Biden Ignores His Afghanistan Disaster When Claiming Middle East Is More 'Stable' / 'Secure'

The US government has no authority to force American expats to go home. No jurisdiction. They had 20 months to leave and travel warnings from the US State Dept for a decade.
Dude. You would have been jumping up and down screaming about how incompetent Trump was if he had been President during that clown show. Please dont act like your outrage isnt selective.

Hell you were trying to blame Trump even though he wasnt in office when it happened.
Dude. You would have been jumping up and down screaming about how incompetent Trump was if he had been President during that clown show. Please dont act like your outrage isnt selective.

Trump gave the Taliban carte blanche. The US has no jurisdiction over Americans abroad.
Trump gave the Taliban carte blanche. The US has no jurisdiction over Americans abroad.
See. Biden is a just an innocent babe in the woods caught up in Trump's evil incompetence. All bad things now, then and in the future flow from the last guy and all good things that are happening are because of my guy. That's a great schtick if you can get people to believe it.
See. Biden is a just an innocent babe in the woods caught up in Trump's evil incompetence. All bad things now, then and in the future flow from the last guy and all good things that are happening are because of my guy. That's a great schtick if you can get people to believe it.

Live with the reality instead of partisan fantasy.
Live with the reality instead of partisan fantasy.
the only partisan in this convo is you, bubba. I criticize both sides all the time. Besides you're the one blaming the last guy for things that have happened under the current guy and that's based solely on the letter next to each of their names.....
the only partisan in this convo is you, bubba. I criticize both sides all the time. Besides you're the one blaming the last guy for things that have happened under the current guy and that's based solely on the letter next to each of their names.....

I'm not a bubba. Trump got nothing from the Taliban negotiations just like he got nothing from his negotiations with Israel.
I'm not a bubba.

Trump got nothing from the Taliban negotiations just like he got nothing from his negotiations with Israel.

Yeah maybe, though Im not sure what we were going to get regardless of who was negotiating. We wanted to leave the Taliban knew that. They also knew that they could basically just wait and eventually we would leave regardless of what the would or wouldn't give up. The problems in Afghanistan weren't going to fix themselves regardless of who was in office over the next 20 years let alone inside the Trump or Biden Admin timelines. Care to share what you think we were going to get from the Taliban?

Also nice deflection. We weren't talking about what we did or didn't get from the Taliban as a condition of our withdrawal we were talking about the clown show that was the withdrawal operation execution.
What was your blob's plan.... you know, the one he spent 4 years and didn't execute? Please elaborate.

This should be good.

What difference does it make what previous admins plans were for anything. It’s the current admins job to either take those plans evaluate them and use some, all or none of them or just make their own plans. Whatever they do they own any plan they execute don’t they? What a previous admin might or was planning on doing seems irrelevant.
Dain Bramaged, Lying, or BOTH?!

They said on the news today that the Al qaeda in Afghanistan have pretty much disappeared … they said there were only 4 known al qaeda in Afghanistan… seems all you republicans were wrong …once again wrong about the Al qaeda again … when are you going to learn don’t listen to your handlers

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