Biden has a Real Plan to Distribute the Vaccine

Does Pedo Joe's plan distribute enough to vaccinate the 300 Americans he says he will vaccinate?
Good question. We'll know soon enough.

But before you distribute it you've gotta manufacture it.

And, a week-plus-change into Uncle Joe's new administration, we're seeing strong early signs of good attention to both.

Given that your Orange Baboon-God left the country with next-to-nothing in that respect, any substantive improvement will be welcome.

Fortunately, Joe is savvy enough to recruit sane, rational, competent, qualified Subject Matter Experts to hammer out the details.
You aren't seeing jack shit. You're making stuff up. You're a good little Biden Fuhrer bootlicker.
...President Trump's responsibility was over on 20 January. Period. Anything after that is Sleepy Joe's responsibility

Rump should have been leading the charge in both manufacture and distribution long ago, as far back as FDA clearance day, and every day since that time.

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is inheriting a vacuum.

A vacuum of leadership with respect to the pandemic... a vacuum of adequate manufacturer... a vacuum of adequate distribution...

Joe and his gaggle of Subject Matter Experts have hit the ground running and fast-tracking new Manufacture and Distribution polices and resources...

But... in the time it takes for those to fill the enormous vacuum left by your Empty Orange Suit... those casualties in the interim will rightfully be laid at Rump's feet...

Any deaths resulting from a shortfall of Biden polices and practices - if any - are still some weeks or months off in the future... your boy remains to blame for the present.

Did you have anything but lies to defend your Reich Fuhrer Biden?
Distribution is up to the States.
Only in tRumpling bizzaro alternate reality world is the response to global health issues left up to the states.

What do you guys think the federal government is for?

The states can't distribute something they don't have.

The federal government ordered and bought that vaccine. Not the states.

It's up to the federal government to distribute it to the states.

That's the problem here. We can't distribute what we don't have.

We don't have it because trump refused hundreds of millions of doses last summer.

It's like he wanted to kill as many Americans as he possibly could.
...You aren't seeing jack shit. You're making stuff up. You're a good little Biden Fuhrer bootlicker.
And you've got nothing but ad hominem attacks in your empty bag of magic tricks.

Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child... now... back to the Kiddie Table with you... the grown-ups are talking now, boy.
Trump mandated the military to prepare in MARCH!!
And did nothing to help the states prepare.

The military, BTW, would have been preparing with or without his say-so.
C'mon man, maybe the red states would not say a word when Fed (Trump) was micro-management. Blue states and MSM would tell him 'fxxk off.' Do you remember the 'homeless' and 'BLM'?
Dude, "shoot them" is not viable advice.

hmmm, maybe should ask them "paper or plastic" :rolleyes:






Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

How is the DNC pay these days? Good, I hope.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

Yeah he has Trump's plan!
Distribution is up to the States.
Only in tRumpling bizzaro alternate reality world is the response to global health issues left up to the states.

What do you guys think the federal government is for?

The states can't distribute something they don't have.

The federal government ordered and bought that vaccine. Not the states.

It's up to the federal government to distribute it to the states.

That's the problem here. We can't distribute what we don't have.

We don't have it because trump refused hundreds of millions of doses last summer.

It's like he wanted to kill as many Americans as he possibly could.
It does not matter how many Trump ordered. It is because Trump's order is not fulfilled yet. Or, this is hard for you to understand.

P.S. BTW, I don't think Trump should order 500 million doses from Pfizer too.
...You aren't seeing jack shit. You're making stuff up. You're a good little Biden Fuhrer bootlicker.
And you've got nothing but ad hominem attacks in your empty bag of magic tricks.

Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, child... now... back to the Kiddie Table with you... the grown-ups are talking now, boy.
You? My better?


My ad hominems are mixed with an abundance of facts.
Given that the Rump Administration lied to the American public about vaccine production...

Given that the Rump Administration lied to the American public about vaccine reserves...

Given that the Rump Administration left it all up to the 50 States (et al) - many of whom lacked funds and the insight to create and oversee programs of their own...

A centralized science- and logistics -based approach, designed to partner with the States uniformly across the nation, to stimulate and grow State efforts, is a winner...

