Biden is coming for trump

Anyone notice ? Keep voting for the racist POS


As was everyone else at the time. The vast majority of apartments, condominiums, and subdivisions had restrictions. Subdivisions actually had restrictions saying that blacks could only enter if they were service personnel.

That meme says he "loved" his Jewish grandchildren. Loves them no more?
Biden is considered a old school generic democrat. This election will be a referendum on Trump. If the economy is strong I see Trump prevailing in another nail bitter. If the economy shows us a down turn it’s too close to call.

Most presidents would win easily in this economy
Trump is not most Presidents

He has been impeached, in constant crisis since elected and has never had above 50 percent approval.
What ever You say Mr. Goebbels.
Know what's hilarious about this thread. Everything that the trumplicans are saying about Biden are the same things democrats have been saying about Trump for a few years now.

Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?

the guy who made his family rich by embezzling our tax dollars out of countries that it should of gone to. Lets vote for ___ because he actually grabs women and kids. all seriousness its not right for people around _____ [ his handlers] to deceive him and tell him he can be POTUS ! true friends should call the man to the side and tell him the truth ! he's slipping ! its obvious that _____ is not mentally able to be POTUS !
Exactly right. Biden isn’t much different from Trump. So why the hell are Ds voting for him?
Biden is way different than trump. You can't be a serious thinker and make such a claim.

Wow, you're finally right about SOMETHING. The difference between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is, indeed night and day. Donald Trump is a grand success with great, hard-working kids. Joe Biden is a grand failure with a drug-addicted kid living off his daddy's name.

Donald trump is an inheritance baby and a failed businessman with kids living off the inheritance he has left.
We Believe You Joe.
Anyone notice ? Keep voting for the racist POS


As was everyone else at the time. The vast majority of apartments, condominiums, and subdivisions had restrictions. Subdivisions actually had restrictions saying that blacks could only enter if they were service personnel.

That meme says he "loved" his Jewish grandchildren. Loves them no more?
Heil Schiffler!
You aren't paying attention, skippy. The Moderates and Conservatives in the Democratic Party are all coming together to support one person while the Liberals are cut in two.

Correction: The Biden supporters are coalescing while the Bernie supporters are abandoned.
So in November do not look for Bernie supporters to vote for Joe Biden, just like in 2016.

Biden has the majority of the Democratic Party and Voters behind him. Like the part of the rump, Bernie doesn't have the majority, he just has the LOUDEST!!!!

Trump fears Biden

That is why he demanded Ukraine start an investigation of him
Ha ha ha. So a guy who packs auditoriums at his rallies, and gets standing ovations, fears a senile fool who can't complete a sentence without stumbling all over himself ? :confused:

Biden is the greatest gift Democrats could ever give to Republicans.

The key to the 2020 campaign will be the pushup contest that Sleepy Joe will want to arrange.

President Trump is going to resist, and libs will insist he's "cowardly" for not engaging in it on TV

The next major battle will be for the DEBATES. How many and on what network?
Three on FXN? Biden probably wants zero?! WTF will happen?
If I was Trump I would NEVER go on a fake news MSM network where Biden gets to rehearse the questions and answers.
answers to debate questions will not help Biden ...he wont remember the answers ! now with more attention on him in the next dem debate Sanders may expose Bidens lack of mental acuity !

The MSM will baby Biden. He will not be asked anything that isn't one of his talking points.
No but in the debates you can bet that when the question come up about Russian Collusion for the Lame Stream Media, President Trump will respond,"no there was no Russian Collusion in my campaign, but Quid Pro Quo Joe, now that guy he had Colluded with Ukraine and stole millions of our tax dollars. I the President will not allow that corruption to continue, right Sleepy Joe?" Joe will respond,"hey, I am running as a senator"....
Know what's hilarious about this thread. Everything that the trumplicans are saying about Biden are the same things democrats have been saying about Trump for a few years now.
Exactly right. Biden isn’t much different from Trump. So why the hell are Ds voting for him?
Biden is way different than trump. You can't be a serious thinker and make such a claim.
You’re too close to it. I don’t give a shit who wins in November. No doubt you do...desperately. Biden is only slightly different. If he were in the senate, he would have voted for everything Trump is doing. Much like most Ds currently in the Senate.
Really? Like Joe "the groper" Biden voted for the Iraq War. He also used quid pro quo on Ukraine(he admits it in the video) and his son profits from embezzling millions of our tax dollars so Hunter can get rich? You okay with that buddy? Is that your way of a government douche bag? Aint going to happen again.. Ukraine has opened its own investigation on Corruption, if Sleepy Joe is found guilty they will ask to extradite him. Joe is going to do time, in a Ukraine jail, that isnt like US jails. Maybe he will die in there, like the Dems want Roger Stone to die in jail of the US..Equal justice for everyone, not even Joe is above the law, right?

