Biden is coming for trump

The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
You can tell all the trumpscum who found your post funny that Donald is so afraid of Biden that he told his trumpscum to vote for Bernie in states with open primaries.

just saying

They can do all the funnies they want, but number 1, you are 100 percent correct. 2. trump was so scared of Biden that he got impeached. 3. Biden is coming for trumps ass with the Obamas and trump is about to get destroyed. Let them laugh at that now, because when the bombs start busting trumps ass, we'll be the ones laughing.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...

Funny how Obama has yet to endorse Biden. Says a lot...
It says nothing. The primary isn't over.
Biden can't find out in what state he is in...if he is running for Senator or President...etc...

He is a gaffe machine....
trumps entire presidency has been a gaffe and a fail. I mean Kim Jung Un played trump for a chump and you're here trying to talk.
The only people talking down to blacks are republicans.
Barry continues to treat Joe like he has Corona Virus. Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and claiming Barry new about it - confirmed by Nadler during Impeachment...Barry wants nothing to do with Joe...
I can't wait to see how Trump's political ads about Hunter, Stranger Danger Joe and Burisma play out.
The establishment believes they can manage their losses better with Biden than with Sanders. And, they are right about that. Sanders would result in an epic landslide. Biden is a very weak candidate. He lacks enthusiasm and is no longer sharp mentally. He has always been known for verbal screw ups, but he was way sharper 15 years ago than he is now. As are most people when they are pushing 80 years of age. Still, he is a better prospect than Sanders. Biden isn't winning the Presidency. It is amazing that the DNC had to settle for this guy in the end. In a field of capable candidates, no one like Biden should stand a chance.

If Biden is the nominee he's going to kick trumps ass. Bernie would beat trump too. trump is an incompetent idiot and you actually think he can't be beat.
Barry continues to treat Joe like he has Corona Virus. Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and claiming Barry new about it - confirmed by Nadler during Impeachment...Barry wants nothing to do with Joe...
That videotape was not what you say. Just watch what happens to trump once the nominee is named.
Biden is a joke. Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?
Gipp you keep sticking with your pussy grabbing lying bully Says so much about you

That's all any of the Democrats have...nothing. NOT one policy that would be better than what is already being done by President Donald Trump.

Biden can't find out in what state he is in...if he is running for Senator or President...etc...

He is a gaffe machine....
trumps entire presidency has been a gaffe and a fail. I mean Kim Jung Un played trump for a chump and you're here trying to talk.
During the Senate Impeachment Democrat reps testified foreign policies and foreign relations are better than under Obama.

[Drop Mic]...
Biden is a joke. Why would anyone want a delusional dementia patient for potus?
Don't under estimate the power of dems in this country
Hillary was hated that was here downfall
Biden doesn't have that hate
This will be a very tough race.

Aside from his inability to make a single speech without major gaffs, he has a ton of baggage that are all Republican ads made by Joe Biden.
Barry continues to treat Joe like he has Corona Virus. Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and claiming Barry new about it - confirmed by Nadler during Impeachment...Barry wants nothing to do with Joe...
That videotape was not what you say. Just watch what happens to trump once the nominee is named.
Biden gave a videotaped confession of extorting the previous Ukraine PM, BRAGGED about it, gloated about Obama knowing....

Joe is a punkass Extortionist...Barry's whole administration members were criminals, liars. Perjurors, FISA Court members, spies, etc...
Barry continues to treat Joe like he has Corona Virus. Biden's videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM and claiming Barry new about it - confirmed by Nadler during Impeachment...Barry wants nothing to do with Joe...

Which is why Obama is repeatedly showing up in Bloomberg commercials.
The end of trump is near.

Super Tuesday tally: Biden wins 4 states, Sanders takes 2

When you are so scared of an opponent that you have to break the law and get impeached, it's time to think about what you are going to do when your presidency is over. Biden is coming and he is going to whip trumps ass. Along with Biden will come two hydrogen bombs named Obama and they are going to be fired up to blast trump into oblivion. The time is coming to an end for trump. Live it up while you can trump lovers...
You can tell all the trumpscum who found your post funny that Donald is so afraid of Biden that he told his trumpscum to vote for Bernie in states with open primaries.

just saying

They can do all the funnies they want, but number 1, you are 100 percent correct. 2. trump was so scared of Biden that he got impeached. 3. Biden is coming for trumps ass with the Obamas and trump is about to get destroyed. Let them laugh at that now, because when the bombs start busting trumps ass, we'll be the ones laughing.
Trump got over one million votes tonight in California's republican primary !
Sanders vs Trump would have been a massacre in favor of Trump

Biden vs. Trump is a toss up
Not sure about that. Twice spurned Bernie Bros coming out to vote for Biden? Hmmmm :eusa_think:

I think a lot will depend on what the economy will do
Under "normal" circumstances I would agree. But if the DNC screws Bernie again I honestly think we could see Bernie Bros rioting in the streets.
Bernie wasn't screwed the first time.
The turnout has them f'n Fat Donnie boys worried.

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