Biden is a socialist !

If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


the examples you gave are not socialism ! the examples you gave are taxpayer returns on infrastructure and education ! socialism is what the left is pushing ! total control of our lives by the fed gov ! and that is appealing to weaklings like you that cannot compete with others in a free market .you are too lazy and to dumb too be above average ! and you hate anyone that has a higher standard of living than you do no matter how hard they worked for it .

In the words of Joe Biden:

"You are full of shit!"

All of what I listed are examples of 'Socialism'. The bullshit you ranted about is just pure BULLSHIT and nothing else!

You have no idea of what 'socialism' is, so STFU!
If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


Yet the taxes garnered to pay for all that came from capitalism.

Yes, and if you understood 'socialism' you'd know that capital investment and regulated markets are required for socialism.

The idea that socialism and capitalism are opposed t each other is a lie perpetuated by people who do not want either capitalism or fair markets - they want opportunism and free for all markets - may the best thief win!
If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


the examples you gave is not socialism ! the examples you gave are taxpayer returns on infrastructure and education ! socialism is what the left is pushing ! total control of our lives by the fed gov ! and that is appealing to weaklings like you that cannot compete with others in a free market .you are too lazy and to dumb too be above average ! and you hate anyone that has a higher standard of living than you do no matter how hard they worked for it .
Typical conservative. The free shit they like is somehow not socialism.
listen to the socialist defend socialism ! they dont even try to paint their leaders as moderates anymore ! instead they try to lie and say we are already living in a socialist country ! that socialism is getting a bad rap ! move your socialist ass to Venezuela !

Why would we move to Venezuela when we already have socialism here in the U.S.?
If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


Yet the taxes garnered to pay for all that came from capitalism.

Yes, and if you understood 'socialism' you'd know that capital investment and regulated markets are required for socialism.

The idea that socialism and capitalism are opposed t each other is a lie perpetuated by people who do not want either capitalism or fair markets - they want opportunism and free for all markets - may the best thief win!

Now you're changing your tune. I prefer free markets. I will give you an example since you're dumb.

#1) I need an xray. Its a picture and should cost $50?
#2) I look to see prices of clinics/offices near me and pick one.
#3) I pay $50.

Your world

#1) I need an xray - insurance says it costs $300
#2) They send me to a lab of their choice
#3) I pay $10 or so and they pay the rest minus admin costs and such.


Go with free markets!
If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


the examples you gave is not socialism ! the examples you gave are taxpayer returns on infrastructure and education ! socialism is what the left is pushing ! total control of our lives by the fed gov ! and that is appealing to weaklings like you that cannot compete with others in a free market .you are too lazy and to dumb too be above average ! and you hate anyone that has a higher standard of living than you do no matter how hard they worked for it .
Typical conservative. The free shit they like is somehow not socialism.
listen to the socialist defend socialism ! they dont even try to paint their leaders as moderates anymore ! instead they try to lie and say we are already living in a socialist country ! that socialism is getting a bad rap ! move your socialist ass to Venezuela !

Why would we move to Venezuela when we already have socialism here in the U.S.?

We have social programs supported by capitalism.
The problem of democratic socialism is not removed by Sanders not being on the ticket. The entire Democratic Platform is pure socialism,
gov control of healthcare ! gun control ! high taxes ! green new deal ! the truth is Biden is not a moderate ! he's really a big government control socialist ! he's even enriched himself and his family through gov influency like the classic communist oligarch ! so dont fall for the lefts claim that Sanders is a socialist and Biden is a moderate ! take any description of itself and then move the scale to the left ! ex Sanders is a communist and Biden is a big gov control socialist ! we cannot i repeat cannot commit treason against our country and future and vote these people into office !
The left as a whole are socialists.
If Republicans were correct, America has been a communist nation since Democrats voted in Social Security in 1935. We have lived with this communist Social Security monster all these years, and the nation suffers. But not too worry, Trump will eliminate Social Security and America will return to pure capitalism, just like it used to be. Does anyone know when America had pure capitalism? But we can rest assured that Trump will eliminate all socialistic programs such as Social Security and America will be pure again.
gov control of healthcare ! gun control ! high taxes ! green new deal ! the truth is Biden is not a moderate ! he's really a big government control socialist ! he's even enriched himself and his family through gov influency like the classic communist oligarch ! so dont fall for the lefts claim that Sanders is a socialist and Biden is a moderate ! take any description of itself and then move the scale to the left ! ex Sanders is a communist and Biden is a big gov control socialist ! we cannot i repeat cannot commit treason against our country and future and vote these people into office !
You claimed that Biden will step down before the election......right?
The Biden socialist threads are already starting, and he hasn't even won the Democratic Party nomination.
gov control of healthcare ! gun control ! high taxes ! green new deal ! the truth is Biden is not a moderate ! he's really a big government control socialist ! he's even enriched himself and his family through gov influency like the classic communist oligarch ! so dont fall for the lefts claim that Sanders is a socialist and Biden is a moderate ! take any description of itself and then move the scale to the left ! ex Sanders is a communist and Biden is a big gov control socialist ! we cannot i repeat cannot commit treason against our country and future and vote these people into office !
He's also a George Soros puppet.
If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


Yet the taxes garnered to pay for all that came from capitalism.

