Biden is President Elect -- Trump is a Loser --

The media doesn't decide election results. This is going to get ugly after the legal process can begin while the evidence gathers.
Man are you going to be surprised when you find no evidence. An Orange Man yelling 'fire' 24/7 via Twitter doesn't mean there is a fire. I mean, I don't expect any less from a sore loser like Trump or his Deplorable followers.

Where is the concession then, dummy?

Huh??? Trump could have been trounced in all states similar to Ronnie Raygun's second term and the crybaby wouldn't concede. You can't file Chapter 11 over the presidency and try and come out roses on the other side.

When has President Trump conceded this result?
The media doesn't decide election results. This is going to get ugly after the legal process can begin while the evidence gathers.
Man are you going to be surprised when you find no evidence. An Orange Man yelling 'fire' 24/7 via Twitter doesn't mean there is a fire. I mean, I don't expect any less from a sore loser like Trump or his Deplorable followers.

Where is the concession then, dummy?

Huh??? Trump could have been trounced in all states similar to Ronnie Raygun's second term and the crybaby wouldn't concede. You can't file Chapter 11 over the presidency and try and come out roses on the other side.

When has President Trump conceded this result?
You missed my point. I don't expect him to. Even when the USSC (even if it gets that far) decides against him, he won't accept the result. Even when they put a straight jacket on him and take him to the asylum he'll be dribbling and foaming at the mouth how the election was stolen. He's that kind of guy.

Not all bad though. Repubs have the Senate. Going to be a lame duck presidency.
The media doesn't decide election results. This is going to get ugly after the legal process can begin while the evidence gathers.
Man are you going to be surprised when you find no evidence. An Orange Man yelling 'fire' 24/7 via Twitter doesn't mean there is a fire. I mean, I don't expect any less from a sore loser like Trump or his Deplorable followers.

Where is the concession then, dummy?

Huh??? Trump could have been trounced in all states similar to Ronnie Raygun's second term and the crybaby wouldn't concede. You can't file Chapter 11 over the presidency and try and come out roses on the other side.

When has President Trump conceded this result?
You missed my point. I don't expect him to. Even when the USSC (even if it gets that far) decides against him, he won't accept the result. Even when they put a straight jacket on him and take him to the asylum he'll be dribbling and foaming at the mouth how the election was stolen. He's that kind of guy.

Not all bad though. Repubs have the Senate. Going to be a lame duck presidency.

Oh it'll get that far. Hence why the evidence is gathering right now while President Trump doesn't concede. How will your reaction be if he wins his case?
CNN just had Kasich talk for 10 minutes about how Biden is great, then ended the interview as soon as he started to talk about cutting taxes..."if you're gonna cut taxes for the rich, you should cut them for the poor", at this point they cut him off

yeah...CNN SUCKS!

Who remembers when the media tried to call this result early?
finally, we have a president who is actually loyal to the United States!
Less freedom now. Tyranny will expand. The surveillance state to become even more intrusive. More people destroyed as the Soviet style living becomes part of us all. Our political class has sold us out. And our voters deserve it if it comes to pass.
Oh it'll get that far. Hence why the evidence is gathering right now while President Trump doesn't concede. How will your reaction be if he wins his case?

He won't. What? You think the Dems are the only ones dancing in the street? The GoP as an organisation, are over the moon this guy is gone. Now maybe they'll get their party back. At worst, the USSC will get recounts happening if a state doesn't want it to happen. All they'll find is the results to be the same.
One and done. Soon on the run.

Don't cry for Weeping Don. His phony emergency declaration - to bypass Congress and sell arms to Saudi Arabia - no doubt comes with a 9-figure commission down the road.
I’m sure you were upset about that challenge to Iran’s power in the region. Maybe Biden can send another 100 billion Iran’s way?
Hey anti-war democrats... can we place bets as to what country in the Middle East Biden will get involved with first? What leader is he going to attempt to topple and cause a shit storm?

They're going to need the money. Trump is trashing the brand for Junior, Lurch and His Lordship.
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Let's remember that the media cannot decide election results.

And neither does a tin pot wannabe dictator. The Voters have spoken.

The media doesn't finalize election results, sport.

When it becomes mathematically impossible for one side to win over the other, it's time for one side to concede. But not in this case. Now it's time to tear it down to the ground. But we expected that to happen. Fire up the cuffs and tazer.
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Let's remember that the media cannot decide election results.

And neither does a tin pot wannabe dictator. The Voters have spoken.

The media doesn't finalize election results, sport.

When it becomes mathematically impossible for one side to win over the other, it's time for one side to concede. But not in this case. Now it's time to tear it down to the ground. But we expected that to happen. Fire up the cuffs and tazer.

Your baseless math wont match up until the legal votes are counted.
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Let's remember that the media cannot decide election results.

And neither does a tin pot wannabe dictator. The Voters have spoken.

The media doesn't finalize election results, sport.

When it becomes mathematically impossible for one side to win over the other, it's time for one side to concede. But not in this case. Now it's time to tear it down to the ground. But we expected that to happen. Fire up the cuffs and tazer.

Your baseless math wont match up until the legal votes are counted.
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Let's remember that the media cannot decide election results.

And neither does a tin pot wannabe dictator. The Voters have spoken.

The media doesn't finalize election results, sport.

When it becomes mathematically impossible for one side to win over the other, it's time for one side to concede. But not in this case. Now it's time to tear it down to the ground. But we expected that to happen. Fire up the cuffs and tazer.

Your baseless math wont match up until the legal votes are counted.

Do you still think Al Gore won, sport?

