Biden has a Real Plan to Distribute the Vaccine

Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Not true, Trump didn't buy enough vaccine doses and let hundreds of million go to Europe, with "big pharma" even questioning why Trump didn't buy more doses

Leaving distribution up to the states is a failed policy, and the slow results show. Biden has enacted the full power of the US government to get the job done. They will do a much faster job than the states.

This is just another example of the failure of Trump, and your pathetic excuses for this failure. You love failure, you embrace failure, you support failure, because you are a partisan hack who loves poltical party more than America. All you do is make excuses for the GOP failure instead of holding them accountable.

Dood, seriously.

Pharma can only produce so much vaccine!

Every country purchases separately.

Biden HAS to leave it up to the States to distribute as they see fit.
(It's in the Constitution, dummy)

That's why we see success in Florida and failure in NY and CA.

Your attack on me is lame.

I must have hit a nerve.
Idiot, Trump had the opportunity to buy more doses, he didn't buy them for some crazy reason. I have facts and evidence, you have nothing but lame excuses. You are just a partisan hack, you are more loyal to your party than to America. Party over country, disgusting. Let's hear more pathetic excuses...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.

Just the tone of whomever you're quoting tells me you are not dealing with an honest media.

There's the problem. I report the unequivicol facts, you don't like these facts, you can't accept these facts, you want to hide and ignore these facts. You try to call the facts "biased"

Facts are kryptonite to a republican. The facts are that Trump could have bought more vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna and he didn't. And it was a big and stupid mistake.

Here are the facts, right from Gotlieb a member of the Pfizer board...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Not true, Trump didn't buy enough vaccine doses and let hundreds of million go to Europe, with "big pharma" even questioning why Trump didn't buy more doses

Leaving distribution up to the states is a failed policy, and the slow results show. Biden has enacted the full power of the US government to get the job done. They will do a much faster job than the states.

This is just another example of the failure of Trump, and your pathetic excuses for this failure. You love failure, you embrace failure, you support failure, because you are a partisan hack who loves poltical party more than America. All you do is make excuses for the GOP failure instead of holding them accountable.

Dood, seriously.

Pharma can only produce so much vaccine!

Every country purchases separately.

Biden HAS to leave it up to the States to distribute as they see fit.
(It's in the Constitution, dummy)

That's why we see success in Florida and failure in NY and CA.

Your attack on me is lame.

I must have hit a nerve.
Idiot, Trump had the opportunity to buy more doses, he didn't buy them for some crazy reason. I have facts and evidence, you have nothing but lame excuses. You are just a partisan hack, you are more loyal to your party than to America. Party over country, disgusting. Let's hear more pathetic excuses...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.
OMFG. You could never possibly be my banker you moron. Trump got the vaccine done 5 yrs before anyone ever did. Do you fucking understand that? Bullshit!! We would sell our vaccine abroad before we weren't pricked first. You are a joke of repulsive magnitudes.
Yea researchers at trump university got the vaccine???

Bog pharma made the vaccine and Trump did nothing. The vaccine would have been made with or without Trump.

Trump failed to buy enough doses and instead they went to Europe for some strange irrational reason.

Here are the facts, I know you hate facts:

Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC that the White House declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.

Stop posting the same crap over and over again.

It's called spamming.

btw there is no Trump University.
I told you to delete this. Don't blame me for the dumbest GD thread of the yr so far getting this

We believe in free speech, even if it's stooopid ;)
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
He is already walking that back and trying to lower expectations.
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Not true, Trump didn't buy enough vaccine doses and let hundreds of million go to Europe, with "big pharma" even questioning why Trump didn't buy more doses

Leaving distribution up to the states is a failed policy, and the slow results show. Biden has enacted the full power of the US government to get the job done. They will do a much faster job than the states.