Yes, and if you understood 'socialism' you'd know that capital investment and regulated markets are required for socialism.

The idea that socialism and capitalism are opposed t each other is a lie perpetuated by people who do not want either capitalism or fair markets - they want opportunism and free for all markets - may the best thief win!

Now you're changing your tune. I prefer free markets. I will give you an example since you're dumb.

#1) I need an xray. Its a picture and should cost $50?
#2) I look to see prices of clinics/offices near me and pick one.
#3) I pay $50.

Your world

#1) I need an xray - insurance says it costs $300
#2) They send me to a lab of their choice
#3) I pay $10 or so and they pay the rest minus admin costs and such.


Go with free markets!

Then there's the real world, which operates quite differently than your imaginary bullshit world:

The Medical Industry does not have competitive pricing, as your quaint theory suggests.

The Medical Industry operates using the 'Sticky Prices' principal:

Medical costs only go up, and they do not undercut each other - they do not compete. Once one hospital or test lab raises it's prices, they all raise their prices.

So you may find someplace that you can get an X-Ray for 50$, but it sure as hell won't be in the United States!
If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


the examples you gave is not socialism ! the examples you gave are taxpayer returns on infrastructure and education ! socialism is what the left is pushing ! total control of our lives by the fed gov ! and that is appealing to weaklings like you that cannot compete with others in a free market .you are too lazy and to dumb too be above average ! and you hate anyone that has a higher standard of living than you do no matter how hard they worked for it .
Typical conservative. The free shit they like is somehow not socialism.
listen to the socialist defend socialism ! they dont even try to paint their leaders as moderates anymore ! instead they try to lie and say we are already living in a socialist country ! that socialism is getting a bad rap ! move your socialist ass to Venezuela !

Why would we move to Venezuela when we already have socialism here in the U.S.?

We have social programs supported by capitalism.

Yes, and it's called Democratic-Socialism, or if you can't stomach that name: Progressive Liberalism.
Even Trump has turned Socialist:

The Fed Proves It Will Do Whatever It Takes in Repo

"Even U.S. President Donald Trump, confronted with stocks on the precipice of a bear market, took to Twitter to say he’s “fully prepared to use the full power of the Federal Government.”"

Oh wait - that's Socialism that benefits the wealthy! I got it.

What Conservatives want is:

Socialism when it benefits the wealthy, but heartless capitalism for the poor!
If you've ever used a public highway, a public school, a public library, public utilities, collected Social Security or Medicare or called the police or fire dept. then:


Yet the taxes garnered to pay for all that came from capitalism.

Yes, and if you understood 'socialism' you'd know that capital investment and regulated markets are required for socialism.

The idea that socialism and capitalism are opposed t each other is a lie perpetuated by people who do not want either capitalism or fair markets - they want opportunism and free for all markets - may the best thief win!

Now you're changing your tune. I prefer free markets. I will give you an example since you're dumb.

#1) I need an xray. Its a picture and should cost $50?
#2) I look to see prices of clinics/offices near me and pick one.
#3) I pay $50.

Your world

#1) I need an xray - insurance says it costs $300
#2) They send me to a lab of their choice
#3) I pay $10 or so and they pay the rest minus admin costs and such.


Go with free markets!

Then there's the real world, which operates quite differently than your imaginary bullshit world:

The Medical Industry does not have competitive pricing, as your quaint theory suggests.

The Medical Industry operates using the 'Sticky Prices' principal:

Medical costs only go up, and they do not undercut each other - they do not compete. Once one hospital or test lab raises it's prices, they all raise their prices.

So you may find someplace that you can get an X-Ray for 50$, but it sure as hell won't be in the United States!
Duh you dumbass. I said it “should” be free markets. Can you read? Prancing Nancy boy.
the examples you gave is not socialism ! the examples you gave are taxpayer returns on infrastructure and education ! socialism is what the left is pushing ! total control of our lives by the fed gov ! and that is appealing to weaklings like you that cannot compete with others in a free market .you are too lazy and to dumb too be above average ! and you hate anyone that has a higher standard of living than you do no matter how hard they worked for it .
Typical conservative. The free shit they like is somehow not socialism.
listen to the socialist defend socialism ! they dont even try to paint their leaders as moderates anymore ! instead they try to lie and say we are already living in a socialist country ! that socialism is getting a bad rap ! move your socialist ass to Venezuela !

Why would we move to Venezuela when we already have socialism here in the U.S.?

We have social programs supported by capitalism.

Yes, and it's called Democratic-Socialism, or if you can't stomach that name: Progressive Liberalism.
How about capitalism with losers begging for money from the winners. Which are you?

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