Pennsylvania given to Biden Who is at 273 Electoral Votes now! Trump is Toast and done.

No damn link in print yet but Fox, MSNBC, CNN, et al have broadcast that Biden now is the President Elect!
And we the american people are all losers. We've lost our nation, our heritage and our future. And it was sold off for peanuts. America has become yet another once great nation that failed from internal weakness and stupidity and now we're just another lesson of history that tells where the perils are, what not to do and how not to be.
Pennsylvania given to Biden Who is at 273 Electoral Votes now! Trump is Toast and done.

No damn link in print yet but Fox, MSNBC, CNN, et al have broadcast that Biden now is the President Elect!
And we the american people are all losers. We've lost our nation, our heritage and our future. And it was sold off for peanuts. America has become yet another once great nation that failed from internal weakness and stupidity and now we're just another lesson of history that tells where the perils are, what not to do and how not to be.
And we the american people are all losers. We've lost our nation, our heritage and our future. And it was sold off for peanuts. America has become yet another once great nation that failed from internal weakness and stupidity and now we're just another lesson of history that tells where the perils are, what not to do and how not to be.
Fucking Drama Queen! Our Nation is in the process of being reclaimed FROM the Orange Clown who was striping this Nation of what made it great. That Piece of Shit may Pardon himself, but he can't dodge the crimes he committed in individual States like New York. And his Secret Service detail will keep his location pin pointed. He will pay for some of his crimes and we will get some modicum of payback on his ugly fat ass!

The American people will have the full satisfaction of getting rid of that fat bastard for good, and his sycophants will start from this point to creep under the floorboards!
Pennsylvania given to Biden Who is at 273 Electoral Votes now! Trump is Toast and done.

No damn link in print yet but Fox, MSNBC, CNN, et al have broadcast that Biden now is the President Elect!
And we the american people are all losers. We've lost our nation, our heritage and our future. And it was sold off for peanuts. America has become yet another once great nation that failed from internal weakness and stupidity and now we're just another lesson of history that tells where the perils are, what not to do and how not to be.
And we the american people are all losers. We've lost our nation, our heritage and our future. And it was sold off for peanuts. America has become yet another once great nation that failed from internal weakness and stupidity and now we're just another lesson of history that tells where the perils are, what not to do and how not to be.
Fucking Drama Queen! Our Nation is in the process of being reclaimed FROM the Orange Clown who was striping this Nation of what made it great. That Piece of Shit may Pardon himself, but he can't dodge the crimes he committed in individual States like New York. And his Secret Service detail will keep his location pin pointed. He will pay for some of his crimes and we will get some modicum of payback on his ugly fat ass!

The American people will have the full satisfaction of getting rid of that fat bastard for good, and his sycophants will start from this point to creep under the floorboards!
You are a fucking ignorant asshole with pure shit for brains. You haven't a damn thing invested in this nation you have no sense of accomplishment and no pride you haven't been anywhere or done anything worthwhile. You are nothing more than a typical parasite that stupid enough to kill off your host and before you wise up and learn better it'll be too damn late.
Pennsylvania given to Biden Who is at 273 Electoral Votes now! Trump is Toast and done.

No damn link in print yet but Fox, MSNBC, CNN, et al have broadcast that Biden now is the President Elect!
And we the american people are all losers. We've lost our nation, our heritage and our future. And it was sold off for peanuts. America has become yet another once great nation that failed from internal weakness and stupidity and now we're just another lesson of history that tells where the perils are, what not to do and how not to be.
And we the american people are all losers. We've lost our nation, our heritage and our future. And it was sold off for peanuts. America has become yet another once great nation that failed from internal weakness and stupidity and now we're just another lesson of history that tells where the perils are, what not to do and how not to be.
Fucking Drama Queen! Our Nation is in the process of being reclaimed FROM the Orange Clown who was striping this Nation of what made it great. That Piece of Shit may Pardon himself, but he can't dodge the crimes he committed in individual States like New York. And his Secret Service detail will keep his location pin pointed. He will pay for some of his crimes and we will get some modicum of payback on his ugly fat ass!

The American people will have the full satisfaction of getting rid of that fat bastard for good, and his sycophants will start from this point to creep under the floorboards!
You are a fucking ignorant asshole with pure shit for brains. You haven't a damn thing invested in this nation you have no sense of accomplishment and no pride you haven't been anywhere or done anything worthwhile. You are nothing more than a typical parasite that stupid enough to kill off your host and before you wise up and learn better it'll be too damn late.
You are a fucking ignorant asshole with pure shit for brains. You haven't a damn thing invested in this nation you have no sense of accomplishment and no pride you haven't been anywhere or done anything worthwhile. You are nothing more than a typical parasite that stupid enough to kill off your host and before you wise up and learn better it'll be too damn late.
I haven't invested ANYTHING in this Nation? I enlisted in the Navy in 1964. After my specialty training, I went aboard a destroyer for 36 months,15 of which was was spent on two deployments to Vietnam. When I separated from the Nav, I joined the Navy Reserves and served in it for seven years. My civilian employment was involved in service to the Nation as I worked for the Army for three years at a major maintenance depot and then was offered a much better position at a major Naval Communications Station where I spent 10 years before I moved on to college to get degreed up to work in semiconductor's, retiring in 2004.

Now what was your dumb ass saying about not having anything invested in this country? Oh, one other thing...I'm 100% permanently disabled and housebound by the VA's reckoning owing to my service in 'Nam you ignorant mother fucker! Enjoy that crow and remember to chew thoroughly you ignorant fuck!

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