And either is your King trump the scum of the earth

Bwaaaahhaaaaaa…..Still believing in that Bug Eyed habitual LIAR? A liberal will never learn, because to learn means you have to have an IQ higher than a slug.

You should be aware that the Liberals are actually a minority in the Dem party. The majority is made up of moderates and conservatives.

The liberals have been running the Democratic Party for years and it is even more pronounced now. Democratic politicians have secretly supported far-left policies for decades but they have had to sugar coat it to get some "normal" people to vote for them. Slowly but surely they are getting what they want, which is a hard move to the left.

You aren't paying attention, skippy. The Moderates and Conservatives in the Democratic Party are all coming together to support one person while the Liberals are cut in two.

Correction: The Biden supporters are coalescing while the Bernie supporters are abandoned.
So in November do not look for Bernie supporters to vote for Joe Biden, just like in 2016.

Biden has the majority of the Democratic Party and Voters behind him. Like the part of the rump, Bernie doesn't have the majority, he just has the LOUDEST!!!!

Agreed Bernie does not have a majority, but he does have a loyal following.
Trump only has 95% of the GOP, the other 5% are globalist RINOs who are replaced by union democrats who like Trump's shaking lots of construction work loose, especially pipeline work. My point is "who will capture more of the other parties' voters?"
Will more GOP voters vote for Biden, or more democrats vote for Trump?

You bring up pipeline work. When a Pipeline comes through your community, about 40% of the jobs are local. Normally, it's done by a prime contractor. Those extra jobs and economy boost last just a matter of weeks until it is finished and it moves to the next county or state. Once the pipeline is finished, there might be a total of 27 additional jobs to maintain the pipeline for a couple of hundred miles and those jobs go to whatever company that paid for the pipeline. The longer term jobs do not go to the locals and never have. So let's not mention that with a straight face.

It's funny, Rump hasn't shaken a single construction job around here. The Railroad has had a dramatic cutback of workers, the Coal Mines are all but shut down. Industry is moving south and has been since the early 90s. What's funny, in the blue part of Colorado, there are stretches that have less than a 1.7% unemployment rate but in this red area, we are pushing 8. The President *ANY PRESIDENT* has zero affect in that. If you absolutely need a job with decent wages, go to eastern Colorado but you have to work for it. The Young is moving away from that. Around here, if you want a decent paying job you will move. So let's not bring that up either. Let's not give Rump credit for the good stuff and I won't ding him for the poor work conditions and pay around here.

The Dems that voted in the Primaries, at an 87% rate, are angry with how things have turned out. That is what Bernie uses to feed his campaign. It's exactly what Rump used to get elected in 2016. And you are still trying to use that anger. Once the primaries are done, come July, it's going to be one person that Rump has to face. And the Reps have already bee bagged for trying to manipulate the primaries for the Dems in the Red Areas. Even around here. In one drop box in a predominately democrat area, they neglected to pick up the Ballots from the drop box in 2019 for a state/local election. That was just discovered about a week ago. It's too late to count those ballots into the vote. What's sad is, the Republican ran office in charge of it has come up with some pretty sorry excuses. And even has said that they need more money to hire more people. Yet, they don't have the positions filled they already are authorized. Of course, the County turned that request down for obvious reasons. You see, we have 3 county commissioners and one is Dem which is the normal mix here. That person in charge of that office still has her friggin job. She should have been rode out of town on a rail covered with tar and feathers. So this year, they'll try and figure out another way to cheat the system.

