Biden is coming for trump

Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

Biden would win Bigly
This has been a failed presidency.
Failed to turn America into a Socialist shithole.

Succeeded in MAGA, which is why you hate him.

A REAL winner learns to be a gracious loser first and is a gracious winner. Rump is not gracious about anything and neither are you. But it's time to teach you and rump what losing is all about and I suspect that you are going to be anything BUT gracious. About a gracious of a loser as you are a gracious winner. It's going to be an entertaining time ahead.
the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
Yep a guy that can't tell his sister apart from his wife is not senile.

Depends on what State you are from. Look at it this way, those states that your sister can also be your wife all support Rump.
The black man was hindered by a bunch of whites who obstructed everything he did. I'm not being dismissive if Bernie the fact is Sanders is a weak cand8date. Now I understand that he has a cult following that thinks he's god much like the trumpers, but Bernie Sanders has problems and they are major. You are about to see them in the upcoming debates. Hollering about bilionaires and the Iraq war isn't going to score any points.
Yes, you are being dismissive. It's okay. You're entitled as are we all to a reasonable degree. The soundbite debates are bread and circuses. Trump wins in that arena as we've seen. Bernie wins any calm discussion of the issues that really matter to the majority. Biden is a sick joke.

Triangulate away!

Not really. But you see, when to comes to legislating, compromise is sometimes necessary. We aren't talking about triangulation here. And Bernie has a problem with compromise. The people voted against Bernie on Tuesday. Bernie is losing the debates on the issues that matter. That's what Tuesday said. Bernie has promised pie in the sky, but the price tag seems to be what he cannot explain. Nor is the method of payment. That happens to be an issue that matters to everyone. Because if we were really serious about Bernies ideas instead of being a cult following, Elizabeth Warren would be standing in Bernies place. She had the same ideas and a way to pay for them. And Biden is going to be owing the black community some progress on issues we face if he gets elected.

Regurgitated establishment talking points. You've been lied to and misled. Shame. I hope you find better information sources soon.

Wrong answer Berniebro. I've seen what Sanders has done since 1992. Bernie Sanders is not God and he has glaring weaknesses that we cannot afford to have in a nominee. How is he going to pay for free college, free health care, erasing several trillion dollars of student loans off the books? In 1992 it was Hillary Clinton that testified before congress fighting for nationalized health care. For 24 years we heard nothing from Sanders about this. He had all the time in the world to put these issues to debate in the house and the senate and did not. So he comes out hollering in 2016 and suddenly he's a hero for the people. What about the toxic waste he sent to a mostly Hispanic town in Texas? The people voted Tuesday and they did not vote for Sanders. The millions who have voted for Biden thus far are not misled and lied to. You sound like a trump supporter and that's enough to keep me from voting for Sanders.

Alright now, give Biden some equal criticism. You won't, because you are one politically motivated man that has an agenda in which is geared towards blacks as if American whites are some kind of sworn enemy in your world view.

No, I don't think that way. Racist whites are my enemy, not whites in general. Bernie Sanders is weak and he is fake. I don't have to criticize both sides because you tell me to. I support Biden. know he is not perfect, but when it comes to policy formation, sucessful passage of legislation and sucessful implementation of policy, he runs rings around Sanders. His resume includes senate work and vice presidential work. When it comes time to hire somebody, it's about qualifications and Biden beats Bernie on that level. Elizabeth Warren was a superior candidate to Sanders also. In fact, Warren was probably the best candidate in this whole thing, including trump.
He did lose the popular vote. He is president on a fluke technicality that has happened only 5 times in our history. So don't pretend that trump had a resounding victory in 2016.
Ok I guess you are from the Congo
The electoral college is not a fluke, it is the method employed to determine who becomes POTUS for over 200 years.
When a man becomes president by a situation that has happened just 5 times in 240 years, it is a fluke.

Dang, you must be using some of that screwed up Obama math. Since Trump is the 45th president, it's happened 5 times in 45 years...dumbass.
Wrong. There have been 55 presidential elections in our nations 243 year history. Only 5 times has the loser of the popular vote became president. trump is president by fluke

Actually there has been 58 elections, much less than the 240 possibilities you originally suggested.
I never suggested 240 elections idiot.
Trump is not a conservative, that much is true.
Yep. He's nothing at all. He is the moral and ethical equivalent of a perfect vacuum.
rhetoric is fine, OTH, we can see and hear empirical unfitness w/ joe

/—-/ Will Libs who blasted Trump for crude remarks hold Old Joe to the same standards?
the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
trump has none of those attributes.
Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

Biden would win Bigly
This has been a failed presidency.
Failed to turn America into a Socialist shithole.

