Biden is going to wag the dog and go to war with Russia because his net approval is down 30 points in a year?

The conflicting messages from Washington and Moscow are quite interesting.

The US is beating war drums, while Russia says it is withdrawing its troops.

Biden seems desperate for a war.

Look moron, I know you spend your days chugging Biden hate-aid, but what the fuck is your evidence that we should belive Kremlin over American government?

And you better have some good stuff here, because otherwise you just look like a usefull idiot for Russian propaganda.
Look moron, I know you spend your days chugging Biden hate-aid, but what the fuck is your evidence that we should belive Kremlin over American government?

And you better have some good stuff here, because otherwise you just look like a usefull idiot for Russian propaganda.
Look, dude.

I don't believe either of them and there is no need for your kindergarten insults.

Biden told us Russia would invade yesterday, so there is that. Did you believe that when Biden told you so? Russia said it was false. Turns out Biden was either wrong or lying to you. So there is that.
Look moron, I know you spend your days chugging Biden hate-aid, but what the fuck is your evidence that we should belive Kremlin over American government?

And you better have some good stuff here, because otherwise you just look like a usefull idiot for Russian propaganda.
We know that the Biden American Government LIES their asses off all the time---with no exceptions. Biden is one of those pathological people who can't stop himself from lying----
Where is the outrage? The dirty little secret is that the media supported every war started during a democrat administration including Vietnam and then they blamed it on republicans when it didn't go so well.
The Democrats are starting a war?
We know that the Biden American Government LIES their asses off all the time---with no exceptions. exceptions? Do you have any idea how stupid you sound when you drive such ridiculous hyperbole?

Thats how you rationalize beliving Putin's propaganda over American administration?

I don't know what the the fuck is wrong with you conservatives, but I do know it just keeps getting worse.
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Look, dude.

I don't believe either of them and there is no need for your kindergarten insults.

Biden told us Russia would invade yesterday, so there is that. Did you believe that when Biden told you so? Russia said it was false. Turns out Biden was either wrong or lying to you. So there is that.
Kindergarden are your ridiculous, baseless assertions, just because you happen to have a partisan axe to grind. Sure seems like all that chest-beating-patriot pretense ends the second our Commander in Chief is from opposition party.

You may not firmly belive what Biden's administration is saying about Russians not withdrawing troops, but at the same time you have no evidence that it isn't so and is it really too much of an ask for you to give your American president just a drop of good faith over someone like Putin? Come on.

Get the evidence that it's Americans and our allies that are lying about Russian deployments, then run your mouth.
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Snakeheads in D.C. blew their credibility trying to oust a sitting President.
Why should we believe them now??

Besides, don't worry, Kameltoe is on the crisis now.
Kindergarden are your ridiculous, baseless assertions, just because you happen to have a partisan axe to grind. Sure seems like all that chest-beating-patriot pretense ends the second our Commander in Chief is from opposition party.

You may not firmly belive what Biden's administration is saying about Russians not withdrawing troops, but at the same time you have no evidence that it isn't so and is it really too much of an ask for you to give your American president just a drop of good faith over someone like Putin? Come on.

Get the evidence that it's Americans and our allies that are lying about Russian deployments, then run your mouth.
Has Russia invaded YET???
Actually it is Russia and China that is playing Wag The Dog for Biden, because they do not want Their Puppet to lose power in the MidTerms and then get booted in 2024.

They still have a lot of work to do destroying America and Biden is their little Puppet Whore, and they need to boost his approval ratings with The Threat of a War for EmperorShitzHizPantz.

The DemNazi Media can't run and hide from Biden Failure Inc. so they would rather talk about Biden's Owner and Master Pooty Poot Putin.
Look, dude.

I don't believe either of them and there is no need for your kindergarten insults.

Biden told us Russia would invade yesterday, so there is that. Did you believe that when Biden told you so? Russia said it was false. Turns out Biden was either wrong or lying to you. So there is that.

Events are fluid. Here's the latest update....

I realize the original poster is simply a Trumpeteer, but how anyone could think a land war in eastern europe is good for poll numbers is beyond me. At least in Kosovo we had images of the US setting up refugee camps, and there was no doubt that the destruction we visited upon civilians was an effort to prevent genocide .... but still. I'm pretty sure Slick was dragged kicking and screaming into that one because Nato couldn't do the 'air war.'

If you think the inflation we have now is bad .... it's gonna get worse. But this is probably the moment when europe decides whether an imperialist russia is worth stopping even with econ pain.
It's one form of stupidity to tell everyone your intel on the enemy - "A invasion in imminent." It's another to reveal how bad your intelligence is. Then it was "An invasion this week." Leaked intel reveals "an invasion on Wednesday". And now back to "an invasion in imminent".

Bunch of clowns in this administration.
It's one form of stupidity to tell everyone your intel on the enemy - "A invasion in imminent." It's another to reveal how bad your intelligence is. Then it was "An invasion this week." Leaked intel reveals "an invasion on Wednesday". And now back to "an invasion in imminent".

Bunch of clowns in this administration.
What makes you think it was bad?

Because Russians didn't invade on the day America said they would well in advance?
Kindergarden are your ridiculous, baseless assertions, just because you happen to have a partisan axe to grind. Sure seems like all that chest-beating-patriot pretense ends the second our Commander in Chief is from opposition party.

You may not firmly belive what Biden's administration is saying about Russians not withdrawing troops, but at the same time you have no evidence that it isn't so and is it really too much of an ask for you to give your American president just a drop of good faith over someone like Putin? Come on.

Get the evidence that it's Americans and our allies that are lying about Russian deployments, then run your mouth.
I don't have to provide evidence. The warmongers need to provide the evidence before getting us into war.

Here's how the Biden Admin provides "evidence."

When asked to provide proof, State Department's Ned Price says that he just gave us the proof by saying some things are true...

They have done this to us before. The gullible masses eat it up.
I don't have to provide evidence. The warmongers need to provide the evidence before getting us into war.

Here's how the Biden Admin provides "evidence."

When asked to provide proof, State Department's Ned Price says that he just gave us the proof by saying some things are true...

They have done this to us before. The gullible masses eat it up.

A State Department spokesperson offers his verbal announcement as proof of declassified information to the press. Everywhere you look in this administration you find idiots.

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