Biden Is Against MAGA

I have never seen a president attack an opposition party like old Joe. Is he in his right mind?
Too bad you didn't put a link to Joe acting like this. He's usually a pretty decent guy, unlike that previous president who tried to overthrow our democracy.
And appropriate so.

Every American should be against ‘MAGA’ – every American should oppose political dogma that is illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian, and an enemy of democracy.

Every American should oppose the fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate that ‘MAGA’ promotes.

‘MAGA’ was the catalyst for the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, the coup attempt to install Trump as autocrat and dictator, and the act of treason that sought to overturn a fair, honest, lawful, and accurate election.
So you, as a far Left Communist scumbag, want a one party state, doncha? people like you need to be rounded up and lined against a wall.
And appropriate so.

Every American should be against ‘MAGA’ – every American should oppose political dogma that is illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian, and an enemy of democracy.

Every American should oppose the fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate that ‘MAGA’ promotes.

‘MAGA’ was the catalyst for the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, the coup attempt to install Trump as autocrat and dictator, and the act of treason that sought to overturn a fair, honest, lawful, and accurate election.
Definitely a paid DNC shill. ^^^
Biden is against White Christian Nationalism
Is he FOR Nationalism by ANYONE?

flagrant arrogant ignorance
Now you're making a difference without a distinction. Joe has redefined what it means to be arrogant, ignorant and flagrant.

and political cults
No one can beat a political cult where millions of leftists all belonging to dozens of shadowy political organizations take 500 million dollars and all unite under the common cause of devoting their entire life to the stealing of an election just because they don't like one personality.

a profoundly damaged man-child
I prefer to just call Joe the Poopy Shuffler who knows not the day of the week unless someone writes it down for him on a cue card.
And appropriate so.

Every American should be against ‘MAGA’ – every American should oppose political dogma that is illiberal, neo-fascist, authoritarian, and an enemy of democracy.

Every American should oppose the fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate that ‘MAGA’ promotes.

‘MAGA’ was the catalyst for the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy, the coup attempt to install Trump as autocrat and dictator, and the act of treason that sought to overturn a fair, honest, lawful, and accurate election.
Why would anyone anywhere be against Making America Great Again?
Why would anyone anywhere be against Making America Great Again?
When exactly was America not great. Suddenly on Jan 21. 2021? Perhaps back in Nov. 2020?

Belief that somehow electing Biden over Trump suddenly made America not great makes you gullible. So to me MAGA is Make Americans Gullible Again
When exactly was America not great. Suddenly on Jan 21. 2021? Perhaps back in Nov. 2020?

Belief that somehow electing Biden over Trump suddenly made America not great makes you gullible. So to me MAGA is Make Americans Gullible Again
I never mentioned any dates. I'm just asking why Democrats and the left are against Making America Great Again. But, with about 70% of Americans thinking that the country is headed in the wrong direction, it was obviously a better place sometime before now.
which stands for Make America Great Again. Well, he has certainly accomplished that. With about 80% of Americans thinking that the country is going in the wrong direction and with approval numbers in the very bottom of the basement, Biden proudly proclaims he is against those MAGA Republicans and even calls them semi-fascists. He doesn't even mention MAGA Democrats, apparently because no Democrats are for Making America Great Again. But he wants to make sure he is against all Republicans who want to Make America Great Again. That's his campaign theme going into the midterms.
It is unconscionable that Biden, the Democrats and the Media have twisted MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN into some sort of fascist, evil concept. WTF? :dunno: That is how far the Democratic Party has sunk. They do the bidding of China and continue to ignore the ongoing attack on our country through Mexico. Biden says nothing to either Jinping or Obrador who are the primary facilitators of the attack.
which stands for Make America Great Again. Well, he has certainly accomplished that. With about 80% of Americans thinking that the country is going in the wrong direction and with approval numbers in the very bottom of the basement, Biden proudly proclaims he is against those MAGA Republicans and even calls them semi-fascists. He doesn't even mention MAGA Democrats, apparently because no Democrats are for Making America Great Again. But he wants to make sure he is against all Republicans who want to Make America Great Again. That's his campaign theme going into the midterms.

Imagine how stupid and ignorant Pedo Pete has to be to make a speech and say that making America great again is fascist, but his soaring gas and food prices are good.

Imagine how stupid and ignorant Pedo Pete's supporters are.
Biden is against MAGA...but only if MAGA describes anyone center of left. The Democrats, including Biden, have become culturally totalitarian. You're either with them or an enemy.
Lol well it’s simple really. The times we are living in right now are not dark times. They simply aren’t ideal. There are things to feel good about. We don’t need that useless Trump MAGA shit either way, however. MAGA garbage will definitely not solve our problems.
the idea of making america great again is of course sickening to democrats who prefer living in a third world shitnest
the idea of making america great again is of course sickening to democrats who prefer living in a third world shitnest
Obviously the problem is that MAGA just makes shit worse. Nothing is better. As an example, Job growth in 2021 was better than Trump’s best year for job growth. Altogether his job growth pales in comparison to Obama or Clinton.

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