biden hilariously proclaims the rich should pay their fair share of taxes

As has also been pointed out, everytime the Left flirts with spending cuts, they go after Defense and Intelligence yet never failed social engineering projects. Worse, across the Board, the Left’s political hacks, The Democrats, refer to a “spending cut” one that is actually an increase but not at the spending level they wanted.
Democrats like everyone else in the world except for Republicans believe the rich should pay their fair share again and we should invest in American infrastructure and education again instead of becoming a GOP banana republic... Trickle down is a scam just like Reagan tax rates and propaganda and policies about everything, doop....
Libs dont want the poor to pay taxes

They just want to soak the rich
The rich are paying the same percentage in taxes as you are which is a huge giveaway to them. You are totally duped by them and baffled by BS. Republicans can only talk about federal income taxes, our only progressive tax....
The rich are paying the same percentage in taxes as you are which is a huge giveaway to them. You are totally duped by them and baffled by BS. Republicans can only talk about federal income taxes, our only progressive tax....
Welfare recipients pay nothing in federal income tax and often collect thousands in handouts

Thats why sosk-the-rich policies are so popular among people who dont pay the tax
Sticking it to the rich guy is the best selling point to Marxism.

Yet every Marxist country in existence has its citizens wind up living in poverty, or worse.

Funny that.
Meanwhile after 40 years of GOPBS we have the worst upward mobility and inequality Poverty and homelessness in the modern world by far. Wake up and smell the coffee dupe. Marxism means dictatorship and communism and nobody wants that. You are an unbelievable chump of the lying rich swine G O P....
Welfare recipients pay nothing in federal income tax and often collect thousands in handouts
Nobody wants to be on welfare, they're looking for a good job which barely exists in GOP USA... You probably live in a scumbag red state where you have to go on welfare to get health care LOL. we're talking about the rich and of course your comment is totally irrelevant.
Nobody wants to be on welfare, they're looking for a good job which barely exists in GOP USA... You probably live in a scumbag red state where you have to go on welfare to get health care LOL. we're talking about the rich and of course your comment is totally irrelevant.
Good luck finding a good job if you didnt bother to get an educstion and are too lazy to break a sweat
As has also been pointed out, everytime the Left flirts with spending cuts, they go after Defense and Intelligence yet never failed social engineering projects. Worse, across the Board, the Left’s political hacks, The Democrats, refer to a “spending cut” one that is actually an increase but not at the spending level they wanted.

I've supported across the board but if not, defense should be first with the previously mentioned program being exhibit A as to why.
But that is the way it is always presented.

And they usually do throw a few more crumbs to the dog under the table to justify it all. Even Al Capone ran a soup kitchen for the poor so he could point to it for legitimacy.

And then when they do throw some crumbs at the poor, the media eats it up telling people how much better off they are with all the spending.

But what gets me is, the government spends money regardless of their revenue. How much the government spends has nothing to do with how much money it takes in, so the notion that we need to take more from the rich to give to the poor is blatantly false.

But alas, the main stream media is Marxist and will never report any of that.

It's presented as a way to boost the markets.
Everyone should pay taxes

Every dollar of income by everyone should be taxed at the same rate

But here is the thing. That's easy to say when you're an everyday average person when speaking about the rich.

But the reality is you're a hypocrite. If you had the chance to never pay taxes again, you would do it in a heartbeat, everyone would, I know I would. No one wants to pay taxes.

The difference between you and the rich is they can afford tax attorneys and tax lawyers to minimize the taxes they pay. You can't afford that, but if you could you would. The rich have advantages the middle class don't due to their money, just like you have advantages that the poor don't have, and the poor have advantages the homeless do not due their money.

I don't blame rich people for doing anything they can to hold onto their money because I do it also. I'm a realist about most everything and I'm realistic enough to say if I could avoid taxes I would and saying tax the rich would make me a jealous hypocrite.
He has raised taxes on the rich already in that infrastructure bill and you have no idea what you're talking about. he is not lying about it, everybody knows the rich don't pay enough except for the brainwashed functional morons of the GOP base.....

He didn't do squat.
But most really wealthy people have been born into wealth and used the system to grow wealthier without having to work very hard at anything … especially in recent decades.
That is what we call, "sour grapes". You are not rich so you make yourself feel better by making stating rich are only rich because they inherited their money. That allows you to feel comfortable with the fact you were not able to make millions.

If you are speaking of Kings and Queens, Dictators, than you have facts on your side.

Most millionaires, and billionaires, worked hard for everything they own, their labor resulted in what they own. They did not inherit the money. Money is a representation of our labor, our ideas for businesses, how hard we pursue our dreams.

Money is private property of the person who earned it or possesses it.

You statement does not stand up to the facts, the lives of the rich, and of the super rich, they are all Democrats.

We do not need your ideas. They are harmful.
The rich are paying the same percentage in taxes as you are which is a huge giveaway to them. You are totally duped by them and baffled by BS. Republicans can only talk about federal income taxes, our only progressive tax....
Why do you always talk in terms of percentage? The rich are paying TONS more than the middle class, and pay the bulk of taxes.
Google the only tax graph you need to know. Everyone is paying about 27% in all taxes. Even the poor pay 19%... Republicans can only think in terms of federal income taxes which are no big deal anymore and are our only progressive tax.
I’m talking about FEDERAL INCOME TAXES - you know, the money it takes to run the government. We are $33T in debt, and we have half the population not paying in a cent.
I’m talking about FEDERAL INCOME TAXES - you know, the money it takes to run the government. We are $33T in debt, and we have half the population not paying in a cent.
Like I said, you are brainwashed and can only think about federal income taxes. Payroll taxes are just as big a deal as federal income taxes our only progressive tax and the only one you brainwashed idiots can think about. Your GOP trickle down BS has given us the worst inequality poverty upward mobility homelessness anywhere in the modern world by far and a bunch of so rich they're stupid idiots with 400 cars in their collection and 500 foot long yachts. Wake up and smell the coffee and change the damn channel....
Why do you always talk in terms of percentage? The rich are paying TONS more than the middle class, and pay the bulk of taxes.
We talk about percentages because that's what makes sense and is intelligent. Millionaires paid 6% in federal income taxes on average and they paid a hell of a lot more than you. idiocy.
That is what we call, "sour grapes". You are not rich so you make yourself feel better by making stating rich are only rich because they inherited their money. That allows you to feel comfortable with the fact you were not able to make millions.

If you are speaking of Kings and Queens, Dictators, than you have facts on your side.

Most millionaires, and billionaires, worked hard for everything they own, their labor resulted in what they own. They did not inherit the money. Money is a representation of our labor, our ideas for businesses, how hard we pursue our dreams.

Money is private property of the person who earned it or possesses it.

You statement does not stand up to the facts, the lives of the rich, and of the super rich, they are all Democrats.

We do not need your ideas. They are harmful.
The truth is we are worried about the country when you give away to the rich like we have the last 40 years and screw everyone else. Change the channel you are brainwashed to the point of idiocy.

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