Biden hints he's looking forward to a chance to "slap Trump in the mouth" during presidential debate

Wasn't it Biden who said during the 2016 campaign that he would take Trump out behind the bar -- or something along those lines?
"You walk behind me in a debate, come here, man. You know me too well. The idea I’d be intimidated by Donald Trump? He’s the bully that I knew my whole life."

Biden V Trump would be EPIC!

Biden is incoherent and doesn't know where he is. He would be thoroughly beaten.
"You walk behind me in a debate, come here, man. You know me too well. The idea I’d be intimidated by Donald Trump? He’s the bully that I knew my whole life."

Biden V Trump would be EPIC!

My 11 year old daughter could beat senile joe up... Ol’ Joe would enjoy that though

doesnt biden have an inflatable doll that he practices "Bitch Slapping" ??
No one can blame Bill Clinton for going after Chelsea. After all she's not his daughter.
Who doesn't like a good bitch slap fight, anyway?

We might need to ready a Jello pool just in case.
this post is turning me into a part time lesbian with all of this bitch slapping going on
Biden looks a little feeble. He may need a walker by the time the debate with Trump rolls around.
Odd duck thinks he is so tough. The only problem a wimps a wimp regardless of what he says.
"Joe Biden is a reclamation project. Some things are just not salvageable. China and other countries that ripped us off for years are begging for him. He deserted our military, our law enforcement and our healthcare. Added more debt than all other Presidents combined. Won’t win!" - President Trump
Anyone can watch Youtube videos showing HRC walking over to stand in front of Trump. He never moved closer to her. He actually backed up a bit.
The drunken bitch invaded Trump's space.
Biden doesn't have the balls to do that to President Trump.
This is the first sign that Joe Biden may drop the Uncle Joe routine for the 2020 Democratic primary and go back to being the ruthless political knife fighter that he was in the U.S. Senate.

In a CNN interview that airs Friday, Biden casually mentioned that his campaign has been collecting dirt on his 2020 primary opponents. He said he wants to focus on the issues and that he does not want to go low, but he was also sure to let slip that he knows where the bodies are buried.

The moment occurred as CNN’s Chris Cuomo brought up the beating Biden took at the second Democratic debate last week

“[D]id you see the questions about your past positions from the perspective of race being as relevant as they are?” asked Cuomo.

Biden responded, “No, I don’t think they’re relevant, they’ve been taken out of context. What I didn’t see is people who know me. I mean, they know me well, it’s not it’s somebody who just came out of the blue and didn’t know anything. It’s so easy to go back, and go back 30, 40, 50 years and take it completely out of context.”

The 2020 Democratic front-runner added in a not-so-subtle note [emphasis added], “And I mean, I get all this information about other people’s pasts, and what they’ve done and not done. And you know, I’m just not going to go there. If we keep doing that — I mean, we should be debating what we do from here.”
"dont expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong" - Cal Coolidge on Biden
What an odd thing for a candidate to say.

He's desperate, moving down in the polls, and knows his own party hates him. He's old, White, and not perceived as PROGRESSIVE enough by the Commie Dems. Watch for him to say more, and more outrageous stuff in an attempt to remain relevant. Which will FAIL.
Trump's poll number are actually going UP!
Put THAT in your mouth and suck on it!

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