Biden is a is the entire leadership of the democrat party....

There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Actually the democrats of that period were the conservatives.
sure they might have been conservative with their money and how they dressed...but they weren’t Conservatives
WTH does that mean?
You think that quote is racist?! Really???
The word means nothing any more.

The hardcore Left ran it into the ground with PC, and now the Trumpsters have turned it into a joke.

Diluting terribly important words by over-using them has become a Great American Pastime.
  • Racist
  • Socialist
  • Hitler
  • Nazi
  • Communist
  • Fascist
I disagree, black folks still know racist when they see or hear them.
You think that quote is racist?! Really???
The word means nothing any more.

The hardcore Left ran it into the ground with PC, and now the Trumpsters have turned it into a joke.

Diluting terribly important words by over-using them has become a Great American Pastime.
  • Racist
  • Socialist
  • Hitler
  • Nazi
  • Communist
  • Fascist
I disagree, black folks still know racist when they see or hear them.
The word takes two forms now: First is the real racism that obviously still exists, second is people screaming RACISM as a weapon, whether or not actual racism is present, diluting the word.

I take the word seriously and literally. Now it means nothing. That's a tragedy to me.
You think that quote is racist?! Really???
The word means nothing any more.

The hardcore Left ran it into the ground with PC, and now the Trumpsters have turned it into a joke.

Diluting terribly important words by over-using them has become a Great American Pastime.
  • Racist
  • Socialist
  • Hitler
  • Nazi
  • Communist
  • Fascist
I disagree, black folks still know racist when they see or hear them.
The word takes two forms now: First is the real racism that obviously still exists, second is people screaming RACISM as a weapon, whether or not actual racism is present, diluting the word.

I take the word seriously and literally. Now it means nothing. That's a tragedy to me.
You are correct to a certain degree, because you now have racist trying to label folks as racist who point out their racism or racist remarks. You see it right here on this forum.
You think that quote is racist?! Really???
The word means nothing any more.

The hardcore Left ran it into the ground with PC, and now the Trumpsters have turned it into a joke.

Diluting terribly important words by over-using them has become a Great American Pastime.
  • Racist
  • Socialist
  • Hitler
  • Nazi
  • Communist
  • Fascist
I disagree, black folks still know racist when they see or hear them.
The word takes two forms now: First is the real racism that obviously still exists, second is people screaming RACISM as a weapon, whether or not actual racism is present, diluting the word.

I take the word seriously and literally. Now it means nothing. That's a tragedy to me.
You are correct to a certain degree, because you now have racist trying to label folks as racist who point out their racism or racist remarks. You see it right here on this forum.
Sure, projection in its purist form. And it just adds to the dilution of the word.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Give me an example of prominent conservatives going down South along side of MLK; risking their lives to fight Jim Crow?

I'll wait....

I can give you many examples of "liberals" going down South and risking their lives -- and often times dying in the fight against Jim Crow....

Like this woman.....
M_007mlk.1112 (2).jpg

Any "conservative" Viola Luizzos you want to tell us about?
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Give me an example of prominent conservatives going down South along side of MLK; risking their lives to fight Jim Crow?

I'll wait....

I can give you many examples of "liberals" going down South and risking their lives -- and often times dying in the fight against Jim Crow....

Like this woman.....
View attachment 496716

Any "conservative" Viola Luizzos you want to tell us about?
she was murdered by DNC Brownshirts in the Klan!

if she opposed unconstitutional jim crow laws she was a Consetvative
"I can personally vouch for Joe Biden. He isn't a racist. He is my best friend in the senate"

Dem senate majority leader Robert Byrd

who was also known as the "Enchanted Cyclops" of the Ku Klux Klan
Robert Byrd had long denounced the KKK at that point. And Byrd is dead. So nice try, but the Anglo Saxon Heritahe Caucus and defense of the Confederacy kida gives it away. The republican party is the racist party.

Which just goes to prove that all the lies, noise, and hate hoaxes vanish when government is handing out money, and the black bigot will gladly take a check from a Ku klux klansman and bow before him claiming he isn't racist as long as the handout check cashes....

All the racism noises are bullshit,which is why they hate hoax. It is all about the handout.....
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Give me an example of prominent conservatives going down South along side of MLK; risking their lives to fight Jim Crow?

I'll wait....

I can give you many examples of "liberals" going down South and risking their lives -- and often times dying in the fight against Jim Crow....

Like this woman.....
View attachment 496716

Any "conservative" Viola Luizzos you want to tell us about?
she was murdered by DNC Brownshirts in the Klan!

if she opposed unconstitutional jim crow laws she was a Consetvative
No, she was not Conservative......

Still waiting for you to point out a single prominent Conservative who was down south along side of MLK; fighting Jim Crow.....
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Give me an example of prominent conservatives going down South along side of MLK; risking their lives to fight Jim Crow?

I'll wait....

I can give you many examples of "liberals" going down South and risking their lives -- and often times dying in the fight against Jim Crow....

Like this woman.....
View attachment 496716

Any "conservative" Viola Luizzos you want to tell us about?
she was murdered by DNC Brownshirts in the Klan!

if she opposed unconstitutional jim crow laws she was a Consetvative
No, she was not Conservative......

Still waiting for you to point out a single prominent Conservative who was down south along side of MLK; fighting Jim Crow.....
Don't hold your breath brutha, now they want to claim that the Freedom Riders were conservatives.
It's always a hoot when the party of trump tries to convince us that they're freedom riders. They're stone cold racists. Check out the red states going out of their way to keep Blacks from voting.
First is the real racism that obviously still exists
Can you provide an example of the “real” racism that “obviously still exists?”
Charlottesville would be an easy obvious and in your face example of it. Are you really questioning that racism exists?
You know you're wasting your time here, right? :laugh:
Yes, poking the bear. Just wanna see what kind of crap logic they are trying to use now
Charlottesville Would be an easy obvious and in your face example of it. Are you really doubting that it exists?
Its amusing that libs use a handful of pathetic KKK members as an example of the white racism menace in America

They are a tiny group who are more than offset by the New Black Panthers and Black Lies Matter
Charlottesville Would be an easy obvious and in your face example of it. Are you really doubting that it exists?
Its amusing that libs use a handful of pathetic KKK members as an example of the white racism menace in America

They are a tiny group who are more than offset by the New Black Panthers and Black Lies Matter
Why is that amusing? Because it’s irrefutable? You asked for an example and I provided one. What more do you want?

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