Both Rump and Bernie want Revolutions. This is not what I want to hear from my President. I want a President that gets up in the morning and checks to see if the lights are on, the schools are operating properly, the roads are in good shape, the Dams aren't about to burst (many are in bad repair). I want a President that looks into the camera and says that things are okay today. And works to make it better for everyone. That isn't Rump or Bernie who just want to burn it to the ground and start all over again.
Trump's neurological problems are becoming more and more obvious. He goes from not being able to keep his eyes open, slurring words, and falling asleep on his feet to going full speed like a meth head and showing uncontrolled shoulder twitches.
Joe is older and gets bloody eyes....

Ever hear about Pink Eye It can happen to anyone at any age. Or it could also be cause by stress. Humans get Red Eyes. Notice, Rump never gets it because he has no conscience

Witch Doctor Daryl and his other brother Dary diagnose?! Pink eye it is NOT.
What is a subconjunctival hemorrhage?
Blood in Joe Biden's eye causes concern: What to know about burst eye capillaries

When to Be Concerned About a Bleeding Eye
When to Be Concerned About a Bleeding Eye
However, experiencing a subconjunctival hemorrhage more than twice in one year may be cause for concern and you should get a full medical checkup.

So lets hope Joe doesn't get any more bloody eyes....

So it's happened once. It could be almost anything including diet and stress. Let's face it, it's stressful on a campaign trail and the diet isn't too healthy either. I have eyes and they are bloodshot due to an old Welding job years ago. Does that mean that I am disqualified to run for Office? Funny, some of the Republicans a few years ago didn't think so. And the Dems wanted me to be a State Electorate representing this district. It's not that I am really qualified but a fiscal conservative gets mighty popular come election time.
The liberals have been running the Democratic Party for years and it is even more pronounced now. Democratic politicians have secretly supported far-left policies for decades but they have had to sugar coat it to get some "normal" people to vote for them. Slowly but surely they are getting what they want, which is a hard move to the left.

You aren't paying attention, skippy. The Moderates and Conservatives in the Democratic Party are all coming together to support one person while the Liberals are cut in two.

Correction: The Biden supporters are coalescing while the Bernie supporters are abandoned.
So in November do not look for Bernie supporters to vote for Joe Biden, just like in 2016.

Biden has the majority of the Democratic Party and Voters behind him. Like the part of the rump, Bernie doesn't have the majority, he just has the LOUDEST!!!!

Agreed Bernie does not have a majority, but he does have a loyal following.
Trump only has 95% of the GOP, the other 5% are globalist RINOs who are replaced by union democrats who like Trump's shaking lots of construction work loose, especially pipeline work. My point is "who will capture more of the other parties' voters?"
Will more GOP voters vote for Biden, or more democrats vote for Trump?

You bring up pipeline work. When a Pipeline comes through your community, about 40% of the jobs are local. Normally, it's done by a prime contractor. Those extra jobs and economy boost last just a matter of weeks until it is finished and it moves to the next county or state. Once the pipeline is finished, there might be a total of 27 additional jobs to maintain the pipeline for a couple of hundred miles and those jobs go to whatever company that paid for the pipeline. The longer term jobs do not go to the locals and never have. So let's not mention that with a straight face.

It's funny, Rump hasn't shaken a single construction job around here. The Railroad has had a dramatic cutback of workers, the Coal Mines are all but shut down. Industry is moving south and has been since the early 90s. What's funny, in the blue part of Colorado, there are stretches that have less than a 1.7% unemployment rate but in this red area, we are pushing 8. The President *ANY PRESIDENT* has zero affect in that. If you absolutely need a job with decent wages, go to eastern Colorado but you have to work for it. The Young is moving away from that. Around here, if you want a decent paying job you will move. So let's not bring that up either. Let's not give Rump credit for the good stuff and I won't ding him for the poor work conditions and pay around here.

