Biden interrupted Trump 6 times, Chris Wallace 3 times before Trump began to fight do you blame Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Here is a look at the truth of the debate.......Biden interrupted Trump 6 times as Trump spoke, then Chris wallace interrupted Trump 3 times......instead of acting like Mitt Romney, and letting them kick the sand in his face, he fought wasn't pretty, but unfair fights are not pretty.....and Trump did the only thing possible......he fought back.

The lie about the cause of the messy debate is being pushed like all the other lies about Trump.....the democrats say it, the democrat party members of the press repeat it......and repeat it.....and repeat it....

The proof heā€™s lying is all right here. The video of the debate. The transcript of the debate. Itā€™s all right here, and what you will see is that Chris Wallace is a liar.

What you will see is that Joe Biden interrupted Trump six times before Trump interrupted Biden.

Whatā€™s more ā€” and this is important ā€” Chris Wallace himself interrupted Trump THREE TIMES in the first few minutes of the debate.

So not only is Chris Wallace lying when he says Trump started it, he is also lying when he lays the blame for what the debate devolved into on Trump. For it was Biden and Wallace who ran the debate off the rails, who set the tone, who interrupted Trump constantly before Trump interrupted anyone.

Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking


Anyone who watches the first ten minutes of last nightā€™s debate, and again, itā€™s all right here, will see that Trumpā€™s tone was respectful and patient right up until Biden and Wallace decided to interrupt and silence the president.
As you can see, it went like thisā€¦

Trump answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

Biden answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

Then Trump started responding to Bidenā€™s answer, and thatā€™s when Wallace and Biden began cutting him off and interruptingā€¦

Hereā€™s the transcript. This is after both candidates have answered the first question without interrupting each other. Now it is Trumpā€™s turn for a rebuttal and this is exactly how it happened:

DONALD TRUMP: There arenā€™t a hundred million people with pre-existing conditions. As far as a say is concerned, the people already had their say. Okay, Justice Ginsburg said very powerfully, very strongly, at some point 10 years ago or so, she said a President and the Senate is elected for a period of time, but a President is elected for four years. Weā€™re not elected for three years. Iā€™m not elected for three years. So we have the Senate, we have a Presidentā€“

JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #1: Heā€™s elected to the next election.

DONALD TRUMP: During that period of time, during that period of time, we have an opening. Iā€™m not elected for three years. Iā€™m elected for four years and a hundred million peopleā€“

JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #2: Merrick Garland startedā€“

DONALD TRUMP: Joe, the hundred million people is totally wrong. I donā€™t know where you got that number. The bigger problem that you have is that youā€™re going to extinguish 180 million people with their private health care, thatā€“

JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #3: Thatā€™s simply not true.

DONALD TRUMP: Well, youā€™re certainly going to socialist. Youā€™re going to socialist medicine-
And this is where ā€” if you can believe it! ā€” the moderator, Chris Wallace, jumped in to interrupt the presidentā€¦

Look closely at what Wallace doesā€¦ Trump is making a point about how Democrats want to take away everyoneā€™s private insurance, and Wallace not only jumps in to shut the president up, he then hands the discussion over to Biden.

Iā€™m deliberately repeating the last line in the excerpt above so you can see that this is exactly how the debate flowed:

CHRIS WALLACE INTERRUPTION #1: Gentlemen, weā€™re now into open discussion.
JOE BIDEN: Open discussion.
CHRIS WALLACE: Open discussion, yes, I agree. Go ahead, Vice President.
JOE BIDEN: Number one, he knows what I proposed. What I proposed is that we expand Obamacare and we increase it. We do not wipe any. And one of the big debates we had with 23 of my colleagues trying to win the nomination that I won, were saying that Biden wanted to allow people to have private insurance still. They can. They do. They will under my proposal.
DONALD TRUMP: Thatā€™s not what youā€™ve said and itā€™s not what your party is saying.
At this point ā€” and keep in mind this is the open discussion part of the debate ā€” after Biden had his say, Trump jumped in and Biden became outright obnoxious and started interrupting Trump constantlyā€¦ Again, I am not breaking up the transcriptā€¦

And then, at this point, Trump again sat back and allowed Biden to have his sayā€¦ And after Trump allows Biden to have his say, as soon as Trump starts to make his own point, Biden starts interrupting again:

JOE BIDEN: The platform of the Democratic Party is what I, in fact, approved of, what I approved of. Now, hereā€™s the deal. The deal is that itā€™s going to wipe out pre-existing conditions. And, by the way, the 200,000 people that have died on his watch, how many of those have survived? Well, thereā€™s seven million people that contracted COVID. What does it mean for them going forward if you strike down the Affordable Care Act?
DONALD TRUMP: Joe, youā€™ve had 308,000 military people dying because you couldnā€™t provide them proper healthcare in the military. So donā€™t tell me about this.

JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #7: Iā€™m happy to talk about this.
At this point, Trump gets double teamed by both Biden and Wallace.

Trump begins speaking and on top of Biden interrupting, Wallace again starts badgering and interrupting the president to shut down a valid line of attack:

JOE BIDEN: Iā€™m happy to talk about this.
DONALD TRUMP: And if you were hereā€“

JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #8: [indecipherable]
DONALD TRUMP: ā€¦it wouldnā€™t be 200, it would be two million people, because you were very late on the drawā€“

JOE BIDEN INTERRUPTION #9: [indecipherable]
DONALD TRUMP: You didnā€™t want me to ban China, which was heavily infected. You didnā€™t want me to ban Europeā€“

CHRIS WALLACE INTERRUPTION #2: All right, gentlemen, Mr. President.
DONALD TRUMP: You would have been much later, Joe, much laterā€“

CHRIS WALLACE INTERRUPTION #3: Mr. President, Mr. President, Mr. President.
And after all that, Wallace scolded Trump for interrupting about 15 minutes later:

CHRIS WALLACE: Well, frankly, youā€™ve been doing more interrupting than he has.
DONALD TRUMP: Well, thatā€™s alright, but he does plenty.
CHRIS WALLACE: Well, sir, less than-
DONALD TRUMP: He does plenty.
CHRIS WALLACE: No, less than you have.

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Here is a look at the truth of the debate.......Biden interrupted Trump 6 times as Trump spoke, then Chris wallace interrupted Trump 3 times......instead of acting like Mitt Romney, and letting them kick the sand in his face, he fought wasn't pretty, but unfair fights are not pretty.....and Trump did the only thing possible......he fought back.

The lie about the cause of the messy debate is being pushed like all the other lies about Trump.....the democrats say it, the democrat party members of the press repeat it......and repeat it.....and repeat it....

The proof heā€™s lying is all right here. The video of the debate. The transcript of the debate. Itā€™s all right here, and what you will see is that Chris Wallace is a liar.

What you will see is that Joe Biden interrupted Trump six times before Trump interrupted Biden.

Whatā€™s more ā€” and this is important ā€” Chris Wallace himself interrupted Trump THREE TIMES in the first few minutes of the debate.

So not only is Chris Wallace lying when he says Trump started it, he is also lying when he lays the blame for what the debate devolved into on Trump. For it was Biden and Wallace who ran the debate off the rails, who set the tone, who interrupted Trump constantly before Trump interrupted anyone.

Because vermin leftist scum have no qualms about telling any lies whatsoever.
Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
So it's okay as long as the interruption doesn't cross an imaginary interruption line, huh? :laughing0301:
Here is a look at the truth of the debate.......Biden interrupted Trump 6 times as Trump spoke, then Chris wallace interrupted Trump 3 times......instead of acting like Mitt Romney, and letting them kick the sand in his face, he fought wasn't pretty, but unfair fights are not pretty.....and Trump did the only thing possible......he fought back.

The lie about the cause of the messy debate is being pushed like all the other lies about Trump.....the democrats say it, the democrat party members of the press repeat it......and repeat it.....and repeat it....

The proof heā€™s lying is all right here. The video of the debate. The transcript of the debate. Itā€™s all right here, and what you will see is that Chris Wallace is a liar.

What you will see is that Joe Biden interrupted Trump six times before Trump interrupted Biden.

Whatā€™s more ā€” and this is important ā€” Chris Wallace himself interrupted Trump THREE TIMES in the first few minutes of the debate.

So not only is Chris Wallace lying when he says Trump started it, he is also lying when he lays the blame for what the debate devolved into on Trump. For it was Biden and Wallace who ran the debate off the rails, who set the tone, who interrupted Trump constantly before Trump interrupted anyone.

