Biden has a Real Plan to Distribute the Vaccine

Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
At a snails pace. Trump didn't even buy enough doses, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe.
Trump's plan would have taken 2+ years to vaccinate the whole country, Biden will do this in 9-12 months.

Just like in 2008, the dems need to rescue the country after the GOP destroyed it.

Only government morons would buy all the doses up front. Smart people buy a portion, see which works the best, and then buy the rest. That's exactly whast Trump did.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
At a snails pace. Trump didn't even buy enough doses, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe.
Trump's plan would have taken 2+ years to vaccinate the whole country, Biden will do this in 9-12 months.

Just like in 2008, the dems need to rescue the country after the GOP destroyed it.
Great comeback, too bad I have facts and links and evidence to support my argument, you have nothing.

You are just a typical partisan hack that loves his party more than his country. All you can do is make lame excuses for your parties repeated failure, as evident in this thread, and evident by Trump's total failure to 1) buy enough vaccine doses 2) formulate a plan to distribute vaccine doses...

Who will put all the eggs into one supplier??? That was in the summer when Pfizer was not the front-runner in vaccine development. If Pfizer failed, US would have no vaccine to use. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That is why you order at least 200+ million doses from each supplier, not the small 100 million (that can only vaccinate 50 M people).

This isn't complicated, yet Trump had a hard time with it...
How does that make any difference if they can't produce that many doses?

Every time you post you only prove how stupid you are.
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Trump already handed him that goal. We were hitting a million a day when bidumb took office. All he has to do is not fuck it up. But we know he will.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
Slowly, haphazardly, and intermittently.

It's about to get a lot better.

This depends on the STATE.
I don't understand why OP can post this kind of dumb news here :rolleyes: :
(1) Distribution is up to the States (maybe Fed can push blue states around)
(2) Pfizer's vaccine needs special care and has a short shelf life, don't believe you can pick any community centers to be vaccination centers. Also, mobile units mean army deployment.
(3) Now, Pfizer will bill Fed for 6 doses per vial, don't believe we have enough low dead space syringes to go around.

BTW, it was ~1.2 million doses administered avg per day last week already. So, all the news is for the show. If Biden can fxxk this right, OBama is right.
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Biden's method would be via kickback. The people willing to pay the most get to go first. Don't forget the "Big guys" vig.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You are forgetting bush the first.

That man had our nation on the verge of collapse by the time Clinton took office.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan in 1992?


The horrible economy is why the first bush was only a one term president.

The last 3 republican presidents left a huge mess behind them when they left in disgrace.

As for trump and the vaccine, I have never in my life seen a more incompetent politician as trump and his cohorts.

The man turned down hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine last year leaving us without the proper amount of it to vaccinate our nation.

On top of having no plan to distribute it.

I've qualified to be vaccinated for a while now but there is none for me be vaccinated. I've been waiting, I'm on a waiting list and I check the sign up websites daily.

It's a supply problem caused by trump.

I swear the way he has handled the virus from day one is a man who did everything in his power to spread it far and wide killing as many Americans as possible. Then when we have a vaccine, the man refuses hundreds of millions of doses leaving us without enough.

The man is a total disaster.
Thank gawd Clinton was there to.....
repeal Glass-Steagal!
sign the Commodity Futures Modernization Act!
rewrite the Community Reinvestment Act!
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Trump already handed him that goal. We were hitting a million a day when bidumb took office. All he has to do is not fuck it up. But we know he will.
He already has the first hiccup in the six doses issue. He should push FDA not to let Pfizer changing the label. Of course, MSM would not report the bad news.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
At a snails pace. Trump didn't even buy enough doses, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe.
Trump's plan would have taken 2+ years to vaccinate the whole country, Biden will do this in 9-12 months.

Just like in 2008, the dems need to rescue the country after the GOP destroyed it.
Great comeback, too bad I have facts and links and evidence to support my argument, you have nothing.

You are just a typical partisan hack that loves his party more than his country. All you can do is make lame excuses for your parties repeated failure, as evident in this thread, and evident by Trump's total failure to 1) buy enough vaccine doses 2) formulate a plan to distribute vaccine doses...

Who will put all the eggs into one supplier??? That was in the summer when Pfizer was not the front-runner in vaccine development. If Pfizer failed, US would have no vaccine to use. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That is why you order at least 200+ million doses from each supplier, not the small 100 million (that can only vaccinate 50 M people).