The Dems that voted in the Primaries, at an 87% rate, are angry with how things have turned out. That is what Bernie uses to feed his campaign. It's exactly what Rump used to get elected in 2016. And you are still trying to use that anger. Once the primaries are done, come July, it's going to be one person that Rump has to face. And the Reps have already bee bagged for trying to manipulate the primaries for the Dems in the Red Areas. Even around here. In one drop box in a predominately democrat area, they neglected to pick up the Ballots from the drop box in 2019 for a state/local election. That was just discovered about a week ago. It's too late to count those ballots into the vote. What's sad is, the Republican ran office in charge of it has come up with some pretty sorry excuses. And even has said that they need more money to hire more people. Yet, they don't have the positions filled they already are authorized. Of course, the County turned that request down for obvious reasons. You see, we have 3 county commissioners and one is Dem which is the normal mix here. That person in charge of that office still has her friggin job. She should have been rode out of town on a rail covered with tar and feathers. So this year, they'll try and figure out another way to cheat the system.

Both Rump and Bernie want Revolutions. This is not what I want to hear from my President. I want a President that gets up in the morning and checks to see if the lights are on, the schools are operating properly, the roads are in good shape, the Dams aren't about to burst (many are in bad repair). I want a President that looks into the camera and says that things are okay today. And works to make it better for everyone. That isn't Rump or Bernie who just want to burn it to the ground and start all over again.
I am still waiting for that prediction of yours to come true. And you can say what you want, but after being constantly wrong, I no longer believe anything your sorry ass says..
Biden is coming for trump

Joe doesn't even know what part of the country he is in....he introduced his daughter as his wife last night.....Trump would rather run against a corrupt challenger like Burisma Joe than a commie with hand outs of free goodies....
This is 2016 all over again with a male Hilldabeast.....
You should be aware that the Liberals are actually a minority in the Dem party. The majority is made up of moderates and conservatives.

The liberals have been running the Democratic Party for years and it is even more pronounced now. Democratic politicians have secretly supported far-left policies for decades but they have had to sugar coat it to get some "normal" people to vote for them. Slowly but surely they are getting what they want, which is a hard move to the left.

You aren't paying attention, skippy. The Moderates and Conservatives in the Democratic Party are all coming together to support one person while the Liberals are cut in two.

Correction: The Biden supporters are coalescing while the Bernie supporters are abandoned.
So in November do not look for Bernie supporters to vote for Joe Biden, just like in 2016.

Biden has the majority of the Democratic Party and Voters behind him. Like the part of the rump, Bernie doesn't have the majority, he just has the LOUDEST!!!!
Bernie ran the same campaign as Trump

Have a loyal following of 25 percent and let six other candidates fight over the other 75 percent

Only difference is Republican candidates refused to drop out before Super Tuesday and they ended up with Trump

As of today, it's down to 3; Biden, Bernie and Warren. This helps Biden out since the others are transferring their support and much of their backers to Biden. A week ago, Biden was just about out of money and had to run a paupers campaign. Today, he's rolling in the doe thanks largely by Mayor Pete asking his donors to support Biden.
Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass

We didn't want Hitlery/Obama back in the White House. We don't want Biden/Obama back in the White House. You have made the same correlation that we have. No Obamas even near White House. The Muslim era is over.
But it is a little ironic that you are supporting an old racist white guy...
Trump ~ 2020
Trump's neurological problems are becoming more and more obvious. He goes from not being able to keep his eyes open, slurring words, and falling asleep on his feet to going full speed like a meth head and showing uncontrolled shoulder twitches.
Joe is older and gets bloody eyes....

Ever hear about Pink Eye It can happen to anyone at any age. Or it could also be cause by stress. Humans get Red Eyes. Notice, Rump never gets it because he has no conscience

Witch Doctor Daryl and his other brother Dary diagnose?! Pink eye it is NOT.
What is a subconjunctival hemorrhage?
Blood in Joe Biden's eye causes concern: What to know about burst eye capillaries

When to Be Concerned About a Bleeding Eye
When to Be Concerned About a Bleeding Eye
However, experiencing a subconjunctival hemorrhage more than twice in one year may be cause for concern and you should get a full medical checkup.

So lets hope Joe doesn't get any more bloody eyes....