Succeeded in MAGA, which is why you hate him.

A REAL winner learns to be a gracious loser first and is a gracious winner. Rump is not gracious about anything and neither are you. But it's time to teach you and rump what losing is all about and I suspect that you are going to be anything BUT gracious. About a gracious of a loser as you are a gracious winner. It's going to be an entertaining time ahead.
Trump was a gracious winner. He didn't put Hillary in jail despite all the clamor on the right to do so and he probably won't put Biden in a nursing home after winning this election.
Ok I guess you are from the Congo
The electoral college is not a fluke, it is the method employed to determine who becomes POTUS for over 200 years.
When a man becomes president by a situation that has happened just 5 times in 240 years, it is a fluke.

Dang, you must be using some of that screwed up Obama math. Since Trump is the 45th president, it's happened 5 times in 45 years...dumbass.
Wrong. There have been 55 presidential elections in our nations 243 year history. Only 5 times has the loser of the popular vote became president. trump is president by fluke

Actually there has been 58 elections, much less than the 240 possibilities you originally suggested.
I never suggested 240 elections idiot.

Great, then you need to learn how to speak English, ya dumb fuck.
Well now we have liberals saying Trump did not win the election
He did lose the popular vote. He is president on a fluke technicality that has happened only 5 times in our history. So don't pretend that trump had a resounding victory in 2016.
Ok I guess you are from the Congo
The electoral college is not a fluke, it is the method employed to determine who becomes POTUS for over 200 years.
When a man becomes president by a situation that has happened just 5 times in 240 years, it is a fluke.

Dang, you must be using some of that screwed up Obama math. Since Trump is the 45th president, it's happened 5 times in 45 years...dumbass.
Wrong. There have been 55 presidential elections in our nations 243 year history. Only 5 times has the loser of the popular vote became president. trump is president by fluke
/——/ So? What’s your point?
Perhaps, yet far, far worse than advertised.
Obviously. As would be a rock.
So more dismissive hand waving. All you've got. Shame.

The black man was hindered by a bunch of whites who obstructed everything he did. I'm not being dismissive if Bernie the fact is Sanders is a weak cand8date. Now I understand that he has a cult following that thinks he's god much like the trumpers, but Bernie Sanders has problems and they are major. You are about to see them in the upcoming debates. Hollering about bilionaires and the Iraq war isn't going to score any points.
Yes, you are being dismissive. It's okay. You're entitled as are we all to a reasonable degree. The soundbite debates are bread and circuses. Trump wins in that arena as we've seen. Bernie wins any calm discussion of the issues that really matter to the majority. Biden is a sick joke.

Triangulate away!

Not really. But you see, when to comes to legislating, compromise is sometimes necessary. We aren't talking about triangulation here. And Bernie has a problem with compromise. The people voted against Bernie on Tuesday. Bernie is losing the debates on the issues that matter. That's what Tuesday said. Bernie has promised pie in the sky, but the price tag seems to be what he cannot explain. Nor is the method of payment. That happens to be an issue that matters to everyone. Because if we were really serious about Bernies ideas instead of being a cult following, Elizabeth Warren would be standing in Bernies place. She had the same ideas and a way to pay for them. And Biden is going to be owing the black community some progress on issues we face if he gets elected.

Regurgitated establishment talking points. You've been lied to and misled. Shame. I hope you find better information sources soon.

Wrong answer Berniebro. I've seen what Sanders has done since 1992. Bernie Sanders is not God and he has glaring weaknesses that we cannot afford to have in a nominee. How is he going to pay for free college, free health care, erasing several trillion dollars of student loans off the books? In 1992 it was Hillary Clinton that testified before congress fighting for nationalized health care. For 24 years we heard nothing from Sanders about this. He had all the time in the world to put these issues to debate in the house and the senate and did not. So he comes out hollering in 2016 and suddenly he's a hero for the people. What about the toxic waste he sent to a mostly Hispanic town in Texas? The people voted Tuesday and they did not vote for Sanders. The millions who have voted for Biden thus far are not misled and lied to. You sound like a trump supporter and that's enough to keep me from voting for Sanders.