It's the difference between a Federal response based upon intelligence and vision and compassion and concern and a sense of duty, vs. a lazy, apathetic lack of leadership...

So far, so good, Uncle Joe... keep it up... :clap2:
I hope it works. My state is miserably slow.
Given that the Rump Administration lied to the American public about vaccine production...

Given that the Rump Administration lied to the American public about vaccine reserves...

Given that the Rump Administration left it all up to the 50 States (et al) - many of whom lacked funds and the insight to create and oversee programs of their own...

A centralized science- and logistics -based approach, designed to partner with the States uniformly across the nation, to stimulate and grow State efforts, is a winner...

It's the difference between a Federal response based upon intelligence and vision and compassion and concern and a sense of duty, vs. a lazy, apathetic lack of leadership...

So far, so good, Uncle Joe... keep it up... :clap2:
I hope it works. My state is miserably slow.
DOn't have your hopes up too high unless you are black or LGBTQ+ or terrorists
...I hope it works. My state is miserably slow.
Yep. It will take weeks, at the very least, to crank-up the production lines, and then start getting that stuff out into the field.

Stuff that should have been done months ago but the arrogant Orange A$$-Hat was too busy worrying about Power to bother caring for his constitutents.

Phukking Empty Suit... we're well shut of the sonofabitch.
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

God, are you clueless! Biden has no more idea what to do with the Covid pandemic than Trump did! The only reason we ARE eventually going to get through this is because we HAVE vaccines that were produced in record time due in large part from the push by Trump to do so. So far Joe Biden's only "contribution" to the Covid effort is to have everyone wear a mask for 100 days...something that hasn't been shown to do jack shit for stopping the virus! Biden's people are starting up the whining about Trump not setting them up well because they don't want to admit that they're clueless what to do.
...I hope it works. My state is miserably slow.
Yep. It will take weeks, at the very least, to crank-up the production lines, and then start getting that stuff out into the field.

Stuff that should have been done months ago but the arrogant Orange A$$-Hat was too busy worrying about Power to bother caring for his constitutents.

Phukking Empty Suit... we're well shut of the sonofabitch.
The only reason we HAVE vaccines right now is because of the "arrogant Orange A$$-Hat", Kondor! Say what you will about how Trump handled the pandemic...the one thing that he got right was pushing hard for vaccines to be developed as fast as possible!
...I hope it works. My state is miserably slow.
Yep. It will take weeks, at the very least, to crank-up the production lines, and then start getting that stuff out into the field.

Stuff that should have been done months ago but the arrogant Orange A$$-Hat was too busy worrying about Power to bother caring for his constitutents.

Phukking Empty Suit... we're well shut of the sonofabitch.
The only reason we HAVE vaccines right now is because of the "arrogant Orange A$$-Hat", Kondor! Say what you will about how Trump handled the pandemic...the one thing that he got right was pushing hard for vaccines to be developed as fast as possible!

If the democrats want proof that the Trump admin saved about 1m US lives just look at the record.
Dr. Fauci said that if the Trump admin got a vaccine approved in 18-months that would be a medical miracle. Then add a year to build and certify production facilities. The most optimistic pre-Trump vaccine production schedule was about 2.5 years to get shots-in-arms. Trump made it happen in 9-months! You're welcome.
So in the year that Trump saved, at least 1m US lives were saved, especially considering the more contagious and deadly strains the virus in mutation into. The Xiden admin didn't have to do anything except take credit for Trump's work.

Looking forward, Trump bought 1b doses of the 1-shot JNJ vaccine for delivery in 2021. That JNJ vaccine should get an EUA in late February, so starting in March there will be 3 approved vaccines getting the US to herd immunity by summer. You're welcome!

In case you were wondering if the vaccines are lowering the US infection rate. It looks like the answer is...yes.
You're welcome.
...I hope it works. My state is miserably slow.
Yep. It will take weeks, at the very least, to crank-up the production lines, and then start getting that stuff out into the field.

Stuff that should have been done months ago but the arrogant Orange A$$-Hat was too busy worrying about Power to bother caring for his constitutents.

