biden hilariously proclaims the rich should pay their fair share of taxes

Hilarious how many stupid shits buy this 'tax the rich' crap from politicians. Vote for me I'll tax the rich and give you their money. The sheeple are still waiting for politicians to 'tax the rich' 50 years later.

No…not “give you their money”

Use their money to invest in schools, healthcare, infrastructure, public services

Like we used to
I’m in favor of a strongly progressive tax system, but not one limited only to “income.” As you say our richest oligarchic billionaires often declare no income, or purely nominal income, and they try hard not to pay taxes on “capital gains” — they don’t often sell personally owned shares.

Billionaires increase their wealth by increasing the value of their untaxed assets or from corporate earnings that enrich their privately or publicly owned companies — companies that today generally issue small or no taxable dividends. Billionaires mostly live on lines of credit granted them by banks or their own companies (i.e. they take out “loans,” which are not taxable) backed by their huge asset wealth, which allows them to live like kings. They also pay negligible interest on these truly endless lines of credit!

That said, the regular complicated tax system workers and even many professionals are trapped in should remain progressive … but new laws must also be passed to tax financial transactions and great oligarchic wealth directly.

A few radical economists and social democratic politicians like Bernie Sanders have mentioned such proposals, which can also serve to stabilize our financial system and wring out some of the speculative froth, but they have been generally laughed off the stage. Some of the other less realistic proposals associated with “radicals” and “progressives” have often left them discredited by the mainstream.

To be honest, all these proposals would require serious and knowledgeable experts to design them. Few such experts exist today, as economists are oriented toward analyzing the existing system and not toward changing it in any way … even in liberal academia.

Of course the needed political will to change our tax system dramatically is also utterly missing.
Way back in the day I lived in Media PA for a few years. My girlfriend at the time was laughing at me for paying taxes. She was a very well off trust fund baby whose family (trust fund) owned all kinds of successful businesses and real estate. That was the 90's. I paid my taxes, she laughed at me. She had her up sides though.
This is why I abandoned the last bit of liberalism that lingered in my skull past 19 years old.

All these rich political whores rubbing the fact that THEY DON'T PAY the taxes they ought too, in the faces of people who believe these sociopaths are going to go out and use the IRS and all the federal guns to steal their own money and that of their friends and donors. By 1994 at a bar, I watched some bullshit "news" with that piece of shit commie Ted Kennedy bloviating about the same shit. My outloud response was "How about you finally write your own goddam criminal family's check then!!".

I had some stupid old hag tell me Kennedy has done so much for the country that we owe HIM.

I coulda pushed her down a flight of stairs.
Democrats have hijacked and destroyed all of our institutions such as the IRS, CIA, DOJ, etc. and changed this country into a one party ruled police state. The Constitution is a piece of paper with meaningless words now. We all need to get used to being ruled by thugs from here on. Anybody that rises up or speaks the truth will be taken down or taken out by these thugs and their minions in the media and the courts. We are not going back to the way things were.
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Democrats have hijacked and destroyed all of our institutions such as the IRS, CIA, DOJ, etc. and changed this country into a one party ruled police state. The Constitution is a piece of paper with meaningless words now. We all need to get used to being ruled by thugs from here on. Anybody that rises up or speaks the truth will be taken down or taken out by these thugs and their minions in the media and the courts. We are not going back to the way things were.
I do not see the stuff you guys see. Thankfully.
The stupid moronic lying sacks of human sewage had full control many many times including under this current drooling imbecile. Yet they did nothing to change the Tax code?
So shut the blank up. As many have posted, this line of BS has been going on for 50 years but they do nothing but talk. Why is that? They need $2T more to break even. Where do they get it? They can't. They won't. Economic collapse would result? And someone has told them that. They are too stupid to figure it out.//
I do not see the stuff you guys see. Thankfully.
That's because you are a CNN watching Libstain loon that is ok with criminal Election Fraud to install this destructive regime. Charging and locking away those that oppose, those who dare to speak out truthfully. shameful.
The government should stop foolishly blowing our money.
And the rich already pay the majority of our tax revenue
I say the bottom half that pay NO federal income taxes at all should have to pitch in a modest 5%. Welfare recipients should have that amount deducted from their benefits. (They can make up the difference by cutting down on booze and cigarettes.)
I say the bottom half that pay NO federal income taxes at all should have to pitch in a modest 5%. Welfare recipients should have that amount deducted from their benefits. (They can make up the difference by cutting down on booze and cigarettes.)
Rather have a national consumption tax and abolish the irs.
Way back in the day I lived in Media PA for a few years. My girlfriend at the time was laughing at me for paying taxes. She was a very well off trust fund baby whose family (trust fund) owned all kinds of successful businesses and real estate. That was the 90's. I paid my taxes, she laughed at me. She had her up sides though.
Good story. :)

I mostly talked about “billionaires” in my comment, but actually many or most 2-figure or 3-figure multi-millionaires are also in the same or in a similar category. Folks who are not really wealthy often just don’t get it. They buy into the illusion that all the very rich have gotten there through hard work.

It is certainly true that there are many hard working people who retire today with a million or even several million dollars in assets. Also there are some famous very rich entrepreneurs and savvy businessmen / investors. But most really wealthy people have been born into wealth and used the system to grow wealthier without having to work very hard at anything … especially in recent decades.
It's one of the few things I agree with him on. Sadly though, he doesn't really believe it and it does look really bad right now for him to start running on it again.
He has raised taxes on the rich already in that infrastructure bill and you have no idea what you're talking about. he is not lying about it, everybody knows the rich don't pay enough except for the brainwashed functional morons of the GOP base.....
Good story. :)

I mostly talked about “billionaires” in my comment, but actually many or most 2-figure or 3-figure millionaires are also in the same or in a similar category. Folks who are not really wealthy often just don’t get it. They buy into the illusion that all the very rich have gotten there through hard work.

It is certainly true that there are many hard working people who retire today with a million or even several million dollars in assets. Also there are some famous very rich entrepreneurs and savvy businessmen / investors. But most really wealthy people have been born into wealth and used the system to grow wealthier without having to work very hard at anything … especially in recent decades.
A million is barely adequate to retire on.
I say the bottom half that pay NO federal income taxes at all should have to pitch in a modest 5%. Welfare recipients should have that amount deducted from their benefits. (They can make up the difference by cutting down on booze and cigarettes.)

More blame the poor

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