for democracy,” Lula assured Biden.
The Biden administration and the media had worked hard to bring Lula to power despite the fact that he was an ally of geopolitical enemies like Xi in China and Putin in Russia.
Biden’s China treason poses an existential threat to America.
China’s growing holdings in South America will give it access to vast mining, agricultural, energy and navigational resources while putting it within striking distance of the United States.
Democrats and the media cheered each “victory for democracy” in South America. What they did not say was that these victories really marked the expansion of China south of our border.
One of the greatest betrayals in our history, on par with Truman handing over China to the Communists, has happened quietly while hardly anyone noticed and while America slept.

It's become quite evident that the fraudulent election Of Joe Biden as now revealed that Biden and is merry Maoist Democrat handlers are an existential Clear and Present Danger to America and its citizens.
Every setback, disaster and debacle has been caused by leftist democrats.
Every one. Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq to Brazil to Iran.
Maoist/DSA Democrats create lasting damage. In Vietnam they killed millions. Iran will soon have nukes, created a debacle in the out from Afghanistan, the Russo-Ukraine war and finally the lost of Saudi Arabia.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are a disaster.
While America has slept, it was hogtied, gagged, kidnapped and gang raped.

This is real rubber room material. Maoist Biden?

Most interesting is the allegation that Joe Biden lost Saudi Arabia. I wasn’t aware that Saudi Arabia belong to the USA. I just thought Saudi Arabia was screwing Americans over for the money they could get and protection from Iran.

Losing Saudi Arabia was probably a good thing since they were behind 911. With friends like the Saudi is who needs enemies.
Despite the usual caterwauling from Candycorn and the Dragonlady, its quite obvious that Joey Xi Bai Dung and is merry Maoist/DSA Democrats have made deals allowing the CCP to
dominate in South America is because meetings with President Xi Jinping, will always results in agreed to policies that will be very favorable to China and let him get away with his horrendous cruel oppression of the people of China as well as accepting Jinping international policies designed the lowering of the United States as a world power. Tis is te results of massive sellout and corruption of our fraudulent 46th president and is handlers.
Xi Jinping knows that Biden is very weak and feeble-minded, and he even likes Socialism and is very easily manipulated to be the useful idiot, stooge, tool and” lap dog” of XI Jinping, able to use Biden to have do anything to wants him to do. In other words, Biden is Xi's stooge because he's been easily bought and malleable.
This is real rubber room material. Maoist Biden?

Most interesting is the allegation that Joe Biden lost Saudi Arabia. I wasn’t aware that Saudi Arabia belong to the USA. I just thought Saudi Arabia was screwing Americans over for the money they could get and protection from Iran.

Losing Saudi Arabia was probably a good thing since they were behind 911. With friends like the Saudi is who needs enemies.

Republicans spend decades demanding that the U.S. impoverish and sanction South America, then say "OMG BIDEN IS LOSING SOUTH AMERICA!"

Biden Handed Over South America to China

One of the greatest betrayals in our history happened while America slept.

4 May 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield

When Biden met with Lula da Silva, the founder of the Marxist Brazil’s Workers’ Party and a convicted criminal, it was a victory lap for both socialists.
Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former leader, had survived his bribery conviction and rigged an election that overthrew Jair Bolsonaro: his conservative patriotic predecessor. Biden had survived his own trial by fire during the midterms which locked down the 2024 Democrat nomination.
Lula also met with fellow Marxists: Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Biden and Lula talked of “democracy” and “fighting extremism”. They badmouthed their predecessors, Bolsonaro and Trump, and Biden offered the Marxist some big checks.
“Both our nations’ strong democracies have been tested,” Biden falsely claimed, and “both in the United States and Brazil, democracy prevailed.”
Media accounts compared Biden and Lula who had both faced mass public protests over their stolen elections. Biden had been one of the first to congratulate Lula on his stolen election and invited him to the White House despite the Brazilian Marxist’s longtime enmity to America.
“The United States and the rest of the world can count on Brazil in the fight for democracy,” Lula assured Biden.
The Biden administration and the media had worked hard to bring Lula to power despite the fact that he was an ally of geopolitical enemies like Xi in China and Putin in Russia.
Biden’s China treason poses an existential threat to America.
China’s growing holdings in South America will give it access to vast mining, agricultural, energy and navigational resources while putting it within striking distance of the United States.
Democrats and the media cheered each “victory for democracy” in South America. What they did not say was that these victories really marked the expansion of China south of our border.
One of the greatest betrayals in our history, on par with Truman handing over China to the Communists, has happened quietly while hardly anyone noticed and while America slept.

It's become quite evident that the fraudulent election Of Joe Biden as now revealed that Biden and is merry Maoist Democrat handlers are an existential Clear and Present Danger to America and its citizens.
Every setback, disaster and debacle has been caused by leftist democrats.
Every one. Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq to Brazil to Iran.
Maoist/DSA Democrats create lasting damage. In Vietnam they killed millions. Iran will soon have nukes, created a debacle in the out from Afghanistan, the Russo-Ukraine war and finally the lost of Saudi Arabia.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are a disaster.
While America has slept, it was hogtied, gagged, kidnapped and gang raped.

China isn't bullying Latin America around or forcing it to adopt neoliberal capitalism, privatizing all of its infrastructure. The Chinese allow Latin American countries to develop their own heavy industries, unlike the US which forces Latin American countries through its IMF i.e. "International Monetary Fund" loans to hand their economy to American and European corporations. Whenever the US imposes economic sanctions on a Latin American country or threatens it with war, it inadvertently promotes China.

