Biden is going to wag the dog and go to war with Russia because his net approval is down 30 points in a year?

Actually, what we’re saying is the reason Putin knows he can invade Ukraine is because International Failure *Joe is a weak leftist. Leftism by nature is weakness.
Strong Republican would put American troops in Ukraine? Do you seriously belive this shit that you are typing?

We've had Trump in office up to last year, and when he wasn't taking Putin's word over American intelligence and calling him strong leader, he was busy holding up congressionally approved millitary aid to Ukraine to sqeeze out political favors from their leadership.
Moron, you've said that Biden fucked up the millitary.

I'm asking you HOW, since women have been serving well before Biden administration, and you've yet to provide a coherent answer,

That is a fucking ad you moron. The woman is a model. That hair length like the little bitch has is not even authorized for active duty.

Potatohead has made our once great military a joke and that is despicable.

Stop trying to defend the indefensible. It just makes you look like an idiot.
That is a fucking ad you moron. The woman is a model.
And thats what fucked up the millitary? This tweet from 3 days ago?

This is your explanation how millitary got fucked up by Biden? Do you not understand how out of your mind insane you sound?
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Let's do what the Trump cult Russian assets here hate the most, and talk about reality.

Russia doesn't have the forces to take over Eastern Ukraine. That would require hundreds of thousands, and they've only positioned tens of thousands. They don't have the supply infrastructure in place. They don't have the forces to occupy what would be very hostile territory. Putin isn't an absolute dictator, and the body bags a war would send back to Russia would bring him down. The absolute total and crippling sanctions that the whole world would impose on Russia would also bring him down.

He's bluffing. Putin wants his devoted legions of Republican surrender-monkeys to hand him Ukraine. That's what this thread is about, Trump cultists following Putin's orders.

You suck at math!
127,000 Russian troops plus 35,000 rebels. Will be enough.
Hell, the combined NATO rapid reaction force is only 40,000.
Kiev could fall in 4 days!! I've said this before and say it again.
Strong Republican would put American troops in Ukraine? Do you seriously belive this shit that you are typing?

We've had Trump in office up to last year, and when he wasn't taking Putin's word over American intelligence and calling him strong leader, he was busy holding up congressionally approved millitary aid to Ukraine to sqeeze out political favors from their leadership.

You know Putins Bitch *Joe is a weak joke. That’s why your so angry.
Let's 'pull a Putin' on our border with Mexico!! :Boom2:

Mayorkas announced DHS will not be enforcing immigration laws currently on the books.

Seems impeachable to me.
Che Lives!

The Banana from Havana was prepared for his mission by Berkeley's Campus Commie Scum. He also provided Clinton with the Cuban cigars Billygoat used on interns.
This has nothing to do with natural gas. What I would expect from a Trump moron like you. This is about Putin trying to recreate the USSR. We should stand up to this evil. You are a hardcore commie Putin lover.

LOL. I'm a Trump moron?

Everyday I learn something new about myself.

Trump is a narcissist. He's about himself and nobody else.

I could vote for DeSantis. I will never in a million years support Trump and if the Republican Party is stupid enough to let that man be their nominee again I hope they get wiped out like it's FDR vs Hoover all over again and I hope the Democrats spend the next four years shoving every socialist program the Republicans have had nightmares over for years right up their asses because that's what we as a country will deserve.

So she acts just like Trump and his supporters. One would think you'd be sympathetic

Anyone who would want Trump to run again and deal with all of that baggage and drama is an imbecile.

Yep. Keep Trump far away

Anyway, there's a lot more where that came from. Newsflash for you. Not everybody is a partisan hack like yourself. Contrary to your belief we aren't all either a zero or a one. Just because you're incapable of thinking for yourself doesn't mean everyone else isn't as well.

And regarding Putin's intentions, maybe he is trying to reestablish the Soviet Union. You know what else? There are a few dozen countries in Europe each with their own military who can work together to handle him. You people could care less about people bleeding over our borders, but you'll send someone else's American children to die to protect someone else's borders half way around the world all because of your Trump Derangement Syndrome.
This has nothing to do with natural gas. What I would expect from a Trump moron like you. This is about Putin trying to recreate the USSR. We should stand up to this evil. You are a hardcore commie Putin lover.
You people spout the dumbest shit
President Potatohead sure scares the hell out of Putin.


Joey told reporters today that NATO is not going into the Ukraine. Then said minutes later that no American troops are being put into Ukraine.
The table looks set.
Joey told reporters today that NATO is not going into the Ukraine. Then said minutes later that no American troops are being put into Ukraine.
The table looks set.

