Biden: If I Was Prez I’d Require Everyone to Wear a Mask

Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
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:clap::clap: I applaud him. Ignorant people don't wear a mask.

Under what in the constitution does the President of the United States have the authority to force people to wear masks? What the libs don't realize is that this is America, NOT the Liberal Paradise of North Fucking Korea.
The left want fascist dictators. It’s their dream.

No we want to open up the economy intelligently, not Fl or TX way.

Fine. Then in November, you can elect Sleepy Joe and he can shut down the economy again in January.

He might need to if this keeps up, but first he will insist everyone wears a mask, before he shuts down the economy.

This is the whole difference between America and liberal extremism. Americans don't believe that any President has the authority to either shut down the economy or require the people to weak masks.

Even if he could, it can't be enforced. Would local police give you a citation for non-compliance of a executive order? The only way he could make it law is through the Congress, and that would invite all kinds of constitutional challenges.

This summer, California, Washington, New York, Michigan- among other states- are going to have a real difficult time enforcing their draconian mask and social distancing requirements. The people don't want to do it, even LIBERALS don't want to do it. The libs think they can keep the unemployment high and economy tanked until November and that it will lead to the election of Biden.
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
View attachment 355447

View attachment 355448

:clap::clap: I applaud him. Ignorant people don't wear a mask.

Under what in the constitution does the President of the United States have the authority to force people to wear masks? What the libs don't realize is that this is America, NOT the Liberal Paradise of North Fucking Korea.
The left want fascist dictators. It’s their dream.

No we want to open up the economy intelligently, not Fl or TX way.
Yes there are alot of cases now, but not that many dying.. as I said in the beginning this is a hoax to get Trump. The protesters and rioters are proof of that.
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
View attachment 355447

View attachment 355448

:clap::clap: I applaud him. Ignorant people don't wear a mask.

Under what in the constitution does the President of the United States have the authority to force people to wear masks? What the libs don't realize is that this is America, NOT the Liberal Paradise of North Fucking Korea.
The left want fascist dictators. It’s their dream.

No we want to open up the economy intelligently, not Fl or TX way.
Yes there are alot of cases now, but not that many dying.. as I said in the beginning this is a hoax to get Trump. The protesters and rioters are proof of that.

The fact that a lot of people even without symptoms are being tested, more and more, will always lead to more cases. But if fewer are getting sick and croaking, that's the key.
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
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If he really used the term "Federal Power" that should scare the shit out of everyone.

But it won't do it to lefties (not that they are not overflowing with shit). They just love "federal power" even when the constitution does not grant it.
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
View attachment 355447

View attachment 355448

:clap::clap: I applaud him. Ignorant people don't wear a mask.

Are you one of those hypochondriac wackos is see driving alone in their car with a mask and disposable gloves on?
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
View attachment 355447

View attachment 355448

:clap::clap: I applaud him. Ignorant people don't wear a mask.

Under what in the constitution does the President of the United States have the authority to force people to wear masks? What the libs don't realize is that this is America, NOT the Liberal Paradise of North Fucking Korea.
The left want fascist dictators. It’s their dream.

Idiot-gram ^^^; variety total ignorance.

The left does not support Donald Trump, Trumpism is fascism.

Please equate the two.
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
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This clown has no clue he has no authority to do such a thing.

Senile, and a blithering idiot.
It's the current mentality of MANY Americans. They don't care if they ultimately lose in Court battle.
Its called being accountable and loving your neighbor as yourself. You religious freaks are crazy.
Good thing my religion tells me to kill my enemies or die with a machine gun in my hand and go to Valhalla!!!

FUCK my enemy neighbors. Oden commands that they must be vanquished.
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
View attachment 355447

View attachment 355448

:clap::clap: I applaud him. Ignorant people don't wear a mask.

Under what in the constitution does the President of the United States have the authority to force people to wear masks? What the libs don't realize is that this is America, NOT the Liberal Paradise of North Fucking Korea.
The left want fascist dictators. It’s their dream.

No we want to open up the economy intelligently, not Fl or TX way.

Would you like to open up the economy the NY way? Get all the cases and deaths at an all time high in the entire world in the first 3 months.
Uh. Too bad you’ll never get the chance.
View attachment 355447

View attachment 355448

:clap::clap: I applaud him. Ignorant people don't wear a mask.

Under what in the constitution does the President of the United States have the authority to force people to wear masks? What the libs don't realize is that this is America, NOT the Liberal Paradise of North Fucking Korea.
The left want fascist dictators. It’s their dream.

Idiot-gram ^^^; variety total ignorance.

The left does not support Donald Trump, Trumpism is fascism.

What , pray tell, is "fascistic" about letting the people decide if they want to wear a mask or not?
Only a dictator would let people make decisions for themselves.
Wear masks or shut down the country? Only the right would choose to shut down the country. Great call.
I don't think they realize it's an either-or choice. Obviously, they've been poorly led.

I dont think you realize theres option C: F off you political hacks. You have no authority to shut down the economy or make me wear a mask.

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