Biden Is Against MAGA

You go Joe.

If you want to understand the Trump cult check out book below.

Tell us where you part with the Democratic Party and prove you don’t belong to a cult.
????????????????????????? What does any of that have anything to do with my post you quoted?
Lol well it’s simple really. The times we are living in right now are not dark times. They simply aren’t ideal. There are things to feel good about. We don’t need that useless Trump MAGA shit either way, however. MAGA garbage will definitely not solve our problems.
Lol well it’s simple really. The times we are living in right now are not dark times. They simply aren’t ideal. There are things to feel good about. We don’t need that useless Trump MAGA shit either way, however. MAGA garbage will definitely not solve our problems.
Translation...having trespassers around makes you feel better about yourself.
which stands for Make America Great Again. Well, he has certainly accomplished that. With about 80% of Americans thinking that the country is going in the wrong direction and with approval numbers in the very bottom of the basement, Biden proudly proclaims he is against those MAGA Republicans and even calls them semi-fascists. He doesn't even mention MAGA Democrats, apparently because no Democrats are for Making America Great Again. But he wants to make sure he is against all Republicans who want to Make America Great Again. That's his campaign theme going into the midterms.
Trump's MAGA movement used a Fascist style MOB to intimidate and halt Congress, while in a Joint Session counting the EC vote from every State in the Union. Tell me how that Trump inspired event made America great in any sense of the word.
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Trump's MAGA movement used a Fascist style MOB to intimidate and halt Congress, while in a Joint Session counting the EC vote from every State in the Union Tell me how that Trump inspired event made America great in any sense of the word.
And GW and Obama watched millions of unemployed US citizens while they were riding in their limousines.
Translation...having trespassers around makes you feel better about yourself.
Those “trespassers” have always been here. They certainly were during Trump. There are MILLIONS of them regardless of who is president, including under Trump. Moreover, getting rid of them wouldn’t do much at all on an economic level.
which stands for Make America Great Again. Well, he has certainly accomplished that. With about 80% of Americans thinking that the country is going in the wrong direction and with approval numbers in the very bottom of the basement, Biden proudly proclaims he is against those MAGA Republicans and even calls them semi-fascists. He doesn't even mention MAGA Democrats, apparently because no Democrats are for Making America Great Again. But he wants to make sure he is against all Republicans who want to Make America Great Again. That's his campaign theme going into the midterms.
It no longer stands for Make America Great stands for "I kiss trump's ass".
Those “trespassers” have always been here. They certainly were during Trump. There are MILLIONS of them regardless of who is president, including under Trump. Moreover, getting rid of them wouldn’t do much at all on an economic level.
Funny, I get around a lot as part of my job and I saw almost all English speaking Blacks working.
Must suck for you to be such a liar.
Biden is against White Christian Nationalism, flagrant arrogant ignorance and political cults of personality surrounding a profoundly damaged man-child who has conned his obedient flock into believing obvious lies.

Like about 81 million others here.
awww, another sweet non judgmental tolerant of others god bless
I have never seen a president attack an opposition party like old Joe. Is he in his right mind?

Nope, he is not.

Biden Is Against MAGA
And appropriate so.

Every American should be against ‘MAGA’ – every American should oppose political dogma that is illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian, and an enemy of democracy.

Every American should oppose the fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate that ‘MAGA’ promotes.

‘MAGA’ was the catalyst for the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, the coup attempt to install Trump as autocrat and dictator, and the act of treason that sought to overturn a fair, honest, lawful, and accurate election.

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