Biden has Given us the Best stock Market of the 21st century

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
The stock market is sooo STRONG !!!!

401k through the roof.
Stock protfolios to the moon

The Biden economy is so strong

The Biden stock market is even stronger.

Biden inherited a country in ruin. A health epidemic that was devastating the country, with no signs of abating. Treasonous Trash were rioting at the Capitol based on lies. The economy was on life support (the jobs data from November December 2020, and January 2021 was terrible).

In Trumps final full month Dec 2020 HE LOST JOBS. TRUMP LOST 140k JOBS... TERRIBLE. Trump had a terrible economy, and weak low growth. Repeat: Trump lost jobs in his final full month (In January of 2021, the insurrection month, Trump only had +49k jobs)

Biden turned all of that around giving Patriotic Americans the best economy of the 21st century and the best stock market of the 21st century. We just had +530k jobs !!!!!!! REPEAT: +530k jobs (remember Trump lost jobs in his final full month).

I would like to take this time to thank President Biden for restoring America to greatness Again, restoring the US economy to greatness never before achieved in the 21st century, and restoring the stock market to new highs.


The stock market is sooo STRONG !!!!

401k through the roof.
Stock protfolios to the moon

The Biden economy is so strong

The Biden stock market is even stronger.

Biden inherited a country in ruin. A health epidemic that was devastating the country, with no signs of abating. Treasonous Trash were rioting at the Capitol based on lies. The economy was on life support (the jobs data from November December 2020, and January 2021 was terrible).

In Trumps final full month Dec 2020 HE LOST JOBS. TRUMP LOST 140k JOBS... TERRIBLE. Trump had a terrible economy, and weak low growth. Repeat: Trump lost jobs in his final full month (In January of 2021, the insurrection month, Trump only had +49k jobs)

Biden turned all of that around giving Patriotic Americans the best economy of the 21st century and the best stock market of the 21st century. We just had +530k jobs !!!!!!! REPEAT: +530k jobs (remember Trump lost jobs in his final full month).

I would like to take this time to thank President Biden for restoring America to greatness Again, restoring the US economy to greatness never before achieved in the 21st century, and restoring the stock market to new highs.


More evidence that our President is Building Back Better
We are about to go on the biggest economic expansion in US history.

Biden is another Bill Clinton.

Trump was another Bush.

All the success is under dems

All the failures, health crises, failed wars, and riots at the Capitol are a result of the failed GOP.
More evidence that our President is Building Back Better
More evidence of INFLATION and the government printing money which is artificially forcing the markets up.

OH and btw, I am giving both of you full credit when the market crashes when the STIMULUS runs out or we are bombed by terrorists like CHINA because we have such a weak leader or they fully crash the dollar making it look like the Lira.
The only thing Biden has done to drive our market up is to overdraw our bank account and overspend our credit limit, both of which are terminal to an economy in the long term. In other words, any economic positive that has happened under Biden is nothing more than a temporary facade that will eventually end in disaster. All of the structural economic policy that has enabled our country to prosper was initiated by Trump, including the vaccines, and have been under attack by Biden since Jan 20. In other words, Biden inherited a Presidential fortune but he's blowing it at a record pace. If his spending wet dream passes the Senate, our country is finished.

Biden has Given us the Best stock Market of the 21st century​

There's nothing Dems won't steal. Okay tell us specifically what Biden policies and signed legislation resulted in the best stock market of the 21st century? You can't, now stop trying to steal the credit.
Meanwhile back in reality, Biden's inflation hits a new 31 year high as prices continue to soar.
More evidence that our President is Building Back Better
That only works when the peasants are doing better. I keep talking to people who are not as pro Prog as you are. If someone is earning 10 bucks and hour, doubling it will maybe make it even.
The stock market is sooo STRONG !!!!

401k through the roof.
Stock protfolios to the moon

The Biden economy is so strong

The Biden stock market is even stronger.

Biden inherited a country in ruin. A health epidemic that was devastating the country, with no signs of abating. Treasonous Trash were rioting at the Capitol based on lies. The economy was on life support (the jobs data from November December 2020, and January 2021 was terrible).

In Trumps final full month Dec 2020 HE LOST JOBS. TRUMP LOST 140k JOBS... TERRIBLE. Trump had a terrible economy, and weak low growth. Repeat: Trump lost jobs in his final full month (In January of 2021, the insurrection month, Trump only had +49k jobs)

Biden turned all of that around giving Patriotic Americans the best economy of the 21st century and the best stock market of the 21st century. We just had +530k jobs !!!!!!! REPEAT: +530k jobs (remember Trump lost jobs in his final full month).