This is just another example of the failure of Trump, and your pathetic excuses for this failure. You love failure, you embrace failure, you support failure, because you are a partisan hack who loves poltical party more than America. All you do is make excuses for the GOP failure instead of holding them accountable.

Dood, seriously.

Pharma can only produce so much vaccine!

Every country purchases separately.

Biden HAS to leave it up to the States to distribute as they see fit.
(It's in the Constitution, dummy)

That's why we see success in Florida and failure in NY and CA.

Your attack on me is lame.

I must have hit a nerve.
Idiot, Trump had the opportunity to buy more doses, he didn't buy them for some crazy reason. I have facts and evidence, you have nothing but lame excuses. You are just a partisan hack, you are more loyal to your party than to America. Party over country, disgusting. Let's hear more pathetic excuses...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.
OMFG. You could never possibly be my banker you moron. Trump got the vaccine done 5 yrs before anyone ever did. Do you fucking understand that? Bullshit!! We would sell our vaccine abroad before we weren't pricked first. You are a joke of repulsive magnitudes.
Yea researchers at trump university got the vaccine???

Bog pharma made the vaccine and Trump did nothing. The vaccine would have been made with or without Trump.

Trump failed to buy enough doses and instead they went to Europe for some strange irrational reason.

Here are the facts, I know you hate facts:

Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC that the White House declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.

Sorry. You are a scroll by now. Yer as worthless as tits on a bull. Notice how I usually post in 2 sentences what you have to do in the abortion you just sent me.

You have to be a special dooshalot for you to annoy me enough to put you on scroll by. Congrats
Your surrender has been noted.

I eat Trumpers for breakfast. You have no facts to support your claims, so there is nothing you can say, you just cry like a little bitch.
Waaa Waaaaa
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
Slowly, haphazardly, and intermittently.

It's about to get a lot better.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You are forgetting bush the first.

That man had our nation on the verge of collapse by the time Clinton took office.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan in 1992?


The horrible economy is why the first bush was only a one term president.

The last 3 republican presidents left a huge mess behind them when they left in disgrace.

As for trump and the vaccine, I have never in my life seen a more incompetent politician as trump and his cohorts.

The man turned down hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine last year leaving us without the proper amount of it to vaccinate our nation.

On top of having no plan to distribute it.

I've qualified to be vaccinated for a while now but there is none for me be vaccinated. I've been waiting, I'm on a waiting list and I check the sign up websites daily.

It's a supply problem caused by trump.

I swear the way he has handled the virus from day one is a man who did everything in his power to spread it far and wide killing as many Americans as possible. Then when we have a vaccine, the man refuses hundreds of millions of doses leaving us without enough.

The man is a total disaster.
Last edited:
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You are forgetting bush the first.

That man had our nation on the verge of collapse by the time Clinton took office.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan in 1992?


The horrible economy is why the first bush was only a one term president.

The last 3 republican presidents left a huge mess behind them when they left in disgrace.

As for trump and the vaccine, I have never in my life seen a more incompetent politician as trump and his cohorts.

The man turned down hundreds of thousands of doses of the vaccine last year leaving us without the proper amount of it to vaccinate our nation.

On top of having no plan to distribute it.

I've qualified to be vaccinated for a while now but there is none for me be vaccinated. I've been waiting, I'm on a waiting list and I check the sign up websites daily.

It's a supply problem caused by trump.

I swear the way he has handled the virus from day one is a man who did everything in his power to spread it far and wide killing as many Americans as possible. Then when we have a vaccine, the man refuses hundreds of thousands of doses leaving us without enough.

The man is a total disaster.

Bush had bad timing. The massive Reagan boom had to dip at some point. ANd it did right before the election.

THe recovery started before the election. But was reported badly.

Afteer the votes were done, they revised it upwards. The recovery started under bush, not cliton.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.

LOL What a dooshalot you are. The whole thing has been done for

If Obama/Biden really fucked up SARS how do you think they would do with this...LOLOLOL

Delete this dumb ass immediately.
How many us citizens died of sars?
Given that the Rump Administration lied to the American public about vaccine production...

