Biden is coming for trump

The only people talking down to blacks are republicans.
Barry continues to treat Joe like he has Corona Virus. Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and claiming Barry new about it - confirmed by Nadler during Impeachment...Barry wants nothing to do with Joe...
That videotape was not what you say. Just watch what happens to trump once the nominee is named.
Biden gave a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM, BRAGGED about it, gloated about Obama knowing....

Joe is a punkass Extortionist...Barry's whole administration members were criminals, liars. Perjurors, FISA Court members, spies, etc...
Joe tip toed through the debates while the other Democrats tore Bloomberg apart. Now that he is a front runner, the spotlight turns back on him and the corruption he and Hunter engaged in with Ukraine and China. Obama thought he was off the hook until yesterday.
Nobody really cares about that conspiracy theory
Especially Ukraine

Trump would be wise not to bring up his Ukraine lie.
oh its going to be brought up ! Sanders may bring it up too.
These trump supports act like trump is a young man. Trump has no ideas, and trumps policies have failed. Talking shit, making up nicknames and lying isn't going to help trump here. He's going up against the former Vice President of this country, an experience senator with relationships with world leaders, well versed on foreign and domestic policy, was part of the administration that created the economy trump gave himself credit for. You guys don't seem to understand, this is going to be a contest with a professional policy maker in Biden and a loud mouth charlatan, carnival barker in trump. When trump brings up Burisma, Biden will explain how it was worldwide policy in detail and trump is sunk. On stage, in front of a worldwide TV audience.
so its policy that his inexperienced son gets a job he knows nothing about in a country asking for aid ?
Trump fears Biden

That is why he demanded Ukraine start an investigation of him
Biden’s more corrupt than dumb Don. Too bad you’re too duped to know.

Wow....looks like the Hillary playbook doesn’t it?
You claim to be a progressive. Yet, you support Biden over Bernie. Makes no sense, but fits perfectly into the demands of the establishment.

I am a moderate. In an earlier time, I would be (and I was) a registered Republican. Today, I am unaffiliated or an Indie because the Party of the Rump doesn't represent my ideals. I will tell you right now, yesterday, my vote for Biden was cast but the majority in the state chose Bernie. I hope the convention fixes that oversight.
you switched from being a republican ?? and now you vote democrat ?? that is rare indeed... its usually the other way around ! so youve gotten dumber with age ?
No one should believe a Republican would switch to a Democrat. That is almost unheard of. It's usually the other way around when a Democrat bumps their head on a curb and has a come to Jesus moment.
Biden’s more corrupt than dumb Don. Too bad you’re too duped to know.

Wow....looks like the Hillary playbook doesn’t it?
You claim to be a progressive. Yet, you support Biden over Bernie. Makes no sense, but fits perfectly into the demands of the establishment.

I am a moderate. In an earlier time, I would be (and I was) a registered Republican. Today, I am unaffiliated or an Indie because the Party of the Rump doesn't represent my ideals. I will tell you right now, yesterday, my vote for Biden was cast but the majority in the state chose Bernie. I hope the convention fixes that oversight.
you switched from being a republican ?? and now you vote democrat ?? that is rare indeed... its usually the other way around ! so youve gotten dumber with age ?
Not much difference between Rs and Ds. To think otherwise, is really dumb.
So you are going to vote for Trump? Awesome.
I think a lot will depend on what the economy will do
Under "normal" circumstances I would agree. But if the DNC screws Bernie again I honestly think we could see Bernie Bros rioting in the streets.
Bernie wasn't screwed the first time.
The turnout has them f'n Fat Donnie boys worried.
if you plan on going to the next Trump rally you need to be prepared to camp out for several days to even have a chance of getting in ! the country has never seen anything like this !
The country is exhausted with all the crap. Go ahead and go to the shit show. Voters go to the polls.
But not you. You'll be hanging around in Spain fighting The Beer Virus.
Know what's hilarious about this thread. Everything that the trumplicans are saying about Biden are the same things democrats have been saying about Trump for a few years now.

Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?

the guy who made his family rich by embezzling our tax dollars out of countries that it should of gone to. Lets vote for ___ because he actually grabs women and kids. all seriousness its not right for people around _____ [ his handlers] to deceive him and tell him he can be POTUS ! true friends should call the man to the side and tell him the truth ! he's slipping ! its obvious that _____ is not mentally able to be POTUS !
Exactly right. Biden isn’t much different from Trump. So why the hell are Ds voting for him?
Biden is way different than trump. You can't be a serious thinker and make such a claim.
You’re too close to it. I don’t give a shit who wins in November. No doubt you do...desperately. Biden is only slightly different. If he were in the senate, he would have voted for everything Trump is doing. Much like most Ds currently in the Senate.
Really? Like Joe "the groper" Biden voted for the Iraq War. He also used quid pro quo on Ukraine(he admits it in the video) and his son profits from embezzling millions of our tax dollars so Hunter can get rich? You okay with that buddy? Is that your way of a government douche bag? Aint going to happen again.. Ukraine has opened its own investigation on Corruption, if Sleepy Joe is found guilty they will ask to extradite him. Joe is going to do time, in a Ukraine jail, that isnt like US jails. Maybe he will die in there, like the Dems want Roger Stone to die in jail of the US..Equal justice for everyone, not even Joe is above the law, right?

The liberals have been running the Democratic Party for years and it is even more pronounced now. Democratic politicians have secretly supported far-left policies for decades but they have had to sugar coat it to get some "normal" people to vote for them. Slowly but surely they are getting what they want, which is a hard move to the left.

You aren't paying attention, skippy. The Moderates and Conservatives in the Democratic Party are all coming together to support one person while the Liberals are cut in two.

Correction: The Biden supporters are coalescing while the Bernie supporters are abandoned.
So in November do not look for Bernie supporters to vote for Joe Biden, just like in 2016.

Biden has the majority of the Democratic Party and Voters behind him. Like the part of the rump, Bernie doesn't have the majority, he just has the LOUDEST!!!!

sure it does. Biden was Obama’s VP for 8 years & he doesn’t want to endorse him. Says a lot about what Obama thinks of him. Trump will trounce Biden in November.
Trump fears Biden

That is why he demanded Ukraine start an investigation of him
Ha ha ha. So a guy who packs auditoriums at his rallies, and gets standing ovations, fears a senile fool who can't complete a sentence without stumbling all over himself ? :confused:

Biden is the greatest gift Democrats could ever give to Republicans.

The key to the 2020 campaign will be the pushup contest that Sleepy Joe will want to arrange.

President Trump is going to resist, and libs will insist he's "cowardly" for not engaging in it on TV

The next major battle will be for the DEBATES. How many and on what network?
Three on FXN? Biden probably wants zero?! WTF will happen?
If I was Trump I would NEVER go on a fake news MSM network where Biden gets to rehearse the questions and answers.
answers to debate questions will not help Biden ...he wont remember the answers ! now with more attention on him in the next dem debate Sanders may expose Bidens lack of mental acuity !

The MSM will baby Biden. He will not be asked anything that isn't one of his talking points.
Under "normal" circumstances I would agree. But if the DNC screws Bernie again I honestly think we could see Bernie Bros rioting in the streets.
Bernie wasn't screwed the first time.
The turnout has them f'n Fat Donnie boys worried.
if you plan on going to the next Trump rally you need to be prepared to camp out for several days to even have a chance of getting in ! the country has never seen anything like this !
The country is exhausted with all the crap. Go ahead and go to the shit show. Voters go to the polls.
But not you. You'll be hanging around in Spain fighting The Beer Virus.
Sorry, I will be here in sunny SoCal soaking up the rays while you cry to the Lord... you Trump Humpin' fool.
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Bernie wasn't screwed the first time.
The turnout has them f'n Fat Donnie boys worried.
if you plan on going to the next Trump rally you need to be prepared to camp out for several days to even have a chance of getting in ! the country has never seen anything like this !
The country is exhausted with all the crap. Go ahead and go to the shit show. Voters go to the polls.
But not you. You'll be hanging around in Spain fighting The Beer Virus.
Sorry, I will be here in sunny SoCal soaking up the rays while you cry to the Lord... you Trump Humpin' fool.
Thanks for confirming you are an American Hating Communist. Same thing you are when you are in Spain, on the Plain where it mainly rains.
Know what's hilarious about this thread. Everything that the trumplicans are saying about Biden are the same things democrats have been saying about Trump for a few years now.

Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?

the guy who made his family rich by embezzling our tax dollars out of countries that it should of gone to. Lets vote for ___ because he actually grabs women and kids. all seriousness its not right for people around _____ [ his handlers] to deceive him and tell him he can be POTUS ! true friends should call the man to the side and tell him the truth ! he's slipping ! its obvious that _____ is not mentally able to be POTUS !
Exactly right. Biden isn’t much different from Trump. So why the hell are Ds voting for him?
Biden is way different than trump. You can't be a serious thinker and make such a claim.
You’re too close to it. I don’t give a shit who wins in November. No doubt you do...desperately. Biden is only slightly different. If he were in the senate, he would have voted for everything Trump is doing. Much like most Ds currently in the Senate.
Really? Like Joe "the groper" Biden voted for the Iraq War. He also used quid pro quo on Ukraine(he admits it in the video) and his son profits from embezzling millions of our tax dollars so Hunter can get rich? You okay with that buddy? Is that your way of a government douche bag? Aint going to happen again.. Ukraine has opened its own investigation on Corruption, if Sleepy Joe is found guilty they will ask to extradite him. Joe is going to do time, in a Ukraine jail, that isnt like US jails. Maybe he will die in there, like the Dems want Roger Stone to die in jail of the US..Equal justice for everyone, not even Joe is above the law, right?

And either is your King trump the scum of the earth
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The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers... better tell president Hilary that biden is going to get Trump, and the Bush family, and obama, and Stormy Daniels, and Michael Avenatti, and mueller, comey, stzrok, paige.....and all the rest who got Trump too......

Oh....and this...

The following data is from Decision Desk HQ, as of 11:50 p.m. EST, with many votes still being counted. In those states in which Republican voter turnout exceeded Democrat voter turnout, the Republican numbers are bolded. In those states in which Republicans, while fewer in number than Democrats, still made a good showing, Republican numbers are bolded and italicized.

In Alabama, with 88.44% of votes counted, 387,762 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 623,732 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 613,799 votes.

In Arkansas, with 69.28% of votes counted, 216,840 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 233,898 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 227,078 votes.

In California, with only 12.37% of votes counted, 1,030,439 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 625,295 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 573,611 votes.

In Colorado, with 97.25% of votes counted, 665,014 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 612,497 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 568,143 votes.

In Massachusetts, with 74.49% of votes counted, 978,054 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 169,317 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 150,602 votes.

In North Carolina, with 101.34% of votes counted (yes, you read that correctly), 1,258,615 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 781,960 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 750,074 votes.

In Oklahoma, with 98.87% of votes counted, 303,977 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 292,117 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 273,562 votes.

In Tennessee, with 100.00% of votes counted, 486,091 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Biden winning. Meanwhile, 388,975 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 381,041 votes.

In Texas, with 45.24% of votes counted, 1,320,425 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 1,295,764 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 1,266,396 votes.

In Utah, with 93.01% of votes counted, 160,399 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 292,354 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 259,650 votes.

In Vermont, with 88.36% of votes counted, 148,652 people voted in the Democrat primary, with Bernie winning. Meanwhile, 36,702 people voted in the Republican primary, with Trump receiving 32,611 votes.

(Some of these numbers are still subject to change, but the relative values have not changed much over the past few hours as of this writing.)

Despite being the incumbent, Trump is still having monster rallies across America. Moreover, in several of the above states, while Republicans could well have sat this one out, they made the effort to vote for Trump.

People aren’t bored with Trump; they are still thrilled. No matter the hype on the Democrat side of the race, it turns out that many Trump haters are happier to tweet their discontent with Trump and their support for one candidate or another than they are to make the effort to vote.

Lol! Trump is running in an unopposed primary where he has pressured state republican parties to not put his challengers on the ballot. The American thinker is a right wing trump ass kissing propaganda piece of shit, so you wasted bandwidth with fake news.