The beauty of all of this is that even with the interruptions from Trump, the polling of Americans gave the debate
to Trump by an overwhelming margin. They aren't stupid minions
Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
So it's okay as long as the interruption doesn't cross an imaginary interruption line, huh? :laughing0301:

Oh just STOP IT for crying out loud.

Trying to equate Bidenā€™s behavior in the debate to Trumps is just idiotic. You are better than this
Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
So it's okay as long as the interruption doesn't cross an imaginary interruption line, huh? :laughing0301:

Oh just STOP IT for crying out loud.

Trying to equate Bidenā€™s behavior in the debate to Trumps is just idiotic. You are better than this

Exactly, biden is a vile human being who sold out our country to China and every other foreign government willing to hand cash to his brother and his son hunter.......and will do anything he has to to become President...
Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
So it's okay as long as the interruption doesn't cross an imaginary interruption line, huh? :laughing0301:

Oh just STOP IT for crying out loud.

Trying to equate Bidenā€™s behavior in the debate to Trumps is just idiotic. You are better than this

The truth is the truth....biden did this to Paul Ryan who was the typical establishment republican doofus, who sat there while biden threw sand in his face during their debate...interuppting paul ryan the same way he interrupted Trump. Trump is a fighter, not a doofus like the other 16 republicans he beat...
Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
So it's okay as long as the interruption doesn't cross an imaginary interruption line, huh? :laughing0301:

Oh just STOP IT for crying out loud.

Trying to equate Bidenā€™s behavior in the debate to Trumps is just idiotic. You are better than this
You lefties/socialist/communists will make any excuse for an interruption from your puppet.
Kinda like just being a little bit pregnant, huh?
Here....joe biden interrupting Paul Ryan during their debate......this is biden's tactic, but Trump fought back...

Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
The 1st 10 minutes all 3 antagonists were well behaved

then wallace gave a long speech framed as a question where he and trump ended up talking over each other.

I think from that point on the gloves were off and the tempers of all three rose, with it being biden and wallace against trump
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Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
So it's okay as long as the interruption doesn't cross an imaginary interruption line, huh? :laughing0301:

Oh just STOP IT for crying out loud.

Trying to equate Bidenā€™s behavior in the debate to Trumps is just idiotic. You are better than this
You lefties/socialist/communists will make any excuse for an interruption from your puppet.
Kinda like just being a little bit pregnant, huh?
Obviously, you are not better than this
Biden interruptions tended to be along the lines of........Thatā€™s wrong, thatā€™s a lie

Trump interruptions prevented the other candidate from speaking
The 1st 10 minutes all 3 antagonists were well behaved

then wallace gave a long speech framed as a question where he and trump ended up talking over each other.

I think from that point on the gloves were off and the tempers of all three rose, with it being biden and wallace against trump
Not really,
Trump accused Biden of being ā€œStupidā€ and attacked his family in the first ten minutes
Biden uses the same tactics in every debate. C'mon man!

As you can see, it went like thisā€¦

Trump answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

Biden answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

Then Trump started responding to Bidenā€™s answer, and thatā€™s when Wallace and Biden began cutting him off and interruptingā€¦

Trump agreed to the debate rules. Each gets 2 uninterrupted minutes to answer, and then they go to the next question.

Trump violated the rules by responding to Bidens answer. So Trump broke the rules first, and you bitch that Biden and Wallace interrupted Trump as they tried to make Trump follow the agreed to debate rules.
As you can see, it went like thisā€¦

Trump answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

Biden answered the first debate question about the Supreme Court without interruption.

Then Trump started responding to Bidenā€™s answer, and thatā€™s when Wallace and Biden began cutting him off and interruptingā€¦

Trump agreed to the debate rules. Each gets 2 uninterrupted minutes to answer, and then they go to the next question.

Trump violated the rules by responding to Bidens answer. So Trump broke the rules first, and you bitch that Biden and Wallace interrupted Trump as they tried to make Trump follow the agreed to debate rules.

Wrong.....biden and wallace broke the rules first.... it is right there in the first post, you dumb can lie all you want but the truth is the truth. China puppet, joe biden, uses the interruption tactic as a standard practice in debates, as the other video of him using it on paul ryan shows......Trump fought hate that.

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