So it's happened once. It could be almost anything including diet and stress. Let's face it, it's stressful on a campaign trail and the diet isn't too healthy either. I have eyes and they are bloodshot due to an old Welding job years ago. Does that mean that I am disqualified to run for Office? Funny, some of the Republicans a few years ago didn't think so. And the Dems wanted me to be a State Electorate representing this district. It's not that I am really qualified but a fiscal conservative gets mighty popular come election time.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.
At work i was asked many times why i wouldt run for the President of the United States. I told them that i was too intelligent to put myself under such vehement attacks from the Lame Stream Media and Demoncraps, which are the same thing, because if i did win, i would shut down those corrupt "news" agencies by revoking their FCC liscenses. If they arent doing the job for the United States, they dont need to be operating.
Exactly right. Biden isn’t much different from Trump. So why the hell are Ds voting for him?
Biden is way different than trump. You can't be a serious thinker and make such a claim.
You’re too close to it. I don’t give a shit who wins in November. No doubt you do...desperately. Biden is only slightly different. If he were in the senate, he would have voted for everything Trump is doing. Much like most Ds currently in the Senate.
Really? Like Joe "the groper" Biden voted for the Iraq War. He also used quid pro quo on Ukraine(he admits it in the video) and his son profits from embezzling millions of our tax dollars so Hunter can get rich? You okay with that buddy? Is that your way of a government douche bag? Aint going to happen again.. Ukraine has opened its own investigation on Corruption, if Sleepy Joe is found guilty they will ask to extradite him. Joe is going to do time, in a Ukraine jail, that isnt like US jails. Maybe he will die in there, like the Dems want Roger Stone to die in jail of the US..Equal justice for everyone, not even Joe is above the law, right?

And either is your King trump the scum of the earth

Bwaaaahhaaaaaa…..Still believing in that Bug Eyed habitual LIAR? A liberal will never learn, because to learn means you have to have an IQ higher than a slug.


One huge problem, Biden isn't a Liberal. Bernie and Warren are liberals. And the majority of the Democrats IRL are not either. So you keep preaching and trying to run off Dem Voters but they are angry as hell and will vote.
The liberals have been running the Democratic Party for years and it is even more pronounced now. Democratic politicians have secretly supported far-left policies for decades but they have had to sugar coat it to get some "normal" people to vote for them. Slowly but surely they are getting what they want, which is a hard move to the left.

You aren't paying attention, skippy. The Moderates and Conservatives in the Democratic Party are all coming together to support one person while the Liberals are cut in two.

Correction: The Biden supporters are coalescing while the Bernie supporters are abandoned.
So in November do not look for Bernie supporters to vote for Joe Biden, just like in 2016.

Biden has the majority of the Democratic Party and Voters behind him. Like the part of the rump, Bernie doesn't have the majority, he just has the LOUDEST!!!!
Bernie ran the same campaign as Trump

Have a loyal following of 25 percent and let six other candidates fight over the other 75 percent

Only difference is Republican candidates refused to drop out before Super Tuesday and they ended up with Trump

As of today, it's down to 3; Biden, Bernie and Warren. This helps Biden out since the others are transferring their support and much of their backers to Biden. A week ago, Biden was just about out of money and had to run a paupers campaign. Today, he's rolling in the doe thanks largely by Mayor Pete asking his donors to support Biden.
Just shows what an idiot this guy is. At a brokered convention money talks, if you put enough into the super delegates(Demoncraps) hands they will vote for the short old white guy, and tell all you sorry ass voters to go fuck yourselves like they did with Hitlery and stealing the election from Bernie in 2016...
Biden is coming for trump

Joe doesn't even know what part of the country he is in....he introduced his daughter as his wife last night.....Trump would rather run against a corrupt challenger like Burisma Joe than a commie with hand outs of free goodies....
This is 2016 all over again with a male Hilldabeast.....

Keep saying the same tired crap over and over. It's not working anymore. The Dems and disgruntled Reps are voting for Uncle Joe and there is nothing you can do about it except keep pissing them off so they show up at the polls in droves. I want to thank you for your assistance, Rumpster.
Biden is way different than trump. You can't be a serious thinker and make such a claim.
You’re too close to it. I don’t give a shit who wins in November. No doubt you do...desperately. Biden is only slightly different. If he were in the senate, he would have voted for everything Trump is doing. Much like most Ds currently in the Senate.
Really? Like Joe "the groper" Biden voted for the Iraq War. He also used quid pro quo on Ukraine(he admits it in the video) and his son profits from embezzling millions of our tax dollars so Hunter can get rich? You okay with that buddy? Is that your way of a government douche bag? Aint going to happen again.. Ukraine has opened its own investigation on Corruption, if Sleepy Joe is found guilty they will ask to extradite him. Joe is going to do time, in a Ukraine jail, that isnt like US jails. Maybe he will die in there, like the Dems want Roger Stone to die in jail of the US..Equal justice for everyone, not even Joe is above the law, right?