Trump would have handled this so much more competently. Just like he would have handed the exit of American troops in Afghanistan so much better. He would have put tremendous pressure on Russia instead of publicly telling them it is fine to invade.

Potatohead is a dumb incompetent asshole.

Obama was right; "never underestimate the abilty of Joe Biden to fuck something up".
Try to remember.....
Joe Biden is in control of NOTHING....not even his bladder.
EVERY shot is being called by EuroFags, George Soros, warren buffet, Bill Gates and a host of other power mongering Godless heathens.
Biden probably can't wipe his own ass.

We are allowing a transition from Democracy to Plutocracy.
It is difficult to argue with you on what you posted. At this time we definitely do not live in a constitutional republic.

The establishment did not want President Trump running the nation as they didn’t have full control over him. They do own Biden. If he steps out of line they will prosecute him and his son Hunter for influence peddling while VP.

It is difficult to argue with you on what you posted. At this time we definitely do not live in a constitutional republic.

The establishment did not want President Trump running the nation as they didn’t have full control over him. They do own Biden. If he steps out of line they will prosecute him and his son Hunter for influence peddling while VP.

Influence peddling?
It is actually called racketeering!!
Influence peddling?
It is actually called racketeering!!
The sad part is that the Bidens will get away with it.

Corruption is what is ruining our nation.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that some politicians are getting kick backs from the drug cartels to make sure the Mexican border stays open. Not only do the cartels smuggle drugs they get payments form every illegal alien who crosses our southern border. Plus the cartels often are involved with sex trafficking.

The sad part is that the Bidens will get away with it.

Corruption is what is ruining our nation.

I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that some politicians are getting kick backs from the drug cartels to make sure the Mexican border stays open. Not only do the cartels smuggle drugs they get payments form every illegal alien who crosses our southern border. Plus the cartels often are involved with sex trafficking.

I wouldn't be surprised either.
The conflicting messages from Washington and Moscow are quite interesting.

The US is beating war drums, while Russia says it is withdrawing its troops.

Biden seems desperate for a war.

President Biden says "if Russia undertakes a further invasion of Ukraine, the United States together with our Allies and partners will respond decisively and impose swift and severe costs on Russia" and that while the United States remains prepared to engage in diplomacy, in full coordination with our Allies and partners, we are equally prepared for other scenarios.

Russia's official Tass News Agency says ""There is no "Russian invasion" of Ukraine, which the US and its allies have been announcing officially since last fall, and it is not planned, therefore, statements about "Russia’s responsibility for escalation" can be regarded as an attempt to exert pressure and devalue Russia’s proposals for security guarantees,...The repeated claims in the US answer that Russia allegedly triggered a conflict in Donbass are groundless."

'You will not turn this meeting into a circus': Russia slams Blinken at UN summit over his 'dangerous' claim that Putin might launch false flag chemical weapons attack before invading Ukraine - and insists Russian troops ARE retreating​

  • Secretary of State Antony Blinken laid out Thursday the fullest account yet of Russia's plans to attack Ukraine
  • He told the UN Security Council, that Russia could even use chemical weapons to build a pretext for invasion
  • The morning brought a rapid series of diplomatic moves, as President Putin appeared to flex his muscles
  • Russia told the US to withdraw troops from Central and Eastern Europe, a state news agency said on Thursday
  • Washington has previously rejected the demand, but Moscow included it again in a new written response
  • President Joe Biden said he feared an invasion could come 'within the next several days'
  • Ukrainian forces and Russia-backed rebels accused each other of shelling their positions in Eastern Ukraine
  • And Moscow expelled the US deputy ambassador, which Washington said was an 'escalatory step'
  • Ukraine's military said separatists hit a kindergarten on their side of the frontier with shells, before pro-Russian forces claimed the building was actually on their side and was hit by Kiev's men
  • Shells were also fired at Popasna, on the Ukrainian side of the frontline, with a secondary school struck
  • NATO and the UK have warned that Russia is staging a false flag operations aimed at justifying an attack
  • Meanwhile satellite images revealed new pontoon bridge built north of Kiev and huge movement of vehicles across Belarus, Russia and Crimea amid warnings that Putin is moving his forces closer to the border

Today, Biden said that the invasion is very likely and Russia has not moved any troops out...

Meanwhile, Russia's Defense Minister said that troops are returning to bases....

If Biden keeps doing what he is doing, he just might get America involved in an unnecessary conflict.

Biden acquiesces to little Iran, but keeps pulling the Russian bear's tail...


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