Given that the Rump Administration lied to the American public about vaccine reserves...

Given that the Rump Administration left it all up to the 50 States (et al) - many of whom lacked funds and the insight to create and oversee programs of their own...

A centralized science- and logistics -based approach, designed to partner with the States uniformly across the nation, to stimulate and grow State efforts, is a winner...

It's the difference between a Federal response based upon intelligence and vision and compassion and concern and a sense of duty, vs. a lazy, apathetic lack of leadership...

So far, so good, Uncle Joe... keep it up... :clap2:
Progs and their key words....coed words....Science and insurrectionists and social distancing and so many more. I just read that a MSNBC host , Nicolle Wallace suggested that drones should be sent out to kill the deplorables as they are terrorists. This woman would be taken down a few seconds or less and deserve to be so if she put her as on the line.
You children you to face it: Cheeto Jesus royally screwed the pooch.

Man up, admit it, and move on.
Distribution is up to the States.
Only in tRumpling bizzaro alternate reality world is the response to global health issues left up to the states.

What do you guys think the federal government is for?

We're not talking about Global distribution.

We're talking about how horrible Trump was compared to Biden.

Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Not true, Trump didn't buy enough vaccine doses and let hundreds of million go to Europe, with "big pharma" even questioning why Trump didn't buy more doses

Leaving distribution up to the states is a failed policy, and the slow results show. Biden has enacted the full power of the US government to get the job done. They will do a much faster job than the states.

This is just another example of the failure of Trump, and your pathetic excuses for this failure. You love failure, you embrace failure, you support failure, because you are a partisan hack who loves poltical party more than America. All you do is make excuses for the GOP failure instead of holding them accountable.

Dood, seriously.

Pharma can only produce so much vaccine!

Every country purchases separately.

Biden HAS to leave it up to the States to distribute as they see fit.
(It's in the Constitution, dummy)

That's why we see success in Florida and failure in NY and CA.

Your attack on me is lame.

I must have hit a nerve.
Idiot, Trump had the opportunity to buy more doses, he didn't buy them for some crazy reason. I have facts and evidence, you have nothing but lame excuses. You are just a partisan hack, you are more loyal to your party than to America. Party over country, disgusting. Let's hear more pathetic excuses...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.

Just the tone of whomever you're quoting tells me you are not dealing with an honest media.

There's the problem. I report the unequivicol facts, you don't like these facts, you can't accept these facts, you want to hide and ignore these facts. You try to call the facts "biased"

Facts are kryptonite to a republican. The facts are that Trump could have bought more vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna and he didn't. And it was a big and stupid mistake.

Here are the facts, right from Gotlieb a member of the Pfizer board...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

I challenge you to refute any of my factual claims. You can not do it.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You are forgetting bush the first.

That man had our nation on the verge of collapse by the time Clinton took office.

How can anyone forget the campaign slogan in 1992?


The horrible economy is why the first bush was only a one term president.

The last 3 republican presidents left a huge mess behind them when they left in disgrace.

As for trump and the vaccine, I have never in my life seen a more incompetent politician as trump and his cohorts.

The man turned down hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine last year leaving us without the proper amount of it to vaccinate our nation.

On top of having no plan to distribute it.

I've qualified to be vaccinated for a while now but there is none for me be vaccinated. I've been waiting, I'm on a waiting list and I check the sign up websites daily.

It's a supply problem caused by trump.

I swear the way he has handled the virus from day one is a man who did everything in his power to spread it far and wide killing as many Americans as possible. Then when we have a vaccine, the man refuses hundreds of millions of doses leaving us without enough.

