Biden has a Real Plan to Distribute the Vaccine

...I shan't be taking a shot anyway.
Good. Don't. It's all Fake News anyway. Stand your ground. Be proud. Don't give in to the fake science. Don't give in to Reality. Show us the way. :abgg2q.jpg:
Don't need your permission or approval, asswipe. Take your shots like a good little sheeple. I hope you croak just like some of the others.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

If it wasn't for Trump's work, we wouldn't have a vaccine yet. He got rid of all the regulations that prevented the fast approval. Biden wouldn't of done that.
Does Pedo Joe's plan distribute enough to vaccinate the 300 Americans he says he will vaccinate?
Good question. We'll know soon enough.

But before you distribute it you've gotta manufacture it.

And, a week-plus-change into Uncle Joe's new administration, we're seeing strong early signs of good attention to both.

Given that your Orange Baboon-God left the country with next-to-nothing in that respect, any substantive improvement will be welcome.

Fortunately, Joe is savvy enough to recruit sane, rational, competent, qualified Subject Matter Experts to hammer out the details.
Should already be enough on hand to cover the 300 people he says he will vaccinate.
...President Trump's responsibility was over on 20 January. Period. Anything after that is Sleepy Joe's responsibility

Rump should have been leading the charge in both manufacture and distribution long ago, as far back as FDA clearance day, and every day since that time.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is inheriting a vacuum.

A vacuum of leadership with respect to the pandemic... a vacuum of adequate manufacturer... a vacuum of adequate distribution...

Joe and his gaggle of Subject Matter Experts have hit the ground running and fast-tracking new Manufacture and Distribution polices and resources...

But... in the time it takes for those to fill the enormous vacuum left by your Empty Orange Suit... those casualties in the interim will rightfully be laid at Rump's feet...

Any deaths resulting from a shortfall of Biden polices and practices - if any - are still some weeks or months off in the future... your boy remains to blame for the present.
...If it wasn't for Trump's work, we wouldn't have a vaccine yet. He got rid of all the regulations that prevented the fast approval. Biden wouldn't of done that.
Yep. Nolo contendre. No contest. Absolutely correct.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
ILMAO.............The vaccines provided were stockpiled and it was the GOVORNORS who failed to plan for a proper distribution. Ah, but the States are victims too, "Come on man!".

How does one become a banker when they don't have grasp on basic govt. function for which they're regulated under?
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You spent most of your post bitching and whining about what Biden is inheriting. For starters,,he’s inheriting vaccines that were developed in less than a year UNDER TRUMP. Biden Chief of staff says there were no plans under Trump yet all both articles talk about are species plans to “partner” with state and local governments and military. Neither article details how and why Biden’s plans will be better outside of throwing in a bunch of agencies together. What does that workflow look like? Does it scale? Do they have the right amount of resources? Any legal issues to overcome?

Trump is gone. This is Biden’s show now and he is on the clock.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

If it wasn't for Trump's work, we wouldn't have a vaccine yet. He got rid of all the regulations that prevented the fast approval. Biden wouldn't of done that.
Not only did Trump speed up the vaccine development process, he sped up the manufacturing process too by actually producing vaccine at risk, assuming it would be approved. It normally takes 18-months at the earliest for a vaccine to get an EUA, then another year to build and certify the production facility, or 2.5 years at the earliest for shots in arms. Trump got it done in 9-months!! Saving about 1-million US lives.

As for the Trump distribution plan, even Dr. Fauci, the guy Biden kept in-charge, said that the Trump distribution plan was fine.
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Not true, Trump didn't buy enough vaccine doses and let hundreds of million go to Europe, with "big pharma" even questioning why Trump didn't buy more doses

Leaving distribution up to the states is a failed policy, and the slow results show. Biden has enacted the full power of the US government to get the job done. They will do a much faster job than the states.

This is just another example of the failure of Trump, and your pathetic excuses for this failure. You love failure, you embrace failure, you support failure, because you are a partisan hack who loves poltical party more than America. All you do is make excuses for the GOP failure instead of holding them accountable.

Dood, seriously.

Pharma can only produce so much vaccine!

Every country purchases separately.

Biden HAS to leave it up to the States to distribute as they see fit.
(It's in the Constitution, dummy)

That's why we see success in Florida and failure in NY and CA.

Your attack on me is lame.

I must have hit a nerve.
Idiot, Trump had the opportunity to buy more doses, he didn't buy them for some crazy reason. I have facts and evidence, you have nothing but lame excuses. You are just a partisan hack, you are more loyal to your party than to America. Party over country, disgusting. Let's hear more pathetic excuses...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.
OMFG. You could never possibly be my banker you moron. Trump got the vaccine done 5 yrs before anyone ever did. Do you fucking understand that? Bullshit!! We would sell our vaccine abroad before we weren't pricked first. You are a joke of repulsive magnitudes.
Yea researchers at trump university got the vaccine???

Bog pharma made the vaccine and Trump did nothing. The vaccine would have been made with or without Trump.

Trump failed to buy enough doses and instead they went to Europe for some strange irrational reason.

Here are the facts, I know you hate facts:

Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC that the White House declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.

Nonsense ...getting the vaccine to market within months is unheard of---Trump had rules changed at the FDA allowing for the vaccines to come market when they would have taken years to do so under any other president.

Trump didn't fail to get enough doses----there is only so many doses that could be given out especially with a new system in place before the doses expired.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You're an idiot.

The ENTIRE WORLD is short on vaccines. You can not distribute what does not exist.

And the mess that needs cleaned up was ENTIRELY SELF INFLICTED by leftist twats who's goal was to destroy Trump by destroying their own economies.
Lame OP.

