biden hilariously proclaims the rich should pay their fair share of taxes

Your GOP trickle down BS has given us the worst inequality poverty upward mobility homelessness anywhere in the modern world by far and a bunch of so rich they're stupid idiots with 400 cars in their collection and 500 foot long yachts. Wake up and smell the coffee and change the damn channel....
You are saying, that the super rich democrats benefitted, became rich because of GOP policies
But here is the thing. That's easy to say when you're an everyday average person when speaking about the rich.

But the reality is you're a hypocrite. If you had the chance to never pay taxes again, you would do it in a heartbeat, everyone would, I know I would. No one wants to pay taxes.

The difference between you and the rich is they can afford tax attorneys and tax lawyers to minimize the taxes they pay. You can't afford that, but if you could you would. The rich have advantages the middle class don't due to their money, just like you have advantages that the poor don't have, and the poor have advantages the homeless do not due their money.

I don't blame rich people for doing anything they can to hold onto their money because I do it also. I'm a realist about most everything and I'm realistic enough to say if I could avoid taxes I would and saying tax the rich would make me a jealous hypocrite.
Depending on whose numbers you use the top 10% pay about 90% of the federal income tax

For what they are being charged it makes sense to hire a sharp tax lawyer/accountant because they only charge a fraction of the taxes they save

A better system is a flat tax that every citizen must pay on every dollar they earn

And everyone pays the same rate

That way libs cant rape the rich without raping themselves also
But here is the thing. That's easy to say when you're an everyday average person when speaking about the rich.

But the reality is you're a hypocrite. If you had the chance to never pay taxes again, you would do it in a heartbeat, everyone would, I know I would. No one wants to pay taxes.

The difference between you and the rich is they can afford tax attorneys and tax lawyers to minimize the taxes they pay. You can't afford that, but if you could you would. The rich have advantages the middle class don't due to their money, just like you have advantages that the poor don't have, and the poor have advantages the homeless do not due their money.

I don't blame rich people for doing anything they can to hold onto their money because I do it also. I'm a realist about most everything and I'm realistic enough to say if I could avoid taxes I would and saying tax the rich would make me a jealous hypocrite.
This should not be a question of “blaming” people for taking advantage of legal tax and other advantages provided to the already rich!

It should be a question of seeking out ways to restructure American tax laws and our economic system to provide better for the national welfare. That requires providing more genuine “equal opportunity,” shared sacrifice, constructive investment, and preventing our growing plutocracy of billionaire oligarchs from undermining our democratic rights and republican institutions.

That would also go a long way to help rid us of the “grievance mentality,” political insanity and national divisions we suffer from today.
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Why do you always talk in terms of percentage? The rich are paying TONS more than the middle class, and pay the bulk of taxes.

Why would that be?

Maybe because they have an overwhelming percentage of the wealth and income.
Their effective tax rate is nothing to brag about
A better system is a flat tax that every citizen must pay on every dollar they earn

And everyone pays the same rate

Can you point to any flat tax plan that does not end up with the Working poor paying more and the wealthy paying less?
Can you point to any flat tax plan that does not end up with the Working poor paying more and the wealthy paying less?
No flat tax charges the poor a higher rate than anyone else

And since the rich make more they pay more
meanwhile back at the ranch...
no one, i mean no one has tried more to avoid paying their tax bill than the bidens
Now it's come out hunter, owed 300000 k in 2014 but the clock has run out.

Hunter must have a sad
LibStain Translations:

(Tax the rich) Confiscate accumulated (already taxed once ) Wealth. But you were smart and made your after TAX dollars grow....thats' not fair. But that is the system.
(spending thru the tax code) uh...I've lost the tax the rich argument but I meant to remove already agreed upon Tax incentives put in by my DemWitted Politicians. SSDD.

Normal people cannot afford the penalties and interest the IRS would charge for 7yrs owing $300K. I am not going to figure it out at 24% + penalties or whatever the IRS rate is.
Democrats like everyone else in the world except for Republicans believe the rich should pay their fair share again and we should invest in American infrastructure and education again instead of becoming a GOP banana republic... Trickle down is a scam just like Reagan tax rates and propaganda and policies about everything, doop....
You don’t thank paying 70 percent of the income tax is “fair share”? What share should they be paying?
No flat tax charges the poor a higher rate than anyone else

And since the rich make more they pay more
I think he's pointing out that under the current system the "poor" don't pay any income tax
That is what we call, "sour grapes". You are not rich so you make yourself feel better by making stating rich are only rich because they inherited their money. That allows you to feel comfortable with the fact you were not able to make millions.

If you are speaking of Kings and Queens, Dictators, than you have facts on your side.

Most millionaires, and billionaires, worked hard for everything they own, their labor resulted in what they own. They did not inherit the money. Money is a representation of our labor, our ideas for businesses, how hard we pursue our dreams.

Money is private property of the person who earned it or possesses it.

You statement does not stand up to the facts, the lives of the rich, and of the super rich, they are all Democrats
We do not need your ideas. They are harmful.
That is what everyone else in the world calls "stupid"
No flat tax charges the poor a higher rate than anyone else

And since the rich make more they pay more

Nice try
But you avoid the obvious.
A flat tax will result in the working poor paying more and the wealthy paying less

How can you support that?

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