I would like to take this time to thank President Biden for restoring America to greatness Again, restoring the US economy to greatness never before achieved in the 21st century, and restoring the stock market to new highs.


Bullshit as usual. You can attribute that to two things: The $1.9 trillion stimulus package, of which a sizeable chunk of it was invested into the stock market. And the fact that the Federal Reserve has kept interest rates to a near-zero level, something the Fed had done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic even before Biden took office.

The stock market in itself is not really the true indicator of the economy, especially when you figure in inflation, the high cost of energy, goods, and services, and supply line disruptions.
Bullshit as usual. You can attribute that to two things: The $1.9 trillion stimulus package, of which a sizeable chunk of it was invested into the stock market. And the fact that the Federal Reserve has kept interest rates to a near-zero level, something the Fed had done throughout the COVID-19 pandemic even before Biden took office.

The stock market in itself is not really the true indicator of the economy, especially when you figure in inflation, the high cost of energy, goods, and services, and supply line disruptions.

Yet when we had a decent stock market under Trump it was the best indicator.
Trump had trillions in stimulus and deficits too (before covid)
Trump had QE 4 lite in October of 2019, when we didn't even need QE at all.

This is the best economy of the 21st century and better than anything Trump or Bush had.
We are about to go on the biggest economic expansion in US history.

Biden is another Bill Clinton.

Trump was another Bush.

All the success is under dems

All the failures, health crises, failed wars, and riots at the Capitol are a result of the failed GOP.

The infrastructure bill will bring a million new, high paying jobs.
The supply chain bottlenecks are subsiding which will reduce inflation

Yet when we had a decent stock market under Trump it was the best indicator.
Trump had trillions in stimulus and deficits too (before covid)
Trump had QE 4 lite in October of 2019, when we didn't even need QE at all.

This is the best economy of the 21st century and better than anything Trump or Bush had.

Oh, and did I mention the Trump vaccine? An economic recovery would have been impossible, had he not mobilized the phrama industries to come up with those vaccines

Have you given President Trump thanks for your jab today? This would be a perfect day to do that, you know.
The stock market is sooo STRONG !!!!

401k through the roof.
Stock protfolios to the moon

The Biden economy is so strong

The Biden stock market is even stronger.

Biden inherited a country in ruin. A health epidemic that was devastating the country, with no signs of abating. Treasonous Trash were rioting at the Capitol based on lies. The economy was on life support (the jobs data from November December 2020, and January 2021 was terrible).

In Trumps final full month Dec 2020 HE LOST JOBS. TRUMP LOST 140k JOBS... TERRIBLE. Trump had a terrible economy, and weak low growth. Repeat: Trump lost jobs in his final full month (In January of 2021, the insurrection month, Trump only had +49k jobs)

Biden turned all of that around giving Patriotic Americans the best economy of the 21st century and the best stock market of the 21st century. We just had +530k jobs !!!!!!! REPEAT: +530k jobs (remember Trump lost jobs in his final full month).

I would like to take this time to thank President Biden for restoring America to greatness Again, restoring the US economy to greatness never before achieved in the 21st century, and restoring the stock market to new highs.


You are a total retarded imbecile if you think that Pedophile Biden has caused ANY good at all.
Oh, and did I mention the Trump vaccine? An economic recovery would have been impossible, had he not mobilized the phrama industries to come up with those vaccines

Have you given President Trump thanks for your jab today? This would be a perfect day to do that, you know.
Trump's accomplishments were so poor that you need to give Trump credit for the accomplishments of our great scientists.

Trump did nothing to get the vaccine. ANy president would have done the same. All other leaders in other countries did the same.

The scientists at Moderna and Pfizer created the vaccine and Trump had nothing to do with it.

This is more proof of how failed Trump was as a president. trump had no real accomplishments so you need to give Trump credit for other people's work.
You are a total retarded imbecile if you think that Pedophile Biden has caused ANY good at all.

Your tears make me happy

All you trash can do is riot at the Capitol and whine and cry like little children.

Amrica is booming like never before and you hate it, because Biden did it.

You care more about politics than America. Party over country in the GOP.

This is the best America has been since Bill Clinton.
Trump asked for it at a SOTU. Remember?

Showing how lazy Trump is
He was unwilling to put the work and political capital to actually pass a bill.

Biden worked behind the scenes to work out compromises to craft a bipartisan bill that could pass.

A skill ”Donnie Dealmaker” lacked

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