Distribution is up to the States.

Big Pharma can only make so many vaccines at a time.

It'll be interesting to see if Biden's "100 million vacs in 100 days" is doable.
I doubt that it is.

It'll be double interesting to see who Biden blames for failing his 100m/100d promise.
Not true, Trump didn't buy enough vaccine doses and let hundreds of million go to Europe, with "big pharma" even questioning why Trump didn't buy more doses

Leaving distribution up to the states is a failed policy, and the slow results show. Biden has enacted the full power of the US government to get the job done. They will do a much faster job than the states.

This is just another example of the failure of Trump, and your pathetic excuses for this failure. You love failure, you embrace failure, you support failure, because you are a partisan hack who loves poltical party more than America. All you do is make excuses for the GOP failure instead of holding them accountable.

Dood, seriously.

Pharma can only produce so much vaccine!

Every country purchases separately.

Biden HAS to leave it up to the States to distribute as they see fit.
(It's in the Constitution, dummy)

That's why we see success in Florida and failure in NY and CA.

Your attack on me is lame.

I must have hit a nerve.
Idiot, Trump had the opportunity to buy more doses, he didn't buy them for some crazy reason. I have facts and evidence, you have nothing but lame excuses. You are just a partisan hack, you are more loyal to your party than to America. Party over country, disgusting. Let's hear more pathetic excuses...

The Trump administration last spring made a deal for 100m doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine candidate, but the administration turned down an offer to reserve additional doses, Scott Gottlieb, a current Pfizer board member and former FDA commissioner, confirmed on Tuesday.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.
OMFG. You could never possibly be my banker you moron. Trump got the vaccine done 5 yrs before anyone ever did. Do you fucking understand that? Bullshit!! We would sell our vaccine abroad before we weren't pricked first. You are a joke of repulsive magnitudes.
Yea researchers at trump university got the vaccine???

Bog pharma made the vaccine and Trump did nothing. The vaccine would have been made with or without Trump.

Trump failed to buy enough doses and instead they went to Europe for some strange irrational reason.

Here are the facts, I know you hate facts:

Dr. Scott Gottlieb told CNBC that the White House declined “multiple” offers from Pfizer to strike a deal on more vaccines for the second quarter of 2021.

Problems started with the Trump administration’s “fatal mistake” of not ordering enough vaccine, which was then snapped up by other countries, Topol said. Then, opening the line to senior citizens set people up for disappointment because there wasn’t enough vaccine, he said.

Nonsense ...getting the vaccine to market within months is unheard of---Trump had rules changed at the FDA allowing for the vaccines to come market when they would have taken years to do so under any other president.

Trump didn't fail to get enough doses----there is only so many doses that could be given out especially with a new system in place before the doses expired.

Trump made all the right moves while Fauci the weasel traitor and ilk talked out of both cheeks in their asses.
Would you let this klown be your banker? No thanks I'll use a mattress.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You're an idiot.

The ENTIRE WORLD is short on vaccines. You can not distribute what does not exist.

And the mess that needs cleaned up was ENTIRELY SELF INFLICTED by leftist twats who's goal was to destroy Trump by destroying their own economies.
The banker thinks we're going to sell our supplies first to Somalia..................I told a mod this thread should be deleted for Super Sonic Stupidity. And we should add that rule to the 5,689 others we have.
Trump mandated the military to prepare in MARCH!!
And did nothing to help the states prepare.

The military, BTW, would have been preparing with or without his say-so.
What should he have done to help the states prepare? Pharmacies, Walmart and doctor's offices have been giving vaccines for decades. You simply have to find some way to blame Trump.

Biden made promises that he never intended to keep. That's the bottom line.
...And the mess that needs cleaned up was ENTIRELY SELF INFLICTED by leftist twats who's goal was to destroy Trump by destroying their own economies.
I had thought better of you than this. I was wrong. You, too, have drunk deeply of the Orange Kool-Aid and are now beyond redemption. Asinine remark.
His claim is obviously true. Dims have been trying to destroy this country since Trump got elected.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

Distribution is up to the States.
Only in tRumpling bizzaro alternate reality world is the response to global health issues left up to the states.

What do you guys think the federal government is for?

Enjoy Trump's vaccine.
The first vaccine on the market had nothing to do with the us government.
Of course it did, moron. Trump made the US government get out of the way. If Biden had been in charge, it would have taken 2 years to go through the normal bureaucratic process. That's why NAZIs like you hate Trump: he demonstrated conclusively how incompetent the government is.
Explain how 38,000,000 doses have been distributed with no distribution plan,
Haphazardly, slowly, and intermittently.
A million a day is slow???
So why is Biden saying he'll distribut 100 million in 100 days.
Do the maths.
It wasn't a million a day for most of that time, and President Joe has upped his estimate to 150,000,000 Americans vaccinated in the first 100 days.

That's gonna be about 40,000,000 a month.

tRump didn't manage 3.
He had to after everyone pointed out that his prior promise was a promise of nothing. He still have to deliver on that claim.
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Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

Trump had a plan and here's the proof.
Dated December 9th 2020.
Funny how leftists are never factchecked by Big Tech.
This is the DOD plan for vaccinating military personnel.

You fail.
Trump's DOD plan, you fucking dumbass.
That's not a plan for vaccinating the public, you fuckin' idiot.

Seriously, stop. You're far too stupid to be participating I these discussions.

How do you manage not to suffocate? Does someone stand next to you and remind you to breath?
What kind of a plan is it? I'm sure no matter what plan is mentioned, you will claim it's not a plan. Only a plan conceived of by a troop of Democrat Reich minions is a plan in your eyes.

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