So it's projection now. I've seen what Sanders has done since the mid 80's when Thom Hartmann began doing "Breakfast With Bernie", much later "Brunch With Bernie." You clearly have no idea so just spew all-knowing nothings from wistful ignorance and mainstream noises like most. "Berniebro" is par for the course. That's okay. I don't hold that sort of ignorance against people. It is the norm by design, done at great expense for the owners to ensure their continued profit and dominance. Find independent news sources. Stop regurgitating establishment noises.
He did lose the popular vote. He is president on a fluke technicality that has happened only 5 times in our history. So don't pretend that trump had a resounding victory in 2016.
Ok I guess you are from the Congo
The electoral college is not a fluke, it is the method employed to determine who becomes POTUS for over 200 years.
When a man becomes president by a situation that has happened just 5 times in 240 years, it is a fluke.

Dang, you must be using some of that screwed up Obama math. Since Trump is the 45th president, it's happened 5 times in 45 years...dumbass.
Wrong. There have been 55 presidential elections in our nations 243 year history. Only 5 times has the loser of the popular vote became president. trump is president by fluke
/——/ So? What’s your point?
Figure it out.
If democommiecrats want Trump out of office they will have to do it by force cause they sure won't do it by vote.

They may have to. If Rump loses, he may go into one of his rants about fixed elections, etc. like he was prepping to do in 2016 but he won anyway. He won't graciously leave if he loses. While we deal with his temper tantrum, we have have to temporarily move the White House address from 1600 Penn Ave to the top floor of the Ramada Inn.
While we deal with his temper tantrum eh ?? Oh so you are all geared to fixing the election with quid pro quo Joe eh ??? Keep enlightening us please:popcorn:.
Ok I guess you are from the Congo
The electoral college is not a fluke, it is the method employed to determine who becomes POTUS for over 200 years.
When a man becomes president by a situation that has happened just 5 times in 240 years, it is a fluke.

Dang, you must be using some of that screwed up Obama math. Since Trump is the 45th president, it's happened 5 times in 45 years...dumbass.
Wrong. There have been 55 presidential elections in our nations 243 year history. Only 5 times has the loser of the popular vote became president. trump is president by fluke
/——/ So? What’s your point?
Figure it out.
/—-/ I figure you’re a sore loser whining about a meaningless statistic. That what I figure.
Low IQ Joe is a friggin joke, the worst major party candidate since Bob Dole in 1996, and worse on the gaffe issue.

This is a total surrender. Anything to stop Bernie.

Trump is now officially re-elected.

I’ll take Joe Biden over Trump in an IQ test any day

Biden would win Bigly
This has been a failed presidency.
Failed to turn America into a Socialist shithole.

Succeeded in MAGA, which is why you hate him.

A REAL winner learns to be a gracious loser first and is a gracious winner. Rump is not gracious about anything and neither are you. But it's time to teach you and rump what losing is all about and I suspect that you are going to be anything BUT gracious. About a gracious of a loser as you are a gracious winner. It's going to be an entertaining time ahead.
Trump was a gracious winner. He didn't put Hillary in jail despite all the clamor on the right to do so and he probably won't put Biden in a nursing home after winning this election.

He's tried to put everyone in jail that has said anything negative about him even when it's true. The ONLY reason Hillary didn't go to prison is that for over 30 years, you tried and failed. The same can't be said about the merry band of criminals that Rump employs and the same can't be said about Rump when he leaves office.
the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
trump has none of those attributes.
he had 7 rallies the day before the 2016 election. Hillary had 7 rallies for the entire campaign.

its called STAMINA! I wonder where Trump gets that stamina! WOOH!
Pink Participation trophies and avoidance of score keeping (least you melt) gets you Nowhere in life. You are not motivated to win and don’t know how to lose andd this is shown by the liberal insanity which followed the Trump victory
the toughest job in the world is POTUS. you need strength, you need stamina, you need focus, you need to be smart, you need to be NOT senile. Biden isn't any of those! Trump is!
trump has none of those attributes.
he had 7 rallies the day before the 2016 election. Hillary had 7 rallies for the entire campaign.

its called STAMINA! I wonder where Trump gets that stamina! WOOH!

Little white pills.

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