And either is your King trump the scum of the earth

Bwaaaahhaaaaaa…..Still believing in that Bug Eyed habitual LIAR? A liberal will never learn, because to learn means you have to have an IQ higher than a slug.


One huge problem, Biden isn't a Liberal. Bernie and Warren are liberals. And the majority of the Democrats IRL are not either. So you keep preaching and trying to run off Dem Voters but they are angry as hell and will vote.

Bwwaaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Pull your head out of your ass man, Biden is just as liberal as any other one, but he hid it well, until lately when he was pandering to Bernie voters, then he showed his true colors when he couldn't control his dementia. No one wants an idiot old white liberal in the White House because he would forget where he is, and probably end up at the bottom of the Potomac.
You aren't paying attention, skippy. The Moderates and Conservatives in the Democratic Party are all coming together to support one person while the Liberals are cut in two.

Correction: The Biden supporters are coalescing while the Bernie supporters are abandoned.
So in November do not look for Bernie supporters to vote for Joe Biden, just like in 2016.

Biden has the majority of the Democratic Party and Voters behind him. Like the part of the rump, Bernie doesn't have the majority, he just has the LOUDEST!!!!
Bernie ran the same campaign as Trump

Have a loyal following of 25 percent and let six other candidates fight over the other 75 percent

Only difference is Republican candidates refused to drop out before Super Tuesday and they ended up with Trump

As of today, it's down to 3; Biden, Bernie and Warren. This helps Biden out since the others are transferring their support and much of their backers to Biden. A week ago, Biden was just about out of money and had to run a paupers campaign. Today, he's rolling in the doe thanks largely by Mayor Pete asking his donors to support Biden.
Just shows what an idiot this guy is. At a brokered convention money talks, if you put enough into the super delegates(Demoncraps) hands they will vote for the short old white guy, and tell all you sorry ass voters to go fuck yourselves like they did with Hitlery and stealing the election from Bernie in 2016...

Sorry to bust your bubble but the Democrat Leaders are being very, very careful this time around. The one with the most votes at the convention wins just like it's supposed to be. To use the paraphrase used yesterday on Foxnews by the Democrat Chairperson, "You can just go to hell".
You’re too close to it. I don’t give a shit who wins in November. No doubt you do...desperately. Biden is only slightly different. If he were in the senate, he would have voted for everything Trump is doing. Much like most Ds currently in the Senate.
Really? Like Joe "the groper" Biden voted for the Iraq War. He also used quid pro quo on Ukraine(he admits it in the video) and his son profits from embezzling millions of our tax dollars so Hunter can get rich? You okay with that buddy? Is that your way of a government douche bag? Aint going to happen again.. Ukraine has opened its own investigation on Corruption, if Sleepy Joe is found guilty they will ask to extradite him. Joe is going to do time, in a Ukraine jail, that isnt like US jails. Maybe he will die in there, like the Dems want Roger Stone to die in jail of the US..Equal justice for everyone, not even Joe is above the law, right?

And either is your King trump the scum of the earth

Bwaaaahhaaaaaa…..Still believing in that Bug Eyed habitual LIAR? A liberal will never learn, because to learn means you have to have an IQ higher than a slug.


One huge problem, Biden isn't a Liberal. Bernie and Warren are liberals. And the majority of the Democrats IRL are not either. So you keep preaching and trying to run off Dem Voters but they are angry as hell and will vote.

Bwwaaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. Pull your head out of your ass man, Biden is just as liberal as any other one, but he hid it well, until lately when he was pandering to Bernie voters, then he showed his true colors when he couldn't control his dementia. No one wants an idiot old white liberal in the White House because he would forget where he is, and probably end up at the bottom of the Potomac.

I guess if you compare him to Rump he would be considered a Liberal and so would most of America *hint, hint*.

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