I am a member of the democrat party...which democrat party policy do you support......sending rich people to gulags, or putting them up against a wall and shooting them? I am curious because you guys seem to love you some gulags and firing squads....

There is no democrat like that. But it seems you republicans like authoritarians and dictators who put people in gulags, investigate and try imprisoning anyone who opposes them, fires anyone who doesn't agree with everything they do, even when it's not legal, and would prefer firing squads to punish anyone they claim to be committing treason, which is defined as opposing what the republican leader wants.

Yeah? Please give us that list.....

The coup against Trump....the surveillance on journalists......using the IRS to deny conservative groups access to 501c3 Status......Fast and Furious.....

But...I do have to say I haven't seen this much passion to get rid of a Republican President since you guys were definitely, positively, really really really going to get rid of George W. Bush......

You really should tell President Hilary about your efforts...

There was no coup. And the rest of this stuff you post has been debunked.
You claim to be a progressive. Yet, you support Biden over Bernie. Makes no sense, but fits perfectly into the demands of the establishment.

I am a moderate. In an earlier time, I would be (and I was) a registered Republican. Today, I am unaffiliated or an Indie because the Party of the Rump doesn't represent my ideals. I will tell you right now, yesterday, my vote for Biden was cast but the majority in the state chose Bernie. I hope the convention fixes that oversight.

You claim to be a progressive. Yet, you support Biden over Bernie. Makes no sense, but fits perfectly into the demands of the establishment.
They are both Commie Bastards so....

Geeze, Bernie is coming for Biden, then Biden is coming for Bernie, and then there was...…..DOOMBERG was coming for both of them; and each and every time, the Left was singing how they were...….each and every one of them…...going to beat Trump.

Hell, they can't even beat each other 1/2 the time!

The only thing we actually pretty certain of is---------->Trump is going to be the GOP nominee.

Besides that, the Leftists would be smart to quit singing the praises of this one, that one, or the other; or they are going to be spending their time writing a new song each, and every, day-)

It's something you aren't familiar with. It's called Democracy. Of course Biden and Bernie are gunning for each other. That's how the game is supposed to be played. And after July, one or the other will be gunning for Rump with the support from the other. Yes, it's the Democratic Process in action. Not like what you endorse with almost every state canceling the Republican State Conventions. Even Texas couldn't stop it by closing down many (over 200) polling places and trying to shorten others. Even with up to 5 hours waiting, democrats and indies still voted. You Party of the Rumpsters can't even win by cheating this time around.
Bernie supporters are not going to turn out in big numbers for Biden.
They didn't for Hillary but do you think they want that trump pig back in the WH?? Really?

Hey Eddie. A friend of ours is selling they NYC house (Westchester) because of Trump's SALT taxes and lowering prop values, and moving back to their LA house. The wife gave up her NYC job and they're down to one income. What's up with NYC real estate?
Know what's hilarious about this thread. Everything that the trumplicans are saying about Biden are the same things democrats have been saying about Trump for a few years now.

Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?

the guy who made his family rich by embezzling our tax dollars out of countries that it should of gone to. Lets vote for ___ because he actually grabs women and kids. all seriousness its not right for people around _____ [ his handlers] to deceive him and tell him he can be POTUS ! true friends should call the man to the side and tell him the truth ! he's slipping ! its obvious that _____ is not mentally able to be POTUS !
You know what the difference is. Biden people are fucking stupid as hell, those who want this country to be great are smart as can be.
Are you from one of the DUUUH redneck states where everyone is related to each other?
The turnout has them f'n Fat Donnie boys worried.
if you plan on going to the next Trump rally you need to be prepared to camp out for several days to even have a chance of getting in ! the country has never seen anything like this !
The country is exhausted with all the crap. Go ahead and go to the shit show. Voters go to the polls.
But not you. You'll be hanging around in Spain fighting The Beer Virus.
Sorry, I will be here in sunny SoCal soaking up the rays while you cry to the Lord... you Trump Humpin' fool.
Thanks for confirming you are an American Hating Communist. Same thing you are when you are in Spain, on the Plain where it mainly rains.
You need to hang with Pence. After Fat Donnie is gone. In 2021.

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