Biden is a is the entire leadership of the democrat party....

There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

You think that quote is racist?! Really???

So you agree with Biden and feel Blacks just aren't that bright?? Good to know.
Glad you made such and extraordinary discovery!
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

You think that quote is racist?! Really???

So you agree with Biden and feel Blacks just aren't that bright?? Good to know.
Is that why you folks forgive Candace Owens for all of the dumb shit she says??

Because of your belief that "blacks" aren't too bright?
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

You think that quote is racist?! Really???

So you agree with Biden and feel Blacks just aren't that bright?? Good to know.
Glad you made such and extraordinary discovery!

Yep, learn something new every day, didn't realize you were such a racist POS.
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

You think that quote is racist?! Really???

So you agree with Biden and feel Blacks just aren't that bright?? Good to know.
Glad you made such and extraordinary discovery!

Yep, learn something new every day, didn't realize you were such a racist POS.
You didn’t? Well that’s understandable, you’re not the brightest bulb in the bunch
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I love it when White people tell us who racists are. Especially those on the right.

Blacks keep voting for democrats, so they apparently don't know that the democrat party, founded by slave owners, members who started the kkk, who started the Civil War to keep blacks as slaves, who kept black children out of good public schools who now trap them in horrible, democrat party controlled schools, who started the black codes and jim crow, and who fought the Civil Rights movement with lynchings....

They apparently don't know who the racist party is...they keep voting for it.
We all know who the racist party is today. Quit living in the past.

The party trying to keep Asians from going to our universities.....the democrat party.

The party that wants businesses to identify by race...the democrat party.

The party that says blacks, and hispanics are too stupid or lazy to get voter ID.....the democrat party.

The party whose leaders have as their allies louis farrakhan, racist and anti-semite, al sharpton, racist, anti-semite who started two actual race riots, jeremiah wright, racist and anti-semite.....the party whose leader praised members of the kkk and had a white segregationist as his friend, political mentor and political ally...

The party in the past who kept black children from going to good schools, the democrat party, is now the party that will not let black and hispanic children escape horrible democrat party run schools......the democrat party.

That party is the democrat party.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I swear to God, I don't even know where to start. That remark is wrong on so many levels, I can't decide which level to start on to explain what an ignorant piece of shit President Houseplant actually is. Not only is it blatant, naked racism, it's also insanely ignorant blatant racism, far beyond the garden-variety ignorance necessary to be a racist in the first place.
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I love it when White people tell us who racists are. Especially those on the right.

Blacks keep voting for democrats, so they apparently don't know that the democrat party, founded by slave owners, members who started the kkk, who started the Civil War to keep blacks as slaves, who kept black children out of good public schools who now trap them in horrible, democrat party controlled schools, who started the black codes and jim crow, and who fought the Civil Rights movement with lynchings....

They apparently don't know who the racist party is...they keep voting for it.

Speaking of which, I watched an amazing documentary called "Uncle Tom", about black conservatives. And it very much made that point, that black people who think they "should" vote for the Democrat Party are doing so out of ignorance about who and what the Democrat Party is and always has been.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
"I can personally vouch for Joe Biden. He isn't a racist. He is my best friend in the senate"

Dem senate majority leader Robert Byrd

who was also known as the "Enchanted Cyclops" of the Ku Klux Klan
Robert Byrd had long denounced the KKK at that point. And Byrd is dead. So nice try, but the Anglo Saxon Heritahe Caucus and defense of the Confederacy kida gives it away. The republican party is the racist party.
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I love it when White people tell us who racists are. Especially those on the right.

Blacks keep voting for democrats, so they apparently don't know that the democrat party, founded by slave owners, members who started the kkk, who started the Civil War to keep blacks as slaves, who kept black children out of good public schools who now trap them in horrible, democrat party controlled schools, who started the black codes and jim crow, and who fought the Civil Rights movement with lynchings....

They apparently don't know who the racist party is...they keep voting for it.

Speaking of which, I watched an amazing documentary called "Uncle Tom", about black conservatives. And it very much made that point, that black people who think they "should" vote for the Democrat Party are doing so out of ignorance about who and what the Democrat Party is and always has been.
No that's not the case. You re[ublicans lie about your party's past.

The Corwin Amendment, also called the “Slavery Amendment,” was a constitutional amendment passed by Congress in 1861 but never ratified by the states that would have banned the federal government from abolishing the institution of slavery in the states where it existed at the time. Considering it a last-ditch effort to prevent the looming Civil War, supporters of the Corwin Amendment hoped it would prevent the southern states that had not already done so from seceding from the Union. Ironically, Abraham Lincoln did not oppose the measure.

The operative section of the Corwin Amendment states:

“No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.”