That's why China continues to cement strong ties in Latin America. Your denial, along with all of the other deluded Americans, ensures that will continue.
China isn't bullying Latin America around or forcing it to adopt neoliberal capitalism, privatizing all of its infrastructure. The Chinese allow Latin American countries to develop their own heavy industries, unlike the US which forces Latin American countries through its IMF i.e. "International Monetary Fund" loans to hand their economy to American and European corporations. Whenever the US imposes economic sanctions on a Latin American country or threatens it with war, it inadvertently promotes China.
You're full of Bovine Scat... See:

Biden Handed Over South America to China

One of the greatest betrayals in our history happened while America slept.

4 May 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield

When Biden met with Lula da Silva, the founder of the Marxist Brazil’s Workers’ Party and a convicted criminal, it was a victory lap for both socialists.
Lula da Silva, Brazil’s former leader, had survived his bribery conviction and rigged an election that overthrew Jair Bolsonaro: his conservative patriotic predecessor. Biden had survived his own trial by fire during the midterms which locked down the 2024 Democrat nomination.
Lula also met with fellow Marxists: Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Biden and Lula talked of “democracy” and “fighting extremism”. They badmouthed their predecessors, Bolsonaro and Trump, and Biden offered the Marxist some big checks.
“Both our nations’ strong democracies have been tested,” Biden falsely claimed, and “both in the United States and Brazil, democracy prevailed.”
Media accounts compared Biden and Lula who had both faced mass public protests over their stolen elections. Biden had been one of the first to congratulate Lula on his stolen election and invited him to the White House despite the Brazilian Marxist’s longtime enmity to America.
“The United States and the rest of the world can count on Brazil in the fight for democracy,” Lula assured Biden.
The Biden administration and the media had worked hard to bring Lula to power despite the fact that he was an ally of geopolitical enemies like Xi in China and Putin in Russia.
Biden’s China treason poses an existential threat to America.
China’s growing holdings in South America will give it access to vast mining, agricultural, energy and navigational resources while putting it within striking distance of the United States.
Democrats and the media cheered each “victory for democracy” in South America. What they did not say was that these victories really marked the expansion of China south of our border.
One of the greatest betrayals in our history, on par with Truman handing over China to the Communists, has happened quietly while hardly anyone noticed and while America slept.

It's become quite evident that the fraudulent election Of Joe Biden as now revealed that Biden and is merry Maoist Democrat handlers are an existential Clear and Present Danger to America and its citizens.
Every setback, disaster and debacle has been caused by leftist democrats.
Every one. Vietnam to Afghanistan to Iraq to Brazil to Iran.
Maoist/DSA Democrats create lasting damage. In Vietnam they killed millions. Iran will soon have nukes, created a debacle in the out from Afghanistan, the Russo-Ukraine war and finally the lost of Saudi Arabia.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are a disaster.
While America has slept, it was hogtied, gagged, kidnapped and gang raped.

When Trump stopped US farmers from selling their soybeans to China, China decided to buy all their soybeans from Brazil.
Despite the usual caterwauling from Candycorn and the Dragonlady, its quite obvious that Joey Xi Bai Dung and is merry Maoist/DSA Democrats have made deals allowing the CCP to
dominate in South America is because meetings with President Xi Jinping, will always results in agreed to policies that will be very favorable to China and let him get away with his horrendous cruel oppression of the people of China as well as accepting Jinping international policies designed the lowering of the United States as a world power. Tis is te results of massive sellout and corruption of our fraudulent 46th president and is handlers.
Xi Jinping knows that Biden is very weak and feeble-minded, and he even likes Socialism and is very easily manipulated to be the useful idiot, stooge, tool and” lap dog” of XI Jinping, able to use Biden to have do anything to wants him to do. In other words, Biden is Xi's stooge because he's been easily bought and malleable.
Xi has the Biden Crime Family Dossier.
When Trump stopped US farmers from selling their soybeans to China, China decided to buy all their soybeans from Brazil.
They were already buying them from Brazil. Brazil is the world's largest producer. China bean imports are falling.
They were already buying them from Brazil. Brazil is the world's largest producer. China bean imports are falling.

Since Trump screwed the US soybean farmers China is buying all of Brazil's soybean crop and Brazil has invested to increase production.
Since Trump screwed the US soybean farmers China is buying all of Brazil's soybean crop and Brazil has invested to increase production.
China does not buy all of Brazil's soybeans.
Despite the usual caterwauling from Candycorn and the Dragonlady, its quite obvious that Joey Xi Bai Dung and is merry Maoist/DSA Democrats have made deals allowing the CCP to
dominate in South America is because meetings with President Xi Jinping, will always results in agreed to policies that will be very favorable to China and let him get away with his horrendous cruel oppression of the people of China as well as accepting Jinping international policies designed the lowering of the United States as a world power. Tis is te results of massive sellout and corruption of our fraudulent 46th president and is handlers.
Xi Jinping knows that Biden is very weak and feeble-minded, and he even likes Socialism and is very easily manipulated to be the useful idiot, stooge, tool and” lap dog” of XI Jinping, able to use Biden to have do anything to wants him to do. In other words, Biden is Xi's stooge because he's been easily bought and malleable.
Doc75 is swilling his daily ration of potato beer from Glastnost. Doc has no idea how sillily his material reads.

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