Phukking Empty Suit... we're well shut of the sonofabitch.
Biden swore up and down that he was going to end the virus, but the day he was inaugurated he admitted that he has no plan, so now you idiots are scrambling to blame Trump.
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...I hope it works. My state is miserably slow.
Yep. It will take weeks, at the very least, to crank-up the production lines, and then start getting that stuff out into the field.

Stuff that should have been done months ago but the arrogant Orange A$$-Hat was too busy worrying about Power to bother caring for his constitutents.

Phukking Empty Suit... we're well shut of the sonofabitch.
What "stuff" should have been done months ago? You mean all the stuff that the Fuhrer Biden and his servile minions said couldn't be done for 2 years?
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You wouldn't even have a vaccine to bitch about if it weren't for Operation Warp Speed, initiated by President Trump.
AHAHAHAHA!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Yea researchers at Trump university developed the vaccine in between developing their "inject bleach" treatment.

Big Pharma scientists developed the vaccine and Trump had nothing to do with it. The vaccine would have gotten made in the sametime with, or wiithout Trump.

You are so gullible.

That is simply untrue, and rational people know as much....

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship."

"Coronavirus vaccine candidates have been developed faster than ever before, due in part to the federal government’s Operation Warp Speed, which has been successful, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“Operation Warp Speed has been a success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it’s been a success,” said Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease doctor, during a Tuesday virtual STAT Summit."

Fauci disagrees with you...
Just like Obama, Biden has inherited a total shitshow disaster from the GOP. Both Bush and Trump left office in failure and disgrace.

Not only did Trump not order remotely enough vaccine doses, letting them go to Europe instead, Trump also had no plan at all to distribute the vaccine. It would have taken Trump 2+ years to vaccinate the country, hopefully Biden can accomplish this in 9-12 months.

Luckily we have Biden to the rescue. Biden has a real plan to use the full power of the US government to distribute the vaccine, utilizing people/resources from all branches of government.

We can say with confidence that the vaccine will be distributed as fast as possible, with the best plan possible. Trump had no plan at all and the results reflect that, as the early vaccine distribution has been a total disaster.

Thank you Biden, we are lucky to have you. :clap:

You wouldn't even have a vaccine to bitch about if it weren't for Operation Warp Speed, initiated by President Trump.
AHAHAHAHA!!! :auiqs.jpg:

Yea researchers at Trump university developed the vaccine in between developing their "inject bleach" treatment.

Big Pharma scientists developed the vaccine and Trump had nothing to do with it. The vaccine would have gotten made in the sametime with, or wiithout Trump.

You are so gullible.

That is simply untrue, and rational people know as much....

"No doubt, Operation Warp Speed is a huge success," said Tinglong Dai, associate professor of Operations Management and Business Analytics at Johns Hopkins University Carey Business School in Baltimore.

"You can like or hate the Trump administration, but no doubt, it's a huge success — unprecedented success."

Jesse Goodman, the former chief scientist of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, agreed that the U.S. government deserves credit for the high priority placed on Operation Warp Speed.

"This is a bright spot in the pandemic response. I mean, the rest of it has been dismal," said Goodman, who is also director of Georgetown University's Center on Medical Product Access, Safety and Stewardship."

"Coronavirus vaccine candidates have been developed faster than ever before, due in part to the federal government’s Operation Warp Speed, which has been successful, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“Operation Warp Speed has been a success — certainly in the arena of vaccines, it’s been a success,” said Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease doctor, during a Tuesday virtual STAT Summit."

Fauci disagrees with you...
What Trump did was simple standard operating procedure. We are amidst a major pandemic and every president would have done the same. It was very simple, big Pharma made the vaccine all Trump did was sit back and watch.

Trump has been such a failed president and the bar is so low for Trump that all he has to do is sit back and watch and you cheer him...

Wow Trump didn't block the development of the vaccine great accomplishment... Get back to me when Trump actually does something good, like buy a sufficient amount of doses for the US population (which he didn't do), or come up with an effective plan to rapidly distribute the vaccine instead of just relying on the states, which clearly hasn't worked...

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