This isn't complicated, yet Trump had a hard time with it...
How does that make any difference if they can't produce that many doses?

Every time you post you only prove how stupid you are.
WOW you really are stupid.

Look right here, Trump only bought 100 M (enough for 50 M people), then he let the other 200+ M doses go to Europe. We could've had those doses... We need those doses.

Foxnews rots the brain. You are so grossly misinformed to the facts. You are a total sheep and a lemming.

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

Trump had a plan and here's the proof.
Dated December 9th 2020.
Funny how leftists are never factchecked by Big Tech.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
At a snails pace. Trump didn't even buy enough doses, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe.
Trump's plan would have taken 2+ years to vaccinate the whole country, Biden will do this in 9-12 months.

Just like in 2008, the dems need to rescue the country after the GOP destroyed it.
Great comeback, too bad I have facts and links and evidence to support my argument, you have nothing.

You are just a typical partisan hack that loves his party more than his country. All you can do is make lame excuses for your parties repeated failure, as evident in this thread, and evident by Trump's total failure to 1) buy enough vaccine doses 2) formulate a plan to distribute vaccine doses...

Who will put all the eggs into one supplier??? That was in the summer when Pfizer was not the front-runner in vaccine development. If Pfizer failed, US would have no vaccine to use. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That is why you order at least 200+ million doses from each supplier, not the small 100 million (that can only vaccinate 50 M people).

This isn't complicated, yet Trump had a hard time with it...
How does that make any difference if they can't produce that many doses?

Every time you post you only prove how stupid you are.
WOW you really are stupid.

Look right here, Trump only bought 100 M (enough for 50 M people), then he let the other 200+ M doses go to Europe. We could've had those doses... We need those doses.

Foxnews rots the brain. You are so grossly misinformed to the facts. You are a total sheep and a lemming.

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

LOL at people who STILL think Fox News is on Trump's side.
That's what watching CNN does to you,
Distribution is up to the States.
Only in tRumpling bizzaro alternate reality world is the response to global health issues left up to the states.

What do you guys think the federal government is for?

We're not talking about Global distribution.

We're talking about how horrible Trump was compared to Biden.

I wasn't talking about global distribution. I was talking about the role of the federal government in addressing nation wide issues. They aren't just there to artificially prop up the stock market and keep me from taking your guns you know.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

Huh? There is ALREADY a distribution plan for vaccines in existence. They get sent to CVS, Walgreens and otehr pharmacies, as well as hospitals, doctor's offices and other facilities. There is no reason to reinvent the freaking wheel here. Before he left office, Trump had already distribution millions and millions of vaccines.

All that Sleepy Joe had to do was keep the system on autopilot.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
At a snails pace. Trump didn't even buy enough doses, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe.
Trump's plan would have taken 2+ years to vaccinate the whole country, Biden will do this in 9-12 months.

Just like in 2008, the dems need to rescue the country after the GOP destroyed it.
Great comeback, too bad I have facts and links and evidence to support my argument, you have nothing.

You are just a typical partisan hack that loves his party more than his country. All you can do is make lame excuses for your parties repeated failure, as evident in this thread, and evident by Trump's total failure to 1) buy enough vaccine doses 2) formulate a plan to distribute vaccine doses...

Who will put all the eggs into one supplier??? That was in the summer when Pfizer was not the front-runner in vaccine development. If Pfizer failed, US would have no vaccine to use. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That is why you order at least 200+ million doses from each supplier, not the small 100 million (that can only vaccinate 50 M people).

This isn't complicated, yet Trump had a hard time with it...
Unless they changed the story, I remember Pfizer was talking about close to 500 million.
Hey, 100 million per supplier means at least 100M people are vaccinated in the first batch (do you have any idea how long it takes?). Then, Fed will have at least a few other vaccinates to choose from after the first couple of months. In fact, it does.
Of course, it is a moot pt now. Biden just adds a 200millions doses order last week.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

Trump had a plan and here's the proof.
Dated December 9th 2020.
Funny how leftists are never factchecked by Big Tech.
This is the DOD plan for vaccinating military personnel.

You fail.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

Explain how 38,000,000 doses have been distributed with no distribution plan, Moron. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Thread fail.
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
It is doable because we are already at that level. Biden is saying he won't improve anything in the next 100 days.

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