The man is a total disaster.
The GOP is a complete and total failure on every level on every issue...
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You wouldn't even have a vaccine to bitch about if it weren't for Operation Warp Speed, initiated by President Trump.
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Not true, Trump didn't buy enough vaccine doses and let hundreds of million go to Europe, with "big pharma" even questioning why Trump didn't buy more doses

Leaving distribution up to the states is a failed policy, and the slow results show. Biden has enacted the full power of the US government to get the job done. They will do a much faster job than the states.

This is just another example of the failure of Trump, and your pathetic excuses for this failure. You love failure, you embrace failure, you support failure, because you are a partisan hack who loves poltical party more than America. All you do is make excuses for the GOP failure instead of holding them accountable.

Dood, seriously.

Pharma can only produce so much vaccine!

Every country purchases separately.

Biden HAS to leave it up to the States to distribute as they see fit.
(It's in the Constitution, dummy)

That's why we see success in Florida and failure in NY and CA.

Your attack on me is lame.

I must have hit a nerve.
Idiot, Trump had the opportunity to buy more doses, he didn't buy them for some crazy reason. I have facts and evidence, you have nothing but lame excuses. You are just a partisan hack, you are more loyal to your party than to America. Party over country, disgusting. Let's hear more pathetic excuses...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.

Just the tone of whomever you're quoting tells me you are not dealing with an honest media.

There's the problem. I report the unequivicol facts, you don't like these facts, you can't accept these facts, you want to hide and ignore these facts. You try to call the facts "biased"

Facts are kryptonite to a republican. The facts are that Trump could have bought more vaccine doses from Pfizer and Moderna and he didn't. And it was a big and stupid mistake.

Here are the facts, right from Gotlieb a member of the Pfizer board...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

I challenge you to refute any of my factual claims. You can not do it.

Must be a nice reality you live in there Banker. One where you get to ignore the inconvenient facts, and only harp on your armchair analysis...
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

But Biden is making sure America's enemies in GITMO get their vaccine
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
At a snails pace. Trump didn't even buy enough doses, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe.
Trump's plan would have taken 2+ years to vaccinate the whole country, Biden will do this in 9-12 months.

Just like in 2008, the dems need to rescue the country after the GOP destroyed it.
Great comeback, too bad I have facts and links and evidence to support my argument, you have nothing.

You are just a typical partisan hack that loves his party more than his country. All you can do is make lame excuses for your parties repeated failure, as evident in this thread, and evident by Trump's total failure to 1) buy enough vaccine doses 2) formulate a plan to distribute vaccine doses...

Who will put all the eggs into one supplier??? That was in the summer when Pfizer was not the front-runner in vaccine development. If Pfizer failed, US would have no vaccine to use. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You wouldn't even have a vaccine to bitch about if it weren't for Operation Warp Speed, initiated by President Trump.
AHAHAHAHA!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Yea researchers at Trump university developed the vaccine in between developing their "inject bleach" treatment.

Big Pharma scientists developed the vaccine and Trump had nothing to do with it. The vaccine would have gotten made in the sametime with, or wiithout Trump.

You are so gullible.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you.'s already being distributed through the states..................
At a snails pace. Trump didn't even buy enough doses, letting hundreds of millions of doses slip away to Europe.
Trump's plan would have taken 2+ years to vaccinate the whole country, Biden will do this in 9-12 months.

Just like in 2008, the dems need to rescue the country after the GOP destroyed it.
Great comeback, too bad I have facts and links and evidence to support my argument, you have nothing.

You are just a typical partisan hack that loves his party more than his country. All you can do is make lame excuses for your parties repeated failure, as evident in this thread, and evident by Trump's total failure to 1) buy enough vaccine doses 2) formulate a plan to distribute vaccine doses...

Who will put all the eggs into one supplier??? That was in the summer when Pfizer was not the front-runner in vaccine development. If Pfizer failed, US would have no vaccine to use. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
That is why you order at least 200+ million doses from each supplier, not the small 100 million (that can only vaccinate 50 M people).

This isn't complicated, yet Trump had a hard time with it...

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