In referring to enslavement as “domestic institutions” and “persons held to labor or service,” rather than by the specific word “slavery,” the amendment reflects wording in the draft of the Constitution considered by delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which referred to enslaved people as “Person held to Service."

Senator William H. Seward and Representative Thomas Corwin introduced the Corwin Amendment, both were republicans.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Actually the democrats of that period were the conservatives.
The democrats would cringe everytime biden opens his pie hole if they actually needed to care what people think....but with the democrat party press, hollywood, all of the late night comedy hosts, covering for them and him....they don't care....

The latest racist comment by biden...

President Biden faced criticism Tuesday over comments he made about black entrepreneurs during a speech commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre.

“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding given the chance as white entrepreneurs are,” Biden said. “But they don’t have lawyers. They don’t have, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas.

I swear to God, I don't even know where to start. That remark is wrong on so many levels, I can't decide which level to start on to explain what an ignorant piece of shit President Houseplant actually is. Not only is it blatant, naked racism, it's also insanely ignorant blatant racism, far beyond the garden-variety ignorance necessary to be a racist in the first place. Biden was correct and those 2 sellout validate right wing crazy need to shut the fuck up.

Biden was correct. Stop listening to sellouts.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 2.6 million Black-owned business in the United States, compared to 22.6 million white-owned businesses. Blacks/African Americans, who make up more than 13% of the U.S. population, only own about 7% of all the businesses in the country, and generate only about 0.5% of total receipts. Out of those 2.6 million businesses, 95 percent were sole proprietorships with no hired employees.

Ninety-five percent of all black businesses in this country can't afford to hire a minimum wage employee, much less a lawyer.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Actually the democrats of that period were the conservatives.
sure they might have been conservative with their money and how they dressed...but they weren’t Conservatives
You think that quote is racist?! Really???
The word means nothing any more.

The hardcore Left ran it into the ground with PC, and now the Trumpsters have turned it into a joke.

Diluting terribly important words by over-using them has become a Great American Pastime.
  • Racist
  • Socialist
  • Hitler
  • Nazi
  • Communist
  • Fascist
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
........and yet it is republicans who make the racist remarks, it is republicans who present policies that are anti-black.
There are plenty of black entrepreneurs.......perhaps too many....

So much so that they are beginning to prevent white entrepreneurs from having a fair shot...

I wonder why Biden isn't talking about how whites are being oppressed at levels no other group has ever endured?
there are numerous more then any other place in the world, but never too many

and this has been done in spite of the obstruction by dems and their racist policies met to hold people back
What obstruction are you referring to??

And would these policies be referred to as "liberal" or "conservative"??

For example.....when it was proven in a court of law that "Dem's racist policies" discriminated against black farmers; who are entrepreneurs......who are the main ones whining about that problem being addressed now?

Liberals or Conservatives?

"While Black farmers previously owned an estimated 20 million acres of land just after the Civil War and Reconstruction, the number of Black farmers in this country dropped by 98 percent, largely due to systemic racism at the hands of the U.S. Department of Agriculture"

Or how about the decades and decades of racist financial redlining and when something is done about it -- the main folks whining -- are not liberals...but Conservatives

"A government investigation found 34,000 instances of Wells Fargo charging African Americans and Hispanics higher fees and rates compared with white borrowers with similar credit profiles, Bank of America Corp’s Countrywide Financial unit agreed in December to pay a record $335 million to settle similar charges."

So yea....let's talk about those racist Dem policies and how anything implemented to correct those previous racist policies were MAINLY OPPOSED BY who? Liberals or conservatives??
the slavery thing, jim crow, filibustering civil rights, the klan, xiden’s racist crime bill, expanding welfare etc
So you are saying white Democrats brought slavery here, correct?? Because I keep hearing you fragile minded cucks minimize the role of slavery in our founding over and over again......which is why things like the 1619 project that EXPLICITLY talks about how this country was founded on slavery triggers you folks so much....

Now....what policies of Jim Crow do conservatives reject today?? The voter suppression part?? The part that denied labor protections to black folks?? The part that redlined black home ownership and fear mongered about blacks moving into "white communities"??

All of that shit sounds like what conservatives advocate for now........No wonder you cucks don't like framing things in a Conservative vs Liberal context...because then you would be forced to see how closely those Jim Crow policies mirror the rhetoric of Conservatives today.
Well no, not white Democracts....the DNC didn't exist when slavery was brought here...but you all fought hard and long to keep it

Conservatives, hate all forms of Jim Crow, and are against it then, now and forever. The Dems still embrace it, heck you just elected a man President who fought to keep it.
Right because those Southerners were hard core Liberals, that is the funny shit I ever heard. In the 70s and 80s Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms were hardcore Liberals. You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.

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