Biden is amazing

He triggered the guy. Totally.
Whups! Which one's a guy? Been here two years and still get that crap wrong, not meaning to mess with people on it, unless they are attacking me.
Biden reminds me so much of the great leaders of the past such as Churchill, Washington, and Lincoln. He has Russia terrified and Putin shaking in his boots. This man has been incredible success, because our air is cleaner, no more mean tweets, everyone is welcome whether legal or not, terrific handling of the pandemic, and the pull out of troops in Afghanistan was a stroke of genius. Sure, gas prices and food prices are getting more and more expensive, but at least we don’t we to worry about mean Ol Donald Trump making mean tweets and hurting liberal feelings.

Well said!

Biden is an inspiration to us all
I just have to shake my head, I can't believe how many members there are here that would apparently be in the market for my beach front property in Nebraska that I'm selling really cheap.
He's amazing alright.

And rumor has it he finished his speech without fillin his britches, so those of us in the know sighed a big sigh of relief and national pride in our dear turniphead leader.
And he got not one, not two, but THREE scoops for his reward afterwards.
Biden reminds me so much of the great leaders of the past such as Churchill, Washington, and Lincoln. He has Russia terrified and Putin shaking in his boots. This man has been incredible success, because our air is cleaner, no more mean tweets, everyone is welcome whether legal or not, terrific handling of the pandemic, and the pull out of troops in Afghanistan was a stroke of genius. Sure, gas prices and food prices are getting more and more expensive, but at least we don’t we to worry about mean Ol Donald Trump making mean tweets and hurting liberal feelings.
Shut the fuck up, you fat piece of crap.

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