Biden is going to wag the dog and go to war with Russia because his net approval is down 30 points in a year?

Will Commander in Chief Potatohead send women in pig tails quoting Lana Del Rey about failing to fight the Russians?

LOL! "Um, if you fail in combat, I'm pretty sure you DO fail forever"

Let’s not forget what Obama said about joe. “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.

Most likely Joe will send our troops to the Ukraine where they will get their asses kicked. He will send too few and the Russians will roll right over them or they will have no air support. Then Joe will send in even more troops and we will be in the start of WWIII. China will invade Taiwan and Iran will nuke Israel.

Joe has a reverse Midas touch. Everything King Midas touched turned to gold. Everything Joe Biden touches turns to shit.
Try to remember.....
Joe Biden is in control of NOTHING....not even his bladder.
EVERY shot is being called by EuroFags, George Soros, warren buffet, Bill Gates and a host of other power mongering Godless heathens.
Biden probably can't wipe his own ass.

We are allowing a transition from Democracy to Plutocracy.
Try to remember.....
Joe Biden is in control of NOTHING....not even his bladder.
EVERY shot is being called by EuroFags, George Soros, warren buffet, Bill Gates and a host of other power mongering Godless heathens.
Biden probably can't wipe his own ass.

We are allowing a transition from Democracy to Plutocracy.
That's a shitty thing to say!
What the hell is wrong with you idiots that voted for this clown Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election?

How could anybody be that fucking stupid? were just talking about Biden "sending in pig tails" fantasies... now it's stolen election?

You sound like total congnitive mess.
Let's do what the Trump cult Russian assets here hate the most, and talk about reality.

Russia doesn't have the forces to take over Eastern Ukraine. That would require hundreds of thousands, and they've only positioned tens of thousands. They don't have the supply infrastructure in place. They don't have the forces to occupy what would be very hostile territory. Putin isn't an absolute dictator, and the body bags a war would send back to Russia would bring him down. The absolute total and crippling sanctions that the whole world would impose on Russia would also bring him down.

He's bluffing. Putin wants his devoted legions of Republican surrender-monkeys to hand him Ukraine. That's what this thread is about, Trump cultists following Putin's orders.
Let's do what the Trump cult Russian assets here hate the most, and talk about reality.

Russia doesn't have the forces to take over Eastern Ukraine. That would require hundreds of thousands, and they've only positioned tens of thousands. They don't have the supply infrastructure in place. They don't have the forces to occupy what would be very hostile territory. Putin isn't an absolute dictator, and the body bags a war would send back to Russia would bring him down. The absolute total and crippling sanctions that the whole world would impose on Russia would also bring him down.

He's bluffing. Putin wants his devoted legions of Republican surrender-monkeys to hand him Ukraine. That's what this thread is about, Trump cultists following Putin's orders.
Putin may simply use the ethnic russians in donbas and crimea to cause terror attacks that his security service and Trump mouthpieces will blame on ukranians.

But my guess is you're right. The one thing Putin cannot afford is to see the ukranians blow up some tanks and kill and maim some russians. That's not good for propaganda .... as afghan showed. And the more blood shed, the worse would be the sanctions. I think he viewed both Germany and the US as being in weak positions, plus the Brexit campaign worked, and he thought this a good time to gain concessions from Nato about troops on his borders. Now he's looking for an end that doesn't show him as "weak." were just talking about Biden "sending in pig tails" fantasies... now it's stolen election?

You sound like total congnitive mess.

That shithead that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats voted for has fucked up this country big time including the military with all this weak woke bullshit. Our military is weak now. We saw that by the major fucks up in Afghanistan and the purging of the military of Patriots.

Potatohead is the Commander in Chief of the Army that put out that stupid woke ad of a blond with pig tails to join the Army quoting Lana Del Rey. Her other famous quote is "my pussy smells like Pepsi".

What the hell is wrong with you Moon Bat dipshits to defend the worst President this country ever had? Are you stupid or what?
That shithead that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats voted for has fucked up this country big time including the military with all this weak woke bullshit. Our military is weak now. We saw that by the major fucks up in Afghanistan and the purging of the military of Patriots.

Potatohead is the Commander in Chief of the Army that put out that stupid woke ad of a blond with pig tails to join the Army quoting Lana Del Rey. Her other famous quote is "my pussy smells like Pepsi".

What the hell is wrong with you Moon Bat dipshits to defend the worst President this country ever had? Are you stupid or what?
Not that Biden was ever great shakes, but he followed Trump's plan in Afghan.
Whatever happens, you'll be displeased because he's not your Orange God
Phrases like that, demonizing ANYONE who opposes your Marxist agenda only work because.........

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.

If conservatives had a spine you wouldn't be able to do that so freely. Count your blessing they are exactly like that.
Phrases like that, demonizing ANYONE who opposes your Marxist agenda only work because.........

If conservatives had a spine you wouldn't be able to do that so freely. Count your blessing they are exactly like that.
I think Angus is "one with Trump." But fuck you.
Not that Biden was ever great shakes, but he followed Trump's plan in Afghan.

No Moon Bat you are confused. Typical Moon Bat stupidity and ignorance.

Trump would have removed the troops in a competent manner. This Potatohead fucked it up big time.

If you are the only person left in this country that is confused about how Potatohead fucked it up I will be glad to educate you with references and even pictures.

Stop trying to defened the peice of shit. That just makes you look like like an idiot.
That shithead that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats voted for has fucked up this country big time including the military with all this weak woke bullshit. Our military is weak now.
You are saying Biden weakened our millitary by letting women serve in the millitary?

Are you sure about that dummy? :cuckoo:
You are saying Biden weakened our millitary by letting women serve in the millitary?

Are you sure about that dummy? :cuckoo:

Are you saying that blond in pig tails is going to stop the Russians? LOL! That is the type Pototahead's Army ad is trying to recruit. That is stupid.
Half the Conservatives are saying that Biden is a wimp if he doesn't send U.S. troops to defend Ukraine, the other half is saying that Biden is a war monger for defending Ukraine.


Conservatives - go have a pow wow and figure out which it is. You can't have it both ways.

Oh, I forgot. Conservative cognitive Dissonance will rule the day....


Actually, what we’re saying is the reason Putin knows he can invade Ukraine is because International Failure *Joe is a weak leftist. Leftism by nature is weakness.
Are you saying that blond in pig tails is going to stop the Russians?
Moron, you've said that Biden fucked up the millitary.

I'm asking you HOW, since women have been serving well before Biden administration, and you've yet to provide a coherent answer,

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