Biden Incompetence In Foreign Affairs Is Glaring


Afghanistan will forever be the sole responsibility of GWB.

President Biden is correct to end Bush’s failed, illegal war.

The United States cannot endlessly and forever support a government and military unwilling to become self-sufficient after 20 years – enough is more than enough.

And that the dishonest partisan right would attempt to ‘blame’ President Biden for GWB’s failure comes as no surprise.

Afghanistan will forever be the partial responsibility of Joe Biden.

The United States can and MUST endlessly and forever support a government and military unwilling to become self-sufficient after 20 years, as long as not doing that is a breach of prime US national security, which it most certainly is –
There may need be US troops in Afghanistan 75 years from now, just as there are still US troops in Germany and Japan, 76 years since the end of World War 2.

There may need to be US troops there 100 years from now, 200, 300, 400 years from now. Muslim jihadists have been fighting their fight for world domination for 1400 years
If they are not willing to fight for themselves..why should we do for them?

Enough of the Bullshit nation-building! It enriches the businesses involved while it kills our soldiers and drains our treasury.

IMHO, we shoulda gone in, cleaned out the terrorist camps, and left within a year. We shoulda found out where the Taliban higher-ups leave and bomb the fuck out of 'em and gone home. And we should do that now and in the future if those fuckers don't want to play nice. Where do they train, where do they store their shit, where are their poppy fields. I think it's about time we stopped screwing around and got serious.
Where is Biden? Is he hiding in his basement again?
Why has he not come out and tell the American people what is going on, Biden is a full blown coward
He knows he blundered immensely, thousands of people being killed because of him, thousands of children being orphaned and taken into sex slavery, and thousands of women now facing a life of misery. He may never hold a press conference again.
The SHAME is unbearable.
He knows he blundered immensely, thousands of people being killed because of him, thousands of children being orphaned and taken into sex slavery, and thousands of women now facing a life of misery. He may never hold a press conference again.
The SHAME is unbearable.
C'mon man, Biden don't give about the consequences of leaving...he knew, as did we all...exactly what would happen. Same thing that happened in 1989.
Shame? Too funny.
It sort of sounds like you're the last American Imperialist alive--Pax Americana is over...let China play with the Taliban for a while
If they are not willing to fight for themselves..why should we do for them?

Enough of the Bullshit nation-building! It enriches the businesses involved while it kills our soldiers and drains our treasury.
20 years gone by, and you still are unaware of the reason for the US military intervention. That is shocking.
However true this MIGHT be, this thread is about Biden, and the current foreign affairs, not a history class,
It should be a history class--just to counter some of the idiocy being bruited about.

Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.
20 years gone by, and you still are unaware of the reason for the US military intervention. That is shocking.
Everyone has their reasons--you seem to think that yours are paramount. Has it occured to you that the Generals and their staffs were simply wrong...and that viewing the world as a chessboard has its limitations.
C'mon man, Biden don't give about the consequences of leaving...he knew, as did we all...exactly what would happen. Same thing that happened in 1989.
Shame? Too funny.
It sort of sounds like you're the last American Imperialist alive--Pax Americana is over...let China play with the Taliban for a while
EARTH TO EEF CLUELESS: we have been there all this time as a SELF-DEFENSE policy to stop Al Qaeda from using Afghanistan as a place to create terrorism AGAINST US. To stop the training camps, the bomb-making schools, their bomb factories.

It has also been to keep US troops close enough to Pakistan, to enter there and seize the 100+ nuclear warheads, to keep them secure from jihadists, in the event of a fall of the fragile Pakistani govt.
Everyone has their reasons--you seem to think that yours are paramount. Has it occured to you that the Generals and their staffs were simply wrong...and that viewing the world as a chessboard has its limitations.
1 - Generals deal with combat, not foreign POLICY.

2 - This has nothing to do with a chessboard.
FALSE! Trump's Doha Agreement of February 2020, would have saved the lives now being lost, if dum dum Biden would have followed through on it.
WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden is under mounting pressure as he weighs whether to fully withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan by May 1, a deadline negotiated by the Trump administration.

In an interview with ABC News on Tuesday, Biden said it would be "tough" to meet the May 1 deadline.

"It could happen, but it is tough," he said. "The fact is that, that was not a very solidly negotiated deal that (Trump) ... worked out." The president said that even if the U.S. did not meet the May 1 deadline, U.S. troops would not be in Afghanistan for much longer.

"Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome," Andrew Bacevich, president of the Quincy Institute, which advocates for military restraint, said on a recent call with reporters.
Yep.. We abandoned Afghanistan to complete chaos and lawlessness after the Soviets pulled out in 1989 so the war orphans took over.
Afghanistan has been an example of complete lawlessness since the beginning of time. It is not a new phenomenon. Biden's cut and run policy is idiocy. He is the biggest joke ever perpetrated on the US.
Everyone has their reasons--you seem to think that yours are paramount. Has it occured to you that the Generals and their staffs were simply wrong...and that viewing the world as a chessboard has its limitations.

Has it occurred to you that the Generals and their staffs were not wrong, and they told the Biden Admin the truth and were ignored for political reasons. I very much doubt that any general wanted to leave any major weapon systems behind, such as aircraft or choppers or anything bigger than small arms. And not even that TBH. We shoulda quietly got our stuff outta there and then have the drawdown. I think some dumbfuck civilian advised the president to get out now to divert attention away from our southern border and other issues, and now Biden has another black mark on his record.

It should be a history class--just to counter some of the idiocy being bruited about.

Those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.
Well, it is a history class. I just gave you the history of America's NON-imperialist intervention in Afghanistan (Post 31), but you seem to be a slow learner.
WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden is under mounting pressure as he weighs whether to fully withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan by May 1, a deadline negotiated by the Trump administration.

In an interview with ABC News on Tuesday, Biden said it would be "tough" to meet the May 1 deadline.

"It could happen, but it is tough," he said. "The fact is that, that was not a very solidly negotiated deal that (Trump) ... worked out." The president said that even if the U.S. did not meet the May 1 deadline, U.S. troops would not be in Afghanistan for much longer.

"Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome," Andrew Bacevich, president of the Quincy Institute, which advocates for military restraint, said on a recent call with reporters.
It was not tough at all to have met the deadline. There were only 2500 troops there. You pack up and go home. Ho hum. And it was a perfectly solidly negotiated deal.

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