Biden investigation: Full Devon Archer testimony released


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Biden investigation: Full Devon Archer testimony released
18 Jun 2024 ~~ By Reesw Gorman

The House Oversight and Reform Committee released the full transcript from Monday’s Devon Archer interview, in which he testified Hunter Biden had President Joe Biden on speakerphone 20 times around business associates and that Burisma officials did not want a Ukrainian prosecutor fired because they had him “under control.”
Archer worked alongside Hunter Biden for the Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm before both of them became board members of Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company, in 2014.
Here is the full transcript of Archer’s testimony: Download this PDF
Burisma officials did not want to see then-Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who was allegedly investigating Burisma, removed from office because they had him “under control,” according to Archer’s testimony.
In one particular instance, Archer testified that in 2014, he, Hunter Biden, and two Burisma executives, Zlochevsky and Vadym Pozharskyi, were at the Four Seasons hotel in Dubai having drinks following a Burisma board meeting. Zlochevsky, according to Archer, told Hunter Biden that Burisma needed “help from the United States government” to deal with the pressure the company was under from Shokin, the prosecutor in Ukraine who was allegedly investigating Burisma, visa troubles, and issues with assets being frozen. Archer then stepped away, and Hunter Biden was told to call “D.C.”
While Archer said he was not “privy” to the call, Pozharskyi told him that Hunter Biden called his father, who at the time was vice president, but he could not verify that, according to the testimony.
Days later, Joe Biden was in Ukraine, threatening to withhold American aid to the country unless Shokin was fired.



Recently a Grandmother was prosecuted for just entering the Capitol on J 6 to destroy them.
So, whether Joe is now demented, means nothing. He was not demented when as a Senator he stole highly classifed material from a SCI, Joe also knew exactly what he was doing when he was selling influence and stealing top secret documents.
Joe Violated his oaths of Office, and sold himself and secret information to our enemies.
This nice old man with a poor memory line is BS, if he is fit to serve and run for President he is liable for his criminal acts. Hur got his marching orders and they buried the tapes.
The fact he felt so confident, protected and entitled that he could make the SOB they fired him (the Ukrainian Prosecutor) statement to a conference of supposed international relations experts at a think tank, after he extorted the Ukraine govt, speaks volumes about Joe and the rest of the Biden family and open corruption.
There are proven documents showing direct payments to family bag man Hunter, and his prolific use of cash (see suspicious currency reports) and Biden proclivity to move money as "loans" and "loan repayments" around the family tell just what was going on.. it was obvious.
I love the 1984 type of propaganda KJP recently used when confronted about the poor actions by Niden during the 80th Normandy Invasion anniversary followed by the G-7 meeting.
Joe presented himself as a doddering senile old man at both ceremonies who couldn't speak and wandered off when not watched by a handler.
Americans are have been ordered now to not believe their own lying eyes.
I knew about this before the last election somehow.

I doubt many of the Leftist Shitlords did, and the ones that did, wanted to hide it.
This is why Dems were in an uproar and impeached,when Trump asled the president of the Ukraibe to investigate Bursima and